17.1790, Calls: Discourse Analysis/Germany;Pragmatics/Sweden
Tue Jun 13 18:14:20 UTC 2006
LINGUIST List: Vol-17-1790. Tue Jun 13 2006. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 17.1790, Calls: Discourse Analysis/Germany;Pragmatics/Sweden
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 13-Jun-2006
From: Sebastian Feller < weigsekr at uni-muenster.de >
Subject: 11th International Conference on Dialogue Analysis on the Topic of ?Dialogue Analysis and Rhetoric?
Date: 13-Jun-2006
From: Gunther Kaltenböck < gunther.kaltenboeck at univie.ac.at >
Subject: 10th International Pragmatics Conference
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2006 14:11:27
From: Sebastian Feller < weigsekr at uni-muenster.de >
Subject: 11th International Conference on Dialogue Analysis on the Topic of ?Dialogue Analysis and Rhetoric?
Full Title: 11th International Conference on Dialogue Analysis on the Topic of
'Dialogue Analysis and Rhetoric'
Short Title: DA11
Date: 27-Mar-2007 - 30-Mar-2007
Location: Muenster, Westphalia, Germany
Contact Person: Edda Weigand
Meeting Email: da11 at uni-muenster.de
Web Site: http://www.uni-muenster.de/Ling/iada/DA11
Linguistic Field(s): Discourse Analysis
Subject Language(s): None ()
Language Family(ies): None
Call Deadline: 15-Oct-2006
Meeting Description:
The International Association for Dialogue Analysis (IADA) announces the 11th
International Conference on Dialogue Analysis on the topic of
'Dialogue Analysis and Rhetoric' to be held on March, 27-30, 2007 at the
University of Muenster in Westphalia/GER.
Prof. Dr. Edda Weigand (University of Muenster)
Dialogue Analysis and Rhetoric
Over the past two decades interest in rhetoric has become more and more central
in dialogue studies. The basic questions concerning the nature of dialogue and
of rhetoric have been addressed from new perspectives. Are they to be dealt with
separately by focusing on a distinction between rhetorical and non-rhetorical
texts, or is rhetoric an intrinsic part of dialogue analysis? How do we most
effectively pursue our goals in communication? How can we optimize performance?
As the object itself - effective dialogic interaction - is a complex object,
addressing rhetoric in dialogue cuts across disciplinary boundaries of
linguistics, philosophy, media and communication sciences. It is dealt with in
rule-governed models of communicative competence as well as in models of
ever-changing performance. Recently a research tendency can be observed which
aims to bring both strands together, competence and performance, in describing
human beings' ability of competence-in-performance. In this sense, the
conference is open to the various approaches in Dialogue Analysis and Rhetoric
but will have a specific focus on approaches that aim at addressing the mixed
game of effective dialogic interaction. Questions of culture and institutions
are included.
Plenary papers will be given by: Adelino Cattani (Padova), Kenneth N. Cissna
(Tampa/South Florida), François Cooren (Montreal), Robert T. Craig
(Boulder/Colorado), Werner Kallmeyer (Mannheim), Frans van Eemeren (Amsterdam),
Edda Weigand (Münster)
Conference languages are English, German, French.
Possible session topics:
-Advances in the complex of competence-in-performance
-Theoretical approaches of communicative competence
-Empirical approaches of performance
-Rhetoric of rationality and reason, Rhetoric of persuasion, Rhetoric of power
-Rhetoric and culture, Rhetoric and politeness, Rhetoric and emotions
-Rhetoric in institutions, Legal argumentation, Media strategies, Political
rhetoric, Rhetoric in business
-Other topics of dialogue analysis
Forms of presentation:
-Plenaries (45 minutes speaking time, 10 minutes discussion)
-Session papers (20 minutes speaking time, 10 minutes discussion)
-Panels (2 hours, 4 papers on a common topic)
-Abstracts and registration
Abstracts should be sent by October, 15, acceptance is communicated by December,
Registration by October, 15.
Publication: A selection from the proceedings will be published.
Contact: DA11 at uni-muenster.de
Download Call for Papers (PDF)
-------------------------Message 2 ----------------------------------
Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2006 14:11:32
From: Gunther Kaltenböck < gunther.kaltenboeck at univie.ac.at >
Subject: 10th International Pragmatics Conference
Full Title: 10th International Pragmatics Conference
Date: 09-Jul-2007 - 14-Jul-2007
Location: Göteborg, Sweden
Contact Person: Lynne Murphy
Meeting Email: tolynnem at sussex.ac.uk
Web Site: http://webhost.ua.ac.be/ipra/10th_conference.html
Linguistic Field(s): Pragmatics
Call Deadline: 05-Jul-2006
Meeting Description:
July 9-14, 2007
Göteborg, Sweden
Special theme: Language data, corpora, and computational pragmatics
[as always the conferences are open to all other relevant themes in pragmatics]
Chaired by: Karin AIJMER & Jens ALLWOOD (Göteborg)
Other members of the local site committee:
- ROBIN COOPER (Göteborg)
- PER LINELL (Linköping)
- JAN-OLA ÖSTMAN (Helsinki)
Dear Colleagues,
We are proposing a panel on the theme of:
Vague language: the use of approximators and hedges in spoken and written corpora
For the International Pragmatics Conference in Göteborg, Sweden in July 2007 and
would be interested in hearing from other people working on this topic who might
be interested in presenting a paper at this panel.
Lakoff's (1972) classic paper on hedges laid the foundation for the study of
linguistic markers which serve to blur the category boundaries of the linguistic
elements they operate on and/or reduce the speakers' commitment. However,
systematic studies, especially on languages other than English (see Channell
1994) are still scarce.
The organisers of the panel have recently been researching the use of
parenthetical clauses (e.g. Engl. 'I think', Fr. 'disons', Sp. 'digamos') and
''N1 of N2''-constructions such as sort of in different languages (English,
French, Spanish, Italian). However, we welcome any contributions studying the
various linguistic means used for expressing approximation/hedging, e.g.
pragmatic markers such as 'like', round numerals, prepositions such as 'about',
disjunctive list completers such as 'something like that', diminutive suffixes etc.
The aim of the panel is to bring together researchers from different backgrounds
interested in approximation and hedging at the interface between semantics and
pragmatics. We are particularly interested in research based on corpus data and
would like to address questions such as:
- the role of approximation in spoken and written texts
- types of approximators/hedges in different languages
- their linguistic status
- their status with respect to discourse markers
- their semantics, e.g. whether they are conceptual or procedural elements
- their historical dimension, e.g. the process of grammaticalization
If interested, please let us know which topic you would like to address in such
a panel and get in touch with: gunther.kaltenboeck at univie.ac.at by the end of
June 2006.
Best wishes,
Gunther Kaltenböck (Vienna), Wiltrud Mihatsch (Bielefeld), Stefan Schneider (Graz)
University of Vienna
Department of English
Spitalgasse 2-4
A-1090 Wien
LINGUIST List: Vol-17-1790
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