17.1767, Calls: Romance Langs/Netherlands;Historical Ling/Germany

Sun Jun 11 18:12:46 UTC 2006

LINGUIST List: Vol-17-1767. Sun Jun 11 2006. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 17.1767, Calls: Romance Langs/Netherlands;Historical Ling/Germany

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews (reviews at linguistlist.org) 
        Laura Welcher, Rosetta Project / Long Now Foundation  

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State University, and donations from subscribers and publishers.

Editor for this issue: Kevin Burrows <kevin at linguistlist.org>

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Date: 09-Jun-2006
From: Leo Wetzels < w.wetzels at chello.nl >
Subject: Going Romance 20th Symposium on Romance Linguistics 

Date: 09-Jun-2006
From: Gisella Ferraresi < gisella.ferraresi at germanistik.uni-hannover.de >
Subject: German Linguistic Society 

-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Sun, 11 Jun 2006 14:09:42
From: Leo Wetzels < w.wetzels at chello.nl >
Subject: Going Romance 20th Symposium on Romance Linguistics 

Full Title: Going Romance 20th Symposium on Romance Linguistics 
Short Title: GR 

Date: 07-Dec-2006 - 09-Dec-2006
Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands 
Contact Person: Leo Wetzels
Meeting Email: w.wetzels at chello.nl
Web Site: http://www.let.vu.nl/conference/goingRomance 

Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics 

Language Family(ies): Romance 

Call Deadline: 16-Sep-2006 

Meeting Description:

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
20th Symposium on Romance Linguistics
General session: December 7, 8

Workshop on Loan Phonology: December 9
Workshop on Political Discourse in the mass-media: December 9

Invited Speakers:
George Nick Clements (CNRS, LPP, Paris) (to be confirmed)
Andrea Calabrese (University of Connecticut)
Jean-Yves Pollock (Université de Picardie, Amiens)
Catherine Kerbrat-Orecchioni  (Université de Lyon-2)
Johan Rooryck (Universiteit Leiden)

Papers on all areas of Romance linguistics are welcome for the general session.
For the workshops, we invite papers that relate to the themes of the workshop. 

Presentations take thirty minutes, with an additional ten minutes for
discussion. Abstracts should be anonymous, no longer than two pages, including
references and examples, with margins of at least 1-inch, font size 12,
single-spaced. Submissions are limited to a maximum of one individual, and one
joint abstract per author. All authors who present their work at the conference
will be invited to submit their paper for the Proceedings. 

Abstracts should be sent to wlm.wetzels at let.vu.nl (general session and loan
phonology workshop) or to d.torck at let.vu.nl (discourse workshop) no later than
September 16, 2006. Only PDF files will be accepted. One copy of the abstract
should be anonymous both in the body of the text and the filename, while another
copy should be headed by the name of the author(s) and affiliation. Please make
sure all fonts and figures are correctly rendered. Also attach a separate file
containing: title, author's name and address, affiliation and e-mail address.
Please indicate whether your paper is intended for the general session, or for
one of the workshops, by mentioning 'general session' or 'workshop X' in the
header of the abstract. Papers not conforming to these requirements cannot be
taken into consideration. 

Workshop Loan Phonology 
Some of the Romance languages, especially Spanish, Portuguese, and French, are
currently spoken on various continents, where they have been in contact with the
original languages for many centuries. The (sometimes massive) adaptation of
Romance loanwords in the original languages shows how languages with a different
(often much smaller) phoneme inventory merges, or fails to merge, sounds of the
donor languages, and may provide evidence for the way the native inventory is
represented. On the prosodic level, adaptations have taken place between the
stress-accent systems of the Romance languages and the different word-prosodic
systems (stress-accent, non-stress accent, or tonal) of the local languages,
with any of three possible outcomes: in some cases mixed systems emerged, in
other cases the system of the borrowing language was changed, and in still
others the system of the donor language was adapted to the prosody of the
borrowing language. For this workshop, papers are invited that shed light on the
principles behind these borrowing strategies or on other issues that relate to
the phenomenon of phonological grammars in contact.

Workshop Political discourse in the mass-media: analysing strategies of (self-)
Two perspectives can be taken on political discourse in the mass-media. One can
look at what politicians do when they speak in/for the media, such as the
self-representation of the politician (discursive ethos) in interviews and
debates, or reflect on discursive genres, styles and rhetorical
devices/strategies. One can also study what journalists do with the politicians'
discourse and raise the issue of the representation of politicians and of their
discourse in the media (denomination, predication, quotation/reported speech).
The linguistic and argumentative analysis of (self-) representation in discourse
leads to reflection on and questions about social and cultural aspects of
discourse, and about some  features of the modern media (blurred line between
public and private, polarization, conversationalization). Preference will be
given to studies of current political/journalistic discourse.

-------------------------Message 2 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Sun, 11 Jun 2006 14:09:47
From: Gisella Ferraresi < gisella.ferraresi at germanistik.uni-hannover.de >
Subject: German Linguistic Society 


Full Title: German Linguistic Society 
Short Title: DGfS 

Date: 28-Feb-2007 - 02-Mar-2007
Location: Siegen, Germany 
Contact Person: Gisella Ferraresi
Meeting Email: gisella.ferraresi at germanistik.uni-hannover.de
Web Site: http://www.dgfs.de/cgi-bin/dgfs.pl/tagung 

Linguistic Field(s): Historical Linguistics 

Call Deadline: 31-Jul-2006 

Meeting Description:

This workshop is part of the annual meeting of the DGfS (German Linguistic Society) 
The workshop topic is the role of information structure in language change.
Organizers are Gisella Ferraresi (University of Hanover) and Rosemarie Lühr
(University of 

DGfS Workshop: The role of information structure in language change

Call for Papers

In the last few years a lively discussion on information packaging in the
sentence has arisen for various languages. The traditional dichotomies
Theme/Rheme, Topic/Comment and Focus/Background have been taken up again and
partly reinterpreted. The discussion is being held in syntax, but also in the
fields of semantics and pragmatics. Some remarkable progress has been made
especially in Focus phonology (cf. Uhrmann 1991 for German), not least of all
thanks to the latest experimental methods which enable us to precisely determine 
prosodic prominence.

Even if the role of information conveying and information packaging in the
Indo-European languages was hinted at as early as in the classical studies of
the Neogrammarians, this field has remained neglected in today's historical
linguistics - and here we mean above all the kind of historical linguistics
which makes use of modern linguistic methods - apart from very few exceptions.

In this workshop we want to concentrate mainly on the role information structure
plays in language change; thus our interest is not aimed at the description of
earlier linguistic stages but on the diachronic perspective. Is it possible to
determine, in spite of the lack of prosody, what the informational structure of
a given language is like? And above all: does informational structure entail
different ways of language processing with certain syntactic structures (e.g.
so-called 'weiterführende' vs. 'nicht-weiterführende' subordinate clauses, cf.
Brandt 1990)? In which field of grammar does information structure intervene in
a way to trigger language change? Examples to be mentioned here are the
distribution of subordinate clauses and other word-order regularities. This
workshop is of interest to linguists of all fields but also to philologists.

Presentations will be 20 minutes plus 10 minutes for discussion.

Workshop organizers:
Gisella Ferraresi, Department of Germanic Linguistics, University of Hanover
Rosemarie Lühr, Department of Indo-European Studies, University of Jena

Abstract Submission Guidelines:

Please submit an abstract (500 words maximum, including references) and include the 
following information:
(a) Title of the paper
(b) Name of the author
(c) Affiliation
(d) e-mail address

Send your submission to:
gisella.ferraresi at germanistik.uni-hannover.de

Juli 31, 2006: deadline for abstracts
September 01, 2006: notification of acceptance
February 28 - March 02, 2007: Workshop in Siegen (Germany)


LINGUIST List: Vol-17-1767	


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