17.2464, Jobs: Eng & Socioling/Psycholing: Assist Prof/Visiting Fellow, NUS

Fri Sep 1 23:48:39 UTC 2006

LINGUIST List: Vol-17-2464. Fri Sep 01 2006. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 17.2464, Jobs: Eng & Socioling/Psycholing: Assist Prof/Visiting Fellow, NUS

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         <reviews at linguistlist.org> 

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Date: 31-Aug-2006
From: Angeline Ang < ellanga at nus.edu.sg >
Subject: English & Sociolinguistics / Psycholinguistics: Assistant Professor / Visiting Fellow, National University of Singapore, Singapore 

-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Fri, 01 Sep 2006 19:38:32
From: Angeline Ang < ellanga at nus.edu.sg >
Subject: English & Sociolinguistics / Psycholinguistics: Assistant Professor / Visiting Fellow, National University of Singapore, Singapore 

University or Organization: National University of Singapore 
Department: English Language & Literature
Web Address: http://www.fas.nus.edu.sg/ell
Job Rank: Assistant Professor / Visiting Fellow 
Specialty Areas: Psycholinguistics / Sociolinguistics 
Required Language(s): English (eng)


The Department of English Language and Literature at NUS invites applications for the posts of 
Assistant Professor or Visiting Fellow.  Applicants should be able to teach a wide area in 
Linguistics, with preferred specializations in Sociolinguistics and/or Psycholinguistics. 

Applicants should have a PhD in Linguistics, a sound record of international publications in their 
fields of specialization, and a commitment to teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels. 
As the posts are in the Department of English Language, they will be expected to teach 
foundational modules in sociolinguistics and linguistic theory, drawing on data primarily from 
English.  The ideal candidate with a sociolinguistics specialization should be prepared to teach 
areas such as World Englishes, multilingualism, and language policy as well as the more 
traditional 'variationist' paradigm at the undergraduate level.  The ideal candidate with a 
specialization in psycholinguistics should be able to teach areas such as language and cognition, 
and language acquisition at the undergraduate level.  All candidates should have the potential to 
develop an international standing in their chosen fields. 

NUS expects the highest standards of teaching and scholarship from its faculty.  In return, it 
offers excellent terms and conditions.  There is considerable support for research, including 
grants for research projects, conference money and a very well funded library. Salary will be 
commensurate with experience and level of appointment. 

Details of the terms can be found at : http://www.nus.edu.sg/ohr/ and of the Department at 
http://www.fas.nus.edu.sg/ell/.   Please note that there are contractual variations for the post of 
Assistant Professor and that for a Visiting Fellow.

Applications should be made by letter and CV. Please provide:

1. full details of publications (including theses and dissertations) and a sample of your 
publications or writing (maximum three items)
2. details of teaching and administrative experience
3. details of awards, other achievements
4. photocopies of transcripts/degree scrolls
5. copies of student evaluations of courses taught
6. course outlines of courses taught
7. names, addresses (including email) of 3 referees

The package should be sent by post, fax or email.

Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.

Address for Applications and Contact Information:
       Associate Professor Robbie Goh
       Head, Department of English Language and Literature 
       National University of Singapore
       Block AS5, 7 Arts Link
       Singapore 117570
       Email: ellhead at nus.edu.sg 
       Fax: +65 6773 2981 

Application Deadline: 31-Dec-2006

LINGUIST List: Vol-17-2464	


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