17.2086, Calls: Pragmatics/Sweden; General Ling/USA
Tue Jul 18 14:53:42 UTC 2006
LINGUIST List: Vol-17-2086. Tue Jul 18 2006. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 17.2086, Calls: Pragmatics/Sweden; General Ling/USA
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews (reviews at linguistlist.org)
Laura Welcher, Rosetta Project / Long Now Foundation
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Editor for this issue: Dan Parker <dan at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 17-Jul-2006
From: Nino Amiridze < Nino.Amiridze at let.uu.nl >
Subject: 10th International Pragmatics Conference
Date: 17-Jul-2006
From: Douglas Simms < dsimms at siue.edu >
Subject: Mid-American Linguistics Conference
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2006 10:44:54
From: Nino Amiridze < Nino.Amiridze at let.uu.nl >
Subject: 10th International Pragmatics Conference
Full Title: 10th International Pragmatics Conference
Date: 08-Jul-2007 - 13-Jul-2007
Location: Göteborg, Sweden
Contact Person: Ann Verhaert
Meeting Email: ann.verhaert at ipra.be
Web Site: http://ipra.ua.ac.be/main.aspx?c=*CONFERENCE2006&n=1295
Linguistic Field(s): Computational Linguistics; Pragmatics; Text/Corpus Linguistics
Call Deadline: 04-Sep-2006
Meeting Description:
Special Theme: Language data, corpora, and computational pragmatics
The conference is open to all other pragmatics-related topics as well (where
pragmatics is conceived broadly as a cognitive, social, and cultural perspective
on language and communication).
Panels on a wide range of topics are already being prepared. A tentative list
(with provisional titles) includes: Arguing from large corpora (Igor Zagar),
Comparative studies of professional and institutional activities (Per Linell),
Computational pragmatics (Robin Cooper), Contrastive pragmatics (Karin Aijmer),
Conversation analysis (John Heritage), Corpus-based multilingual approach to
youngspeak (Anna-Brita Stenström), Corpus-based pragmatics (Jens Allwood),
Corpus orales del español/Spanish oral corpora (Antonio Briz), Corpus work on
argumentation (Jean Goodwin), Gender and discourse analysis (Susan Ehrlich, Ruth
Wodak), Intention, common ground, and the egocentric speaker-hearer (István
Kecskés, Jacob Mey), Language and gender in Japan (Miyako Inoue), Methods in
pragmatics (Jan-Ola Östman), Multimodality (Theo van Leeuwen), Multimodal text
analysis - a corpus-based approach (Yueguo Gu), Pragmatics and communication
disorders (Elisabeth Ahlsén), Pragmatics of English lingua franca (Juliane
House, István Kecskés), Reference (Thorstein Fretheim), Speech acts and/or
dynamic semantics (Mitchell Green), Text mining (Walter Daelemans).
Plenary lecturers will include (with tentative indication of topic area):
Douglas Biber (Flagstaff, Arizona; pragmatics and corpora)
Bill Hanks (Berkeley; Maya discourse genres and missionization)
Susan Herring (Bloomington; computer-mediated communication)
Jan-Ola Östman (Helsinki; addressing Nordic language issues)
Udaya Sing (Mysore; endangered languages)
Yorick Wilks (Sheffield; computational pragmatics)
One more plenary to be announced soon.
Conference Chairs: Karin Aijmer & Jens Allwood (Univ. of Göteborg)
Local Site Committee: The other members of the Local Site Committee are:
Elisabeth Ahlsén (Univ. of Göteborg), Robin Cooper (Univ. of Göteborg), Per
Linell (Univ. of Linköping), Thorstein Fretheim (Univ. of Trondheim), Anna-Brita
Stenström (Univ. of Bergen), Jan-Ola Östman (Univ. of Helsinki)
International Conference Committee: In addition to the members of the Local Site
Committee, the International Conference Committee includes: Keiko AbeE (Tokyo),
Charles Antaki (Loughborough), Josie Bernicot (Poitiers), Rukmini Bhaya Nair
(New Delhi), Adriana Bolívar (Caracas), Walter De Mulder (Antwerp), Helmut
Gruber (Vienna), Yueguo Gu (Beijing), Auli Hakulinen (Helsinki), Krisadawan
Hongladarom (Bangkok), Alexandra Jaffe (Long Beach), Sophia Marmaridou (Athens),
Luisa Martín Rojo (Madrid), Bonnie McElhinny (Toronto), Jacob Mey (Odense),
Marina Sbisá (Trieste), Jef Verschuren (Antwerp; ex officio as IPrA Secretary
Call for Participation
Fillers in Grammar and Discourse
Panel Proposed at the 10th International Pragmatics Conference
8-13 July 2007, Göteborg, Sweden
We would like to invite researchers interested in the role of fillers in grammar
and discourse to submit abstracts for participation in a panel proposed for the
10th International Pragmatics Conference. Contributions studying various types
of fillers, their morphophonology, morphosyntax, pragmatics and/or diachronic
development in a particular language or across a sample of languages are
welcome. We would also be interested to have contributions from psycholinguists
working on fillers in language acquisition and from neurolinguists who are
interested in the use of repair strategies in lexical access failure.
If you are interested, please send one page abstract (with an optional
additional page for data and references) by September 4, 2006 to
Nino.Amiridze at let.uu.nl
You will be informed on acceptance/rejection in the beginning of
October, 2006.
Nino Amiridze, Utrecht University (The Netherlands)
Hiroaki Kitano, Aichi University of Education (Japan)
-------------------------Message 2 ----------------------------------
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2006 10:44:59
From: Douglas Simms < dsimms at siue.edu >
Subject: Mid-American Linguistics Conference
Full Title: Mid-American Linguistics Conference
Short Title: MALC
Date: 27-Oct-2006 - 28-Oct-2006
Location: Edwardsville, IL, USA
Contact Person: Larry Lafond
Meeting Email: llafond at siue.edu
Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics
Call Deadline: 21-Aug-2006
Meeting Description:
October 27-28, 2006
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville invite submission of abstracts for the
2006 Mid-America Linguistics Conference
October 27-28, 2006
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville invite submission of abstracts for the
2006 Mid-America Linguistics Conference.
We will continue the tradition of accepting papers on all linguistic topics.
Linguists in all areas of specialization are encouraged to submit abstracts.
This year's meeting will feature special interest sessions on Language
Acquisition and Morpho-Syntax. There will also be a forum dedicated to graduate
Plenary Speaker: Silvina Montrul, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
The conference will be in Morris University Center on the campus of Southern
Illinois University Edwardsville. Edwardsville is located at the junctions of
I-270 and Illinois state highway 157 about 25 miles east of downtown St. Louis, MO.
Guidelines for Submissions of Papers:
Contributed papers will be allowed a maximum of 20 minutes for presentation.
Published proceedings of the conference will be available if there is sufficient
demand; ordering information will be provided in September. Instructions for the
preparation of manuscripts will be sent along with notification of acceptance.
Please submit one-page abstracts no later than August 21, 2006
Submissions must be by e-mail as a PDF attachment. Submissions may also be faxed
(618-650-3509) to either: Larry LaFond, llafond at siue.edu or Seran Aktuna,
saktuna at siue.edu
Requests for additional information about program content may be sent to:
Ron Schaefer, Department of English, SIUE, Edwardsville, IL 62026-1431
Telephone: (618) 650-2060; or E-mail: rschaef at siue.edu
For registration information contact: Conferences and Institutes at (618) 650-2660.
Audio-visual equipment will be available as required and requested.
LINGUIST List: Vol-17-2086
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