17.1772, Confs: Psycholing/Tokyo, Japan
Mon Jun 12 17:50:57 UTC 2006
LINGUIST List: Vol-17-1772. Mon Jun 12 2006. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 17.1772, Confs: Psycholing/Tokyo, Japan
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews (reviews at linguistlist.org)
Laura Welcher, Rosetta Project / Long Now Foundation
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Date: 09-Jun-2006
From: Yuki Hirose < hirose at boz.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp >
Subject: The 5th International Workshop on Evolutionary Cognitive Sciences
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2006 13:37:45
From: Yuki Hirose < hirose at boz.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp >
Subject: The 5th International Workshop on Evolutionary Cognitive Sciences
The 5th International Workshop on Evolutionary Cognitive Sciences
Date: 14-Jul-2006 - 15-Jul-2006
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Contact: Yuki Hirose
Contact Email: hspp at ecs.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Meeting URL: http://ecs.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp/activity/activity.html#HSPP
Linguistic Field(s): Psycholinguistics
Meeting Description:
This workshop, sponsored by the Center for Cognitive The Fifth International
Workshop on Evolutionary Cognitive Sciences 'Human Sentence Processing and
Production' Co-sponsored by The Technical Group of Thought and Language(The
Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers) offers a
program of invited and submitted papers on theoretical, experimental, and
computational research addressing various aspects of human sentence processing
and production. The language of interest is not limited to Japanese.
The Fifth International Workshop on Evolutionary Cognitive Sciences
''Human Sentence Processing and Production''
Co-sponsored by The Technical Group of Thought and Language
(The Institute of Electronics,Information and Communication Engineers)
Date: July 14 (Fri)-15 (Sat), 2006
Venue: Building 18 Hall, University of Tokyo, Komaba
The access map and the campus map (pdf) are available on the website below
Franklin Chang (NTT Communication Science Laboratories)
Yoshihisa Kitagawa (Indiana University)
Mineharu Nakayama (Ohio State University)
Katsuo Tamaoka (Hiroshima University)
Hiroko Yamashita (Rochester Institute of Technology)
REGISTRATION : Registration is free. Pre-registration is not absolutely
necessary but is highly encouraged. All you have to do to preregister is to
email your name, affiliation and non-student/student to the following address by
(preferably) June 20.
To: hspp at ecs.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp
The subject line of the email should be ''COE/TL Workshop Registration''
RECEPTION: There will be a reception on the evening of July 14 on the Komaba
campus. Details will be announced later to those who have pre-registered for
the workshop before June 20.
Yuki Hirose, Takane Ito, Yuki Kobayashi & Miki Uetsuki
Should you have any question, please contact
Yuki Hirose hspp at ecs.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Friday, July 14 Registration
Thought and Language Session 1 (Talks are given in Japanese)
Opening remarks and Announcements
A non-syntactic factor which makes the revision process more
difficult -pragmatic plausibility-
Hiroaki OISHI (Graduate School of Humanities, Department of Linguistics, Kyushu
Reconsideration of presuppositional tests in Japanese
Daisuke BEKKI (University of Tokyo), Ai KAWAZOE (National Institute of
Informatics), Kiyoko
KATAOKA (Nihon University) & Manabu SAITO (Teikyo University)
The plural -s as a determiner
Yoshiko UMEMORI (Kumon Institute of Education (part time))
Thought and Language Session 2 (Talks are given in Japanese)
On-line processing of floating quantifier constructions in Japanese:
Using Event-Related brain Potentials
Daichi YASUNAGA (Kyushu University) & Tsutomu SAKAMOTO (Kyushu University)
Architecture of the speech recognition system that consists of
overlapping of impulse-driven look-up tables
Shinji KARASAWA (Miyagi National College of Technology) & Hiroshi SAKURABA
(Miyagi National
College of Technology)
Lunch (12:45-13:40)
COE Workshop Session 1 (Talks are given in English)
Opening remarks and Announcements
Using the Moses Illusion to investigate the external speech monitor
Jessica W. CHEVALIER (University of California, Santa Cruz)
A Memory-based sentence processing model
Kei TAKAHASHI (Graduate School of International Cultural Studies(GSICS)/ Center for
Interdisciplinary Research(CIR), Tohoku University) & Kei YOSHIMOTO (Graduate
School of
International Cultural Studies(GSICS)/ Center for the Advanced Higher
Education(CAHE), Tohoku
Attributes of language use explained by activities of neurons
Shinji KARASAWA (Miyagi National College of Technology)
COE Workshop Session 2 (Talks are given in English)
JFL learners' reading NPs in sentences and isolation
Mineharu NAKAYAMA (Ohio State University) & Akiko KASHIWAGI (Ohio State University)
Structural priming as a window to the human linguistic representations
Hiroko YAMASHITA (Rochester Institute of Technology)
The processing of English number agreement
Jeffrey D. WITZEL (University of Arizona) & Janet L. NICOL (University of Arizona)
Saturday, July 15
Thought and Language Session 3 (Talks are given in Japanese)
What factor effects the preference of Japanese syntactically
ambiguous sentence ?
Miki UETSUKI (Center for Evolutionary Cognitive Sciences at the University of Tokyo)
Cognitive semantics and language acquisition
Megumi NISHIKAWA (Kunitachi College of Music)
COE Workshop Session 3 (Talks are given in English)
Anatomy of acceptability judgments
Yoshihisa KITAGAWA (Indiana University) and Yuki HIROSE (The University of Tokyo)
Input for learning Japanese: RIKEN Japanese Mother-Infant
Conversation Corpus
Reiko MAZUKA (Laboratory for Language Development, RIKEN Brain Science
Institute, Duke
University), Yosuke IGARASHI (Laboratory for Language Development, RIKEN Brain
Institute, National Institute for Japanese Language) & Ken'ya NISHIKAWA
(Laboratory for
Language Development, RIKEN Brain Science Institute, Keio University)
Lunch (12:40-13:40)
COE Workshop Session 4 (Talks are given in English)
Parsing and multiple Wh-questions in Japanese
Sandiway Fong (University of Arizona) & Jason Ginsburg (University of Arizona)
Becoming syntactic: Psycholinguistic, developmental, and
evolutionary considerations
Franklin CHANG (NTT Communication Science Laboratories)
Effects of mathematical calculations and thinking about time on
abstract thought
Jessica W. CHEVALIER (University of California, Santa Cruz)
COE Workshop Session 5 (Talks are given in English)
The subsequent incremental anticipation (SIA) model for explaining
the processing of Japanese active sentences
Katsuo TAMAOKA (Hiroshima University), Satoru MURAOKA (Kyushu University), Yayoi
(Hiroshima University of Economics) & Hiromu SAKAI (Hiroshima University)
Processing sandwiched dative NP in Korean via case-prosody
Jieun KIAER (King's College London) & Ruth KEMPSON (King's College London)
Activation of syntactic and conceptual information during Japanese
sentence production
Mikihiro TANAKA (University of Edinburgh), Holly BRANIGAN (University of
Edinburgh) & Martin
PICKERING (University of Edinburgh)
LINGUIST List: Vol-17-1772
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