17.1664, Qs: 'Give Fear' ('Frighten')-type Expressions
Thu Jun 1 18:45:42 UTC 2006
LINGUIST List: Vol-17-1664. Thu Jun 01 2006. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 17.1664, Qs: 'Give Fear' ('Frighten')-type Expressions
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Date: 28-May-2006
From: Josep Alba-Salas < jalba at holycross.edu >
Subject: 'Give Fear' ('Frighten')-type Expressions
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Thu, 01 Jun 2006 14:44:29
From: Josep Alba-Salas < jalba at holycross.edu >
Subject: 'Give Fear' ('Frighten')-type Expressions
I am studying certain Spanish expressions formed with the verb dar 'give'
plus a noun designating a psychological state or condition, as in (1).
Their typical use is illustrated in (2).
(1) a. dar miedo 'frighten' (literally 'give fear')
b. dar envidia 'make (someone) envious' (lit. 'give
c. dar asco 'disgust' (lit. 'give disgust')
d. dar alegría 'make (someone) happy' (lit. 'give
e. dar tristeza 'sadden' (lit. 'give sadness')
f. dar vergüenza 'shame' (lit. 'give shame')
(2) A Lola le dan miedo las arañas.
to Lola to-her give-3pl fear the spiders
'Spiders frighten Lola.'
Two quick notes. First, some of these 'give' expressions can also be formed
with other verbs (e.g. meter miedo 'frighten' literally put 'put fear'),
and they can be paraphrased with 'heavy' verbs that are morphologically
related to the nouns combining with dar (e.g alegrar 'make (someone)
happy', cf. (1d)), but these alternatives are not my main concern here.
Second, in French, Italian and Catalan, the equivalents of (1) typically
involve the verb 'make', rather than 'give', e.g. Italian fare paura
'frighten' (literally, 'make fear').
I would like to know how these expressions are formed in other languages. I
am particularly interested in Basque, Arabic, Latin (Classical and/or
Medieval), Portuguese and Galician, but any information about other
languages, both within and outside the Romance family, will be greatly
Specifically, I would appreciate it if you could
a. Indicate whether cases like (1) in your language(s) involve the verb
'give' or 'make', providing a few relevant examples (ideally, with
glosses). [If you want to, you can also indicate whether such 'give'/'make'
expressions can be paraphrased with other verbs, just as in Spanish.];
b. Provide any information about their historical origin (do they seem to
be 'genuine' language-internal developments, or calques from another
language?), as well as their use (e.g. in which varieties and/or
registers?); and/or
c. Indicate any sources (e.g. on-line corpora, historical dictionaries)
that I could use to answer these questions in your language(s).
Obviously, I will post a summary of all contributions.
Thank you very much for your help.
Linguistic Field(s): Historical Linguistics
LINGUIST List: Vol-17-1664
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