17.3002, Calls: Linguistic Theories/UK; General Ling/UK

Fri Oct 13 14:47:15 UTC 2006

LINGUIST List: Vol-17-3002. Fri Oct 13 2006. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 17.3002, Calls: Linguistic Theories/UK; General Ling/UK

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Laura Welcher, Rosetta Project / Long Now Foundation  
         <reviews at linguistlist.org> 

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Editor for this issue: Dan Parker <dan at linguistlist.org>

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Date: 12-Oct-2006
From: Raffealla Folli < r.folli at ulster.ac.uk >
Subject: On Linguistic Interfaces 

Date: 12-Oct-2006
From: Dora Alexopoulou < ta259 at cam.ac.uk >
Subject: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Relative Clauses 

-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2006 10:42:20
From: Raffealla Folli < r.folli at ulster.ac.uk >
Subject: On Linguistic Interfaces 

Full Title: On Linguistic Interfaces 
Short Title: ONLI 

Date: 01-Jun-2007 - 03-Jun-2007
Location: Jordanstown, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom 
Contact Person: Raffaella Folli
Meeting Email: r.folli at ulster.ac.uk
Web Site: http://www.socsci.ulster.ac.uk./comms/onli/index.html 

Linguistic Field(s): Linguistic Theories 

Call Deadline: 20-Jan-2007 

Meeting Description:

In recent years, the study of the interaction between different levels of linguistic knowledge has attracted increasing interest. In order to speak or understand a language we need to access different mechanisms whose interaction cannot be fully appreciated from a non-integrated approach. This workshop aims to bring together scholars who have been working on these issues providing cross-section, cutting-edge accounts of developments in the interfaces between phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics. The workshop will provide a forum for discussion of methods, theoretical perspectives, and accounts of the interaction between components of the language faculty.

Special Thematic Sessions:

We would like to encourage submission of papers and posters for two special sessions dealing with:
(i) experimental approaches for the investigation of interfaces;
(ii) implications of findings on interface issues in the applied linguistics field.

Invited Speakers (abstract selection committee):

Artemis Alexiadou, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart
Andrea Gualmini, McGill University, Montreal
Carlos Gussenhoven, Radbound University, Nijmegen
Heidi Harley, University of Arizona, Tucson
Kyle Johnson, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Jamal Ouhalla, University College Dublin, Dublin
Lisa Travis, McGill University, Montreal
John Wilson, University of Ulster, Jordanstown 

Requirement for abstract submission:

Abstracts can be up to two pages long including references, data and/or illustrations. Abstracts should be emailed no later than January 20, 2007 as an attachment (PDF format) to the following two addresses:
r.folli at ulster.ac.uk;
c.ulbrich at ulster.ac.uk.

Please forward abstracts to both addresses.

The subject line of the email should be ''ONLI''.
Authors should include the following pieces of information in the body of the email:
title of the paper, 
name of the author(s) 
email address for correspondence

Submission is limited to one single authored paper and one joint authored paper.

If you wish to be considered for one of the two special sessions (see above) this should be indicated clearly in the body of the email.

Publication of a book from the workshop with a major publisher is planned.

For registration and updated Information:


Important Dates and Information:

-Deadline for abstract submission: 20th January 2007
-Selection and notification by: 15th of Feb 2007
-Workshop program by: 20th of Feb 2007
-Deadline for paper submission ad circulation: 30th of April 2007: 
-Workshop date: 1-3 June 2007
-Final version of papers for submission for publication: 1st of September 2007


School of Communication, University of Ulster (Jordanstown), Shore Road, BT37 0QB, Northern Ireland.

Contact details:

Raffaella Folli, r.folli at ulster.ac.uk
Christiane Ulbrich, c.ulbrich at ulster.ac.uk

-------------------------Message 2 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2006 10:42:25
From: Dora Alexopoulou < ta259 at cam.ac.uk >
Subject: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Relative Clauses 


Full Title: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Relative Clauses 
Short Title: REL07 

Date: 13-Sep-2007 - 15-Sep-2007
Location: Cambridge, United Kingdom 
Contact Person: Dora Alexopoulou
Meeting Email: ta259 at cam.ac.uk
Web Site: http://www.crassh.cam.ac.uk/events/2006-7/relativeclauses.html 

Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics 

Call Deadline: 08-Jan-2007 

Meeting Description:

Interdisciplinary Approaches to Relative Clauses 

Interdisciplinary approaches to Relative Clauses

1st Call for papers

Call deadline: 8th of January 2007

Interdisciplinary Approaches to Relative Clauses
13-15 Sept 2007 
Cambridge, UK

Invited Speakers:

Bernard Comrie (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology)
Elisabet Engdahl (Gothenburg)
Suzanne Flynn (MIT)
Ted Gibson (MIT)
Ed Keenan (UCLA)
Ruth Kempson (King's College London)
Jim McCloskey (UC Santa Cruz)
Colin Phillips (Maryland) 
Florian Jaeger (Rochester) and Tom Wasow (Stanford)

Organisers: Research Centre for English and Applied Linguistics, University of Cambridge and Dept. of Linguistics, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology.

Sponsors: Dept. of Linguistics, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Research Centre for English and Applied Linguistics (Cambridge), the Scandinavian Studies Fund (Cambridge), and the Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities of the University of Cambridge (CRASSH). 

Relative clauses are complex constructions grammatically, yet very frequent and highly productive crosslinguistically. Understanding their properties is, thus, fundamental for theories of grammar, linguistic typology, language acquisition and processing. Many of their structural and interpretive properties have now been investigated and there is a growing body of work on their acquisition and processing. However, there have been insufficient efforts to integrate insights and results across different subdisciplines. Building on the success of the preparatory ''Workshop on the Typology, Acquisition and Processing of Relative Clauses'' (Leipzig 2005, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology), the conference aims  to bring together researchers investigating relative clauses from different perspectives: linguistic typology, grammatical theory, processing, first and second language acquisition, computational/corpus linguistics and historical linguistics.  There is currently considerable interest in relative clauses throughout the language sciences and we expect contributions from all relevant subfields.  We especially encourage paper submissions on the following topics: 
-Head internal relative clauses.
-Relative clauses in languages like Japanese where the relative clause is closely related to other types of prenominal modification. 
-Relative clauses in 1st language acquisition.
-Relative clauses in 2nd language acquisition from speakers with varying L1s. 
-Relative clauses in Scandinavian languages.
-Resumption in relative clauses.
-Processing of relative clauses, in particular, in different language types. 
-Production models of relative clauses.
-Comprehension models of relative clauses.

Please note that, thanks to an award from the University of Cambridge Scandinavian Studies Fund, registration fees will be waived for papers on Scandinavian languages. 

Important Dates:

Abstract Submission: 8th of January 2007
Notification of acceptance: 7th of March 2007
Early Registration: June 2007
Conference: 13-15 Sept. 2007

Abstract Submission Guidelines:

Abstracts are invited for 20-minute talks (plus 10 minutes of discussion) and/or poster presentations on any aspect of relative clauses.  Abstracts should be submitted to http://www.easychair.org/REL07/  in PDF format, by the 8th of January 2007. Abstracts are limited to one page (using 1'' margins on all sides and 11pt font size) and a second page containing examples/data and references. Any non-standard fonts should be embedded in the PDF document. Abstracts should include a header with the name(s), affiliation(s) and e-mail contact of author(s). 

Please contact the conference organisers at relatives2007 at rceal.cam.ac.uk if you have any questions.

Organising Committee:

Dora Alexopoulou (Lille/Cambridge)
Bernard Comrie (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology)
John Hawkins (Cambridge) 
Gaby Hermon (Delaware)
Ruth Kempson (King's College London)
Teresa Parodi (Cambridge)
Colin Phillips (Maryland) 
Ian Roberts (Cambridge)
Tom Wasow (Stanford)
John Williams (Cambridge)

LINGUIST List: Vol-17-3002	


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