17.1963, Calls: Phonology/Germany;East Asian Ling/Canada

Thu Jul 6 02:06:00 UTC 2006

LINGUIST List: Vol-17-1963. Wed Jul 05 2006. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 17.1963, Calls: Phonology/Germany;East Asian Ling/Canada

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews (reviews at linguistlist.org) 
        Laura Welcher, Rosetta Project / Long Now Foundation  

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Date: 04-Jul-2006
From: Baris Kabak < Baris.Kabak at uni-konstanz.de >
Subject: Prosodic Domains: Universals and Deviations 

Date: 04-Jul-2006
From: Manami Hirayama < manami.hirayama at utoronto.ca >
Subject: International Conference on East Asian Linguistics 

-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Wed, 05 Jul 2006 22:03:14
From: Baris Kabak < Baris.Kabak at uni-konstanz.de >
Subject: Prosodic Domains: Universals and Deviations 

Full Title: Prosodic Domains: Universals and Deviations 

Date: 28-Jan-2007 - 02-Feb-2007
Location: Siegen, Germany 
Contact Person: Baris Kabak
Meeting Email: Baris.Kabak at uni-konstanz.de
Web Site: http://ling.uni-konstanz.de/pages/home/dgfs2007/index.htm 

Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics; Morphology; Phonology; Typology 

Call Deadline: 01-Aug-2006 

Meeting Description:

This workshop, co-organized by Janet Grijzenhout and Baris Kabak
(University of Konstanz), will investigate the nature of
morphosyntax-phonology mapping and the principles that govern the
prosodization of morphological elements, with special attention to
cross-linguistic variation. It will take place at the University of Siegen,
Germany as part of the 29th Annual Meeting of the German Linguistics
Society (DGfS). 

Phonology Workshop (Arbeitsgruppe 12) at the 
29th Annual Meeting of the German Linguistics Society (DGfS)
University of Siegen, Germany
February 28th - March 2nd, 2007
Janet Grijzenhout
Baris Kabak
(University of Konstanz)
Keynote speakers:
Workshop description:

Systematic phonological alternations often seem to be bound to a particular
phonological domain. The theory of Prosodic Phonology (e.g. Selkirk 1980,
1986; Nespor & Vogel 1986; Hayes 1989) holds that speech is hierarchically
organized into constituents that are not necessarily isomorphic to
syntactic constituents. Previous literature has largely dealt with how
morphological elements can be organized into the prosodic structure. It has
been reported that within individual languages as well as
cross-linguistically, there can be systematic differences in the
prosodization of function words. For instance, Selkirk (1984) states that
the principles of syntax-phonology mapping are blind to the presence of
functional categories. Closer examination reveals that not only function
words, but also various other morphological elements - e.g. suffixes and
clitics - may vary with respect to the way they are prosodized. Moreover,
within one syntactic category, elements may belong to different prosodic
categories (e.g. the German preposition statt 'instead of' seems to
function as a prosodic word, whereas in 'in' does not form a prosodic word
of its own). Furthermore, morphological elements may behave as part of a
prosodic domain x with respect to a (set of) phonological process(es) while
they may seem to belong to another domain in the context of other processes
(e.g., Turkish instrumental suffix -lA, which undergoes vowel harmony but
fails to receive word-level right-most default stress). Also, the rules
posited for morphology-phonology mapping seem to be based on circular
logic: a syntactic category may determine the onset of a particular
prosodic domain in which, for example, stress assignment takes place, but
at the same time presence or absence of primary stress suggests the
inclusion or exclusion of a particular element from that very same domain.
Apart from various issues concerning phrasing algorithms and
syntax-phonology mapping, the precise nature of the prosodic hierarchy and
its various components have also been controversial. While, for instance,
several researchers questioned the necessity of the Clitic Group (e.g., Zec
1988; Booij 1988; Peperkamp 1997), others argue that the theory predicts
even less structure than is attested across the languages of the world
(e.g., recent work by Balthasar Bickel and colleagues at the University of

In this workshop, we are specifically interested in the nature of the
morphosyntax-phonology mapping and the principles that govern the
prosodization of morphological elements, with special attention to
cross-linguistic variation. In this respect, the following issues will be
addressed: (i) how much of mapping rules is given by universal grammar
versus language-specific principles?, (ii) do morphological elements bear
any (lexical) information with respect to their morphophonological
categorization (cf. Inkelas 1989) and how should that information be
represented?, (iii) is there a set of universal prosodic domains and are
all of the domains suggested in the literature necessary?

We invite linguists who work on prosodic phonology and
phonology-morphosyntax interface from all perspectives and methodologies
including those working in the fields of typology, historical linguistics,
psycholinguistics, and language modeling. General theoretical discussions
and analyses of language-specific issues are equally welcome.

Talks will be 20 minutes each, with 10 minutes of discussion.
Abstract submission procedure: 
Please send an anonymous abstract of max. 500 words, as a text file or Word
file, to prosodicdomains at uni-konstanz.de (or to any of the e-mail addresses
given below).
Workshop webpage: http://ling.uni-konstanz.de/pages/home/dgfs2007/index.htm
Deadline for submitting abstracts: August 1st, 2006
Notification of acceptance will be sent by email after September 15th, 2006.
For further enquiries please contact:
Janet Grijzenhout or Baris Kabak 
Department of Linguistics
University of Konstanz
Fach D180
78457 Konstanz, Germany
Janet.Grijzenhout at uni-konstanz.de
Baris.Kabak at uni-konstanz.de

-------------------------Message 2 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Wed, 05 Jul 2006 22:03:19
From: Manami Hirayama < manami.hirayama at utoronto.ca >
Subject: International Conference on East Asian Linguistics 


Full Title: International Conference on East Asian Linguistics 
Short Title: ICEAL 

Date: 10-Nov-2006 - 12-Nov-2006
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada 
Contact Person: Yoonjung Kang
Meeting Email: iceal at chass.utoronto.ca
Web Site: http://www.chass.utoronto.ca/iceal 

Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics 

Subject Language(s): Chinese, Mandarin (cmn)
                     Japanese (jpn)
                     Korean (kor)

Call Deadline: 15-Jul-2006 

Meeting Description:

The Department of Linguistics at the University of Toronto is pleased to
invite abstracts for submission to the International Conference on East
Asian Linguistics to be held at the University of Toronto, November 10-12,
2006. Abstracts are invited for 20 minute presentations (plus 10 minutes
for discussion, for a total of 30 minutes) on all aspects of formal
linguistics of Chinese, Korean, and/or Japanese. In additional to regular
conference sessions, there will be a special session on loanwords. There
will be an award of a modest sum for the best student abstract. 

Invited Speakers: 
	Keynote speakers: 
		San Duanmu (University of Michigan) 
Chung-hye Han (Simon Fraser University)
		C.-T. James Huang (Harvard University)
		Michael Kenstowicz (MIT)
		Mamoru Saito (Nanzan University)
Jen Smith (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)
		John Whitman (Cornell University)
Student speaker:
		Shigeto Kawahara (University of Massachusetts, Amherst) 

Abstracts are not to exceed one page in letter-size (8.5'' x 11'') paper
with 1'' margins on all sides and 12pt font size, with an optional
additional page for data and references. The abstract should have a clear
title but should not identify the author(s). The abstract must be sent to
iceal at chass.utoronto.ca in .pdf format. The name of the .pdf file should be
the last name of the (first) author (e.g., Johnson.pdf, not abstract.pdf).
Authors may submit a maximum of two abstracts - one as sole author and one
as a co-author.

Please include the following information in the body of the email:

1.        title of paper
2.        language(s) to be discussed (Chinese, Japanese, and/or Korean)
3.        area of linguistics (e.g., syntax, phonology?)
4.        name of the author(s)
5.        affiliation
6.        e-mail address
7.        student (yes/no)

Submission deadline: July 15, 2006
Notification of acceptance: September 1, 2006

Additional information for the conference will be made available at the
conference website, http://www.chass.utoronto.ca/iceal.

LINGUIST List: Vol-17-1963	


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