17.2509, Calls: Pragmatics/Sweden; General Ling/USA

Thu Sep 7 15:48:31 UTC 2006

LINGUIST List: Vol-17-2509. Thu Sep 07 2006. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 17.2509, Calls: Pragmatics/Sweden; General Ling/USA

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Laura Welcher, Rosetta Project / Long Now Foundation  
         <reviews at linguistlist.org> 

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Date: 07-Sep-2006
From: Clara Lorda < clara.lorda at upf.edu >
Subject: Deliberation and Controversy in Parliamentary Discourse: Persuasive and Dissuasive Strategies 

Date: 06-Sep-2006
From: Daniel Everett < dlevere at ilstu.edu >
Subject: Recursion in Human Languages 

-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Thu, 07 Sep 2006 11:46:37
From: Clara Lorda < clara.lorda at upf.edu >
Subject: Deliberation and Controversy in Parliamentary Discourse: Persuasive and Dissuasive Strategies 

Full Title: Deliberation and Controversy in Parliamentary Discourse: Persuasive and Dissuasive Strategies 

Date: 09-Jul-2007 - 14-Jul-2007
Location: Göteborg, Sweden 
Contact Person: Ann Verhaert
Meeting Email: ann.verhaert at ipra.be
Web Site: http://webhost.ua.ac.be/ipra/10th_conference.html 

Linguistic Field(s): Pragmatics 

Call Deadline: 15-Sep-2006 

Meeting Description:

10th International Pragmatics Conference
July 9-14, 2007
Göteborg, Sweden

Special theme: Language data, corpora, and computational pragmatics
[as always the conferences are open to all other relevant themes in pragmatics]

Chaired by:  Karin Aijmer & Jens Allwood (Göteborg)

Other members of the local site committee:
- Elisabeth Ahlsen (Göteborg)
- Robin Cooper (Göteborg)
- Per Linell (Linköping)
- Thorstein Fretheim(Trondheim)
- Anna-Brita Stenstrom (Bergen)
- Jan-Ola Östman (Helsinki) 

Dear colleagues,

You are invited to submit papers for an interdisciplinary and cross-cultural panel that we plan to organise within the framework of the 10th International Pragmatics Conference to take place in Göteborg, Sweden, 9-13 July 2007.

The panel is entitled ''Deliberation and controversy in parliamentary discourse: Persuasive and dissuasive strategies'' and represents one of the activities initiated by our European Parliamentary Network: www.sh.se/parliamentary.
The aim of the panel is to explore, by means of interdisciplinary approaches, various pragmatic and rhetorical aspects of the characteristics and effects of the deliberative dialogue used in the parliaments of different countries. As is well known, political discourses in general are distinguished by their persuasive purposes. Furthermore, in parliamentary debates, the aim is often also to avoid the adoption of a decision or the stipulation of a law. This was the case, for instance, in the Spanish Parliament, when all the opposition parties tried to dissuade the conservative government to participate in the Iraqi war. However, the use of persuasive and dissuasive arguments in institutional deliberation runs the risk of petering out in the clash of interests between opposed parties. The strategies applied in order to reach different purposes display most probably both common and different features depending on the historical traditions, social circumstances and current political situation in each of the countries under consideration. 

We welcome contributions that explore various kinds of discursive and argumentative strategies, their deliberative and/or controversial characteristics, as well as the social and political context in which they arise and which they contribute to shape and influence. Multidisciplinary approaches and models such as the Pragma-Rhetorical Approach, Discourse Analysis, Critical Discourse Studies, Multi-modal Discourse Analysis, Conversational Analysis, Social, Historical and Political Studies, as well as Quantitative Methods, are particularly welcomed. 

Finally, we would like to apologize for the very short notice of this Call for Papers - the deadline is 15th September 2006. The reason is our current workload for the preparation of our European project and the organisation of workshops. The prospective participants should send a short abstract of 150-200 words in PDF or Word to the following email addresses: cornelia.ilie at hum.oru.se and clara.lorda at upf.edu.

Cornelia Ilie, Örebro University &  Södertörn University College (Sweden)
Clara-Ubaldina Lorda, Universitat Pompeu Fabra de Barcelona (Spain)

-------------------------Message 2 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Thu, 07 Sep 2006 11:46:43
From: Daniel Everett < dlevere at ilstu.edu >
Subject: Recursion in Human Languages 


Full Title: Recursion in Human Languages 
Short Title: RecHuL 

Date: 27-Apr-2007 - 29-Apr-2007
Location: Normal, Illinois, USA 
Contact Person: Daniel Everett
Meeting Email: dlevere at ilstu.edu

Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics 

Call Deadline: 20-Nov-2006 

Meeting Description:

Recursion on Human Languages will feature presentations that address the typology, psychology, formalization, and grammatical manifestations of recursion in human languages. 

Recursion in Human Languages
In an important paper, Hauser, Chomsky, and Fitch (2002) state the following about the narrow faculty of language (FLN): ''We hypothesize that FLN only includes recursion and is the only uniquely human component of the faculty of language. We further argue that FLN may have evolved for reasons other than language, hence comparative studies might look for evidence of such computations outside of the domain of communication (for example, number, navigation, and social relations).''

As interesting as this claim might be, it is difficult to evaluate it for various reasons. For example, there is first the fact that recursion has a long and yet often unclear history in the development of formal linguistics (Tomalin (2006)). How is recursion defined?  Second, the question arises as to where recursion must manifest itself in FLN. In the morphology? In the phonology? In the syntax? In the semantics? In all components of the grammar? Third, there is the empirical issue as to whether the claim above is in fact true. Is recursion found in all languages? Is it distributed throughout grammars in the same way in all languages?

As a start towards addressing these and other fundamental questions about the nature of recursion in human languages, the Department of Linguistics at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology and Illinois State University are sponsoring a conference from April 27-29, 2007, at the campus of Illinois State University in Normal, Illinois. Invited speakers for this conference are (topics are listed, rather than actual titles of presentations):

-Prof. Aravind Joshi (University of Pennsylvania) - ' Uniform and non-uniform recursion
-Prof. Edward Gibson (MIT) - 'The psychology of recursion'
-Prof. Marianne Mithun (UCSB) - 'The typology of recursion'
-Prof. D. Robert Ladd (Edinburgh) - What would 'recursion' mean in phonology?'
-Prof. Daniel L. Everett (ISU) - 'Cultural constraints on recursion'
-Prof. Alec Marantz (MIT) - 'Recursion in morphology'
-(tentative) Prof. W. Tecumseh Fitch (St. Andrews) - 'The evolution of recursion'
In addition to these invited talks, we would like to invite abstracts for up to sixteen additional talks  on recursion. Abstracts may be up to 500 words in length and may address any aspect of recursion, e.g. its history, its formal nature, unusual distributions or manifestations of recursion in specific languages, etc. Abstracts must be received by November 20, 2006. Authors will be notified on abstract decisions by December 20, 2006. A webpage for this conference will be announced soon.

Please send abstracts and any questions regarding this conference to:

Daniel L. Everett, Professor of Linguistics & Anthropology and Chair,
Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures 
Campus Box 4300
Illinois State University
Normal, Illinois 61790-4300
OFFICE: 309-438-3604
FAX: 309-438-8038

LINGUIST List: Vol-17-2509	


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