17.685, Calls: Ling Theories/Romania;General Ling/Spain
Sun Mar 5 21:06:18 UTC 2006
LINGUIST List: Vol-17-685. Sun Mar 05 2006. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 17.685, Calls: Ling Theories/Romania;General Ling/Spain
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews (reviews at linguistlist.org)
Sheila Dooley, U of Arizona
Terry Langendoen, U of Arizona
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Editor for this issue: Kevin Burrows <kevin at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 02-Mar-2006
From: Anna Maria Di Sciullo < di_sciullo.anne-marie at uqam.ca >
Subject: Interface Legibility at the Edge (second call for papers)
Date: 02-Mar-2006
From: Cristina Soriano < csoriano at um.es >
Subject: 5th International Conference of the Spanish Cognitive Linguistics Association (AELCO)
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Sun, 05 Mar 2006 16:04:16
From: Anna Maria Di Sciullo < di_sciullo.anne-marie at uqam.ca >
Subject: Interface Legibility at the Edge (second call for papers)
Full Title: Interface Legibility at the Edge (second call for papers)
Date: 25-Jun-2006 - 27-Jun-2006
Location: Bucharest, Romania
Contact Person: Virginia Hill
Meeting Email: mota at unbsj.ca
Web Site: http://www.unbsj.ca/arts/linguistics/Conference-2006.html
Linguistic Field(s): Linguistic Theories
Call Deadline: 07-Mar-2006
Meeting Description:
Interface Legibility at the Edge
Organizers : Anna Maria Di Sciullo (UQAM) and Virginia Hill (UNBSJ)
Organizing committee at UNBSJ:
Dorina Ceapa
Jacqui Clydesdale
Allison MacKinnon
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
Major Collaborative Research Initiative on Interface Asymmetries
SSHRCC Standard Research project on Merge and Move across
the Border
Department of English-University of Bucharest
Invited Speakers:
Carmen Dobrovie-Sorin, Université de Paris VII
Donka Farkas, UCSC
James Higginbotham, USC College
Ian Roberts, Cambridge University
Margaret Speas, UMASS
Tim Stowell, UCLA
The purpose of this conference is to discuss current issues on the
syntax/semantic/pragmatic interface(s) such as observed at the left periphery of
CPs. The questions addressed include, but are not restricted to, the following:
- What are the grammatical properties of the edges (Chomsky 2000, 2001, 2005) of
the highest CP borders (e.g., Rizzi 1997, 2001, 2004) that make them legible at
the interface with discourse? What are the contributions of the edges in the
domains of tense and aspect with respect to the grammatical representation of
discourse and temporal dependencies (e.g., Smith 2004, Higginbotham 1995, 2004,
Nunes and Thompson. 1995, Stowell 1998, 2004)?
- If other sorts of phases also have higher borders including vP, PP, and DP
(e.g., Adger 2003, Den Dikken 2003, Torego 2002, Uriagereka 2003), is the role
of the edges of these domains parallel to the role of the edges of the highest
CP borders, and what is their specific contribution to legibility in the domain
of the discourse (e.g., Declerck and Reed 2001, Edgington 2003, Haegeman 2001,
Speas & Tenny 2003)?
- If discourse is reduced to additive conjunction of sentences (chunks), as
summed in certain semantic theories, such as Dynamic Theories of Meaning and
Discourse Representation Theory (e.g., Kemp 1982, Kemp and Reyle 1993,
Chierchia 1995, Groenendijk and Stokhof 1990, Poesio and Zucchi 1992), to what
extend do the edges of higher borders of phases determine the syntax/semantic
and or semantic/pragmatic connection?
-If variation is external to the grammar, and the properties of the edge of a
phase are determinant in parameterization (e.g., Kayne 2005), to what extent do
the syntax/semantic/pragmatic interface(s) trigger parametric resettings (e.g.,
Roussou and Roberts 2003).
Abstracts are invited for 30 minute slots (20 minutes presentation, followed by
a 10 minute discussion). Abstracts should be in .pdf format, a maximum of two
pages long, in a font not smaller than 12 pt, with 2.5 cm (1 inch) margins on
all sides. E-mail your abstract to mota at unbsj.ca no latter than March 7, 2006.
Notification of acceptance will be sent on April 3.
-------------------------Message 2 ----------------------------------
Date: Sun, 05 Mar 2006 16:04:19
From: Cristina Soriano < csoriano at um.es >
Subject: 5th International Conference of the Spanish Cognitive Linguistics Association (AELCO)
Full Title: 5th International Conference of the Spanish Cognitive Linguistics
Association (AELCO)
Date: 19-Oct-2006 - 21-Oct-2006
Location: Murcia, Spain
Contact Person: Cristina Soriano
Meeting Email: csoriano at um.es
Web Site: http://www.um.es/lincoing/aelco2006/
Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics
Call Deadline: 15-Apr-2006
Meeting Description:
Cognitive Linguistics as a Cognitive Science
Murcia (Spain), 19-21 October 2006
Murcia, 19-21 October 2006
The Spanish Cognitive Linguistics Association (AELCO-SCOLA) aims to promote
research within the cognitive linguistics tradition. This approach holds that
language is an integral part of cognition and, therefore, should be understood
in terms of conceptualization and mental processing. More generally, cognitive
linguistics attempts to integrate sociocultural and perceptual aspects of
cognition with linguistic form and function.
Following the AELCO conferences in Alicante (1998), Madrid (2000), Valencia
(2002) and Zaragoza (2004), the 5th International Spanish Cognitive Linguistics
Conference will be held at the University of Murcia (October 19-21, 2006).
- Antonio Barcelona (University of Murcia)
- Benjamin Bergen (University of Hawaii at Manoa)
- Maria Josep Cuenca (University of Valencia)
- Julio Santiago (University of Granada)
- Dan Slobin (University of California at Berkeley)
- Anatol Stefanowitsch (University of Bremen)
We cordially invite researchers working within the cognitive linguistics
paradigm to submit paper proposals. Special priority will be given to those
papers that show close connections with the other cognitive sciences (e.g., c
ognitive psychology and psycholinguistics, philosophy of mind, neuroscience or
cognitive anthropology).
Papers may be presented as either communications or posters. Communications will
be 20 minutes long plus a five-minute discussion period. Posters should be a
maximum of 1.5 meters tall by 1.5 meters wide. Poster sessions will be divided
into two groups: one for research projects and another for individual
researchers. Posters will receive very prominent attention from the organizers.
There will be a prize awarded to the best poster and pre- and post-doctoral
papers. For details, see the conference website
Proposals for communications and posters should be sent to ''aelco2006 at um.es''
before April 15, 2006. Each abstract should be sent as a file attachment and
comply with the following requirements:
1. Title in boldface
2. The text may be up to 30 lines/500 words, including references
3. Please do not include the names or affiliations of the authors and avoid
obvious references to them
The body of the email should contain:
- Name and affiliation
- Title of contribution
- Snail-mail address
- Email and/or fax
- Phone number
- Preference for either communication or poster
- Keywords (maximum of five)
- Whether or not you would like to compete for the AELCO conference prizes (and
what modality)
The subject line should contain the title of the presentation.
-15 April 2006: deadline for communication and poster proposals.
-15 June 2006: notification of acceptance
AELCO members*:
- Before 15 July 2006: 70 euros
- After 15 July 2006: 85 euros
Non members*:
- Before 15 July 2006: 100 euros
- After 15 July 2006: 115 euros
Students: 35 euros
*For information on becoming a member of AELCO-SCOLA see
Javier Valenzuela (coordinator), Cristina Soriano (secretary), Antonio
Barcelona, Paula Cifuentes, Ana Rojo, Iraide Ibarretxe and Joseph Hilferty
For further conference information, please visit
LINGUIST List: Vol-17-685
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