17.2197, Diss: Discourse Analysis/Socioling/Text&Corpus Ling: Luedtke: 'Glob...'
Mon Jul 31 17:33:58 UTC 2006
LINGUIST List: Vol-17-2197. Mon Jul 31 2006. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 17.2197, Diss: Discourse Analysis/Socioling/Text&Corpus Ling: Luedtke: 'Glob...'
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Date: 30-Jul-2006
From: Solveig Luedtke < solveigluedtke at hotmail.com >
Subject: Globalization and Localization of Rap Music by the Example of American and German Rap Texts
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2006 13:29:57
From: Solveig Luedtke < solveigluedtke at hotmail.com >
Subject: Globalization and Localization of Rap Music by the Example of American and German Rap Texts
Institution: Hannover University
Program: English Linguistics
Dissertation Status: Completed
Degree Date: 2006
Author: Solveig Luedtke
Dissertation Title: Globalization and Localization of Rap Music by the Example
of American and German Rap Texts
Linguistic Field(s): Discourse Analysis
Text/Corpus Linguistics
Subject Language(s): English (eng)
German, Standard (deu)
Dissertation Director(s):
Jannis K. Androutsopoulos
Peter Schlobinski
Dissertation Abstract:
Based on the systematic textual and discursive analysis of numerous
American and German rap songs, the study shows how linguistic features such
as the use of varieties, semantic fields, narrative structures and forms of
conversation function within rap music lyrics of different communities of
Ch.1-3: Connect views of cultural theories on globalization with empirical
linguistics and music theoretical knowledge. Processes of cultural
globalization and localization of popular music are considered, as well as
the importance of the local in rap. The appropriation of the genre in
Germany is seen as a cultural encounter caused by globalization in which
deterritorialized identities and solidarities are constituted. Local
adaption processes of global circulating popcultural genres are
characterized by ambivalences and hybridities as a consequence of global
and local alliances. Rap texts are influenced by oral speech culture and
African American verbal and cultural traditions. Important concepts of hip
hop's culture and language ideology are introduced. The part conludes with
an overview about current knowledge in the field.
Ch.4: Provides the theoretical grounding and developes a frame work for the
contrastive linguistic analysis of about 225 US-American and German rap
songs. Starting with an overview about the data and criteria, the
description continues with different linguistic research methods which are
connected to an analyzing model, consisting of eight categories. They form
the basis for the empirical analysis and are interrelated.
Ch.5-12: The empirical part of the study, beginning with genre typical
rhyme structures. Ch.5 illustrates the connection between rhyme, lexicon
and style and discusses the function of language crossing and stylistic
mixing in the context of rhythmic demand and rhyme forces. In Ch.6, the
occurrence and frequency of the use of AAVE in rap texts and of colloquial
as well as of regional speech and dialectal traces in the German data are
discussed. The phonological, grammatical and lexical influence of AAVE on
rap's lingo is examined. Ch.7 consideres specific semantic fields which
form the basis for the performance of different roles in rap. The common
occurrence of technical and evaluative expressions in both languages
demonstrates the globally accepted reference system of rap and hip hop
culture. Ch.8 deals with the identification and linguistic realization of
genre typical metaphor domains and is based on cognitive metaphor theory.
Metaphorical expressions of varying sources can co-occur, and numerous
conceptual metaphors from the American data appear in the German data in a
very similar fashion. In Ch.9, characteristic genre roles and self
performances of rappers are examined by taking into consideration features
of variational analysis and the use of certain themes and lexical means,
social categorizations and discourse strategies. Specific role images are
exclusively occurring within the American data or are taken up only
partially by German rappers. Ch.10 shows the wide spectrum of terms for
persons, groups and types to categorize the self and the other. In Ch. 11,
rhetorical devices, discourse markers, greeting formulas and other verbal
routines in rap are examined. Ch.12 discusses gender specific differences
in the frequency and use of certain speech act patterns, such as
directives, compliments, interruptions and silencing devices.
Ch.13: Views the results of the previous part against the background
of globalization and localization processes. The adaption of globally
available linguistic resources and their integration into local cultural
frames reveals some of the ambiguities of deterritorialized identity
LINGUIST List: Vol-17-2197
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