17.2609, Confs: General Ling,Spanish Lang/USA
Thu Sep 14 19:45:18 UTC 2006
LINGUIST List: Vol-17-2609. Thu Sep 14 2006. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 17.2609, Confs: General Ling,Spanish Lang/USA
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Laura Welcher, Rosetta Project / Long Now Foundation
<reviews at linguistlist.org>
Homepage: http://linguistlist.org/
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Editor for this issue: Jeremy Taylor <jeremy at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 13-Sep-2006
From: Regina Morin < lasso2006 at tamiu.edu >
Subject: 35th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Association of the Southwest
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2006 15:43:50
From: Regina Morin < lasso2006 at tamiu.edu >
Subject: 35th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Association of the Southwest
35th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Association of the Southwest
Short Title: LASSO 2006
Date: 29-Sep-2006 - 01-Oct-2006
Location: Laredo, Texas, USA
Contact: Patricia MacGregor-Mendoza
Contact Email: lasso2006 at tamiu.edu
Meeting URL: http://www.tamiu.edu/coas/lla/lasso.shtml
Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics
Subject Language(s): Spanish (spa)
Meeting Description:
Hosted by Texas A&M International University
Appropriate to the site of this year's meeting, the conference theme is "Transcending Borders". The conference will feature a plenary address by Ana Celia Zentella, of the University of California, San Diego. Colleen Fitzgerald of Texas Tech University will present the Presidential Address.
Conference Program for the 35th Annual Meeting of (Current as of September 1, 2006)
The Linguistic Association of the Southwest
''Transcending Borders''
September 29-October 1, 2006
in Laredo, Texas hosted by
Texas A&M International University
Conference Website: http://www.tamiu.edu/coas/lla/lasso
Contact for Conference Organizers: lasso2006 at tamiu.edu
LASSO XXXV is dedicated to Dr. Winfred (Win) Lehmann,
University of Texas at Austin
In honor of his 90th Birthday.
Thursday, September 28:
Hotel courtesy van available for pick up from the
Laredo International airport to La Posada Hotel
-Registration in the Second Floor Lobby
of La Posada Hotel from 5:00-9:00pm
Friday, September 29:
All Friday sessions held at Texas A&M International University (TAMIU)
Busses depart for TAMIU at: 7:45, 8:00, 8:15, 8:30
Meet in the Lobby of the La Posada Hotel
Registration: 8:30 - 4:00, and Breakfast at 8:15
Western Hemispheric Trade Center Lobby,
Texas A&M International University
1.0 Friday Parallel Sessions: 9 -10:30 am
1a Language Attitudes I, WHTC 116
Session Chair: Lisa Gardner-Flores, Texas A&M International University
9:00 Patricia González, Texas A&M International University: ''Language attitudes toward lexical
adaptations in a Southwest dialect
9:30 Debbie Cole and Adriana Castillo, University of Texas, Pan Am: ''Is it OK to laugh? Changing attitudes towards linguistic stereotyping on the Mind of Mencia''
10:00 Peter Gingiss and Patricia M. Welsh, University of Houston: ''First Names: Relating use and attitude''
1b Romance Linguistics, WHTC 114
Session Chair: Domnita Dumitrescu, California State University, Los Angeles
9:00 Israel Sanz, University of California, Berkeley: ''Maybe not that weird after all: Grammaticalization and the problem of the Catalan periphrastic future''
9:30 Harry Howard, Tulane University: ''Input vs. network effects in the multiagent modeling of morphological leveling in Old Castilian''
10:00 Miguel Rodriguéz-Mondoñedo, University of Connecticut: ''A constraint on list-readings in Spanish''
1c General Linguistics, WHTC 125
Session Chair: Annette Olsen-Fazi, Texas A&M International University
9:00 Brad Montgomery-Anderson, University of Kansas: ''Citing verbs in a polysynthetic language: the case of the Cherokee-English Dictionary''
9:30 Sumayya Racy, University of Arizona: ''Modals and the raising/control distinction''
10:00 Leonard Chacha, UCLA: ''A metrical analysis of a Kuria praise poem''
10:30-10:45 MORNING BREAK, WHTC Lobby
2.0 Friday Parallel Sessions: 10:45 - 12:15
2a Border Identities, WHTC 116
Session Chair: MaryEllen García, University of Texas-San Antonio
10:45 Edward Heckler, University of Texas-Pan Am: ''The quest for border identity''
11:15 Daniel Villa, New Mexico State University: ''In the eye of the storm: Southwest Spanish and the
creation of ethnic identity''
11:45 Lisa Gardner, Texas A&M International University: ''Lexical adaptations in a Southwest dialect:
Creating meaning within a bicultural context''
2b Spanish Morphology, WHTC 114
Session Chair: Sumayya Racy, University of Arizona
10:45 Regina Morin, The College of New Jersey: ''Competing processes of Spanish gender assignment in
computer and Internet-related loanwords: It's clear why it's feminine, but why is it masculine?''
11:15 Richard Winters, University of Louisiana at Lafayette: ''Feature Strength and Possessors in Spanish''
11:45 Jiyoung Yoon, University of North Texas: ''Deverbal compounds in Spanish: Un abrelatas vs. un
12:15-1:45 LUNCH, WHTC 114
3.0 Friday Parallel Sessions: 1:45 - 3:15
3a Invited Panel: Student perspectives of TexMex, i.e. Spanglish, on the border, WHTC 116
Session Chairs: Kati Pletsch de García and Lisa Flores, Texas A&M International University
Participants: Students from the Laredo Community
3b Spanish Discourse, WHTC 103
Session Chair: José Cardona-López, Texas A&M International University
1:45 Diane Uber, The College of Wooster: ''Fórmulas de tratamiento en los negocios en Santiago de
2:15 José Esteban Hernández, University of Texas-Pan Am: ''Diferenciación semántica a nivel social y
discursivo en la variación verbal de las formas de tratamiento casual''
2:45 Flavia Belpoliti, Encarna Bermejo and Patricia Gubitosi, University of Houston: ''Heritage speakers'
unfinished acquisition of the Spanish verbal system: Compensating strategies''
3c Morphosyntax, WHTC 125
Session Chair: Sean Chadwell, Texas A&M International University
1:45 Larry Gorbet, University of New Mexico: ''Predicate collective adjectives in English''
2:15 Hye-Yoon Chung, University of Texas: ''Ambiguous focus marking: In a sentence-final position''
2:45 Antonio Medina-Rivera, Cleveland State University: ''When phonological variation reaches the
written level''
3:15-3:30 Afternoon Break, WHTC Lobby
3:30-4:30 Presidential Address, WHTC 114
Introduction of the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences,
LASSO 2006 Program Committee and Past President, Domnita Dumitrescu,
by Kati Pletsch de García, Texas A&M International University,
LASSO XXXV Vice President and Program Chair
Introduction of LASSO XXXV President, Colleen Fitzgerald,
by Domnita Dumitrescu, California State University Los Angeles
2006 Presidential Address
by Colleen Fitzgerald, Texas Tech University:
''Indigenous languages and Spanish in the U.S.:
How can/do linguists serve communities?''
Busses Depart for La Posada Hotel at 4:30, 4:45, 5:00, 5:15
6:00 - 8:00 Presidential Reception,
El Tesoro Club, La Posada Hotel
-Executive Meeting: La Palma, La Posada Hotel,
Officers and Board Members are expected. Anyone else is welcome,
particularly if you are interested in becoming a LASSO officer or would
like to propose hosting a LASSO Conference or learn about either. Please
join us!
Saturday, September 30
All Saturday sessions held at La Posada
Registration: 8:30 - 11:30,
La Posada Hotel, Second Floor Lobby
Breakfast, El Tesoro Club, 8:00-8:45
4.0 Saturday Parallel Sessions: 9 -10:30
4a Spanish Linguistics, Bluebonnet
Session Chair: Conchita Hickey, Texas A&M International University
9:00 Devin Jenkins, University of Colorado at Denver: ''The state(s) of Spanish in the Southwest: A
comparative analysis''
9:30 Lindsey N. Chen, University of Southern California: ''Fusion or Lasso: Revisiting Mass Terms in Spanish''
10:00 María Irene Moyna, Texas A&M University and Wendy Decker, University of San Diego: ''How the
Californio girls (and boys) lost their accents''
4b Cultural Discourse, La Palma
Session Chair: Dr. Ellen Barker, Texas A&M International University
9:00 No talk at this time
9:30 Robert Connor, Louisiana State University: ''Transcending the borders of a disaster: Children's
writings on Hurricane Katrina''
10:00 Donna L. Lillian and Elizabeth Kearney, East Carolina University: ''Approaching hysteria
approaching the Qur'an: The debate in and about Chapel Hill, 2002''
4c Endangered Languages, Hibiscus
Session Chair: Jon Jonz, Texas A&M University-Commerce
9:00 Pamela Munro, UCLA: ''Tlacolula Valley Zapotec diminutives and paradigmatic irregularity''
9:30 Michael Galant, California State University, Dominguez Hills: ''The morphosyntactic status of
animacy classifiers in San Andrés Yaá Zapotec''
10:00 Julia Elizabeth Lonergan, University of California, Santa Cruz: ''Comparison of Native American
Hopi Indian and East Indian religious metaphors''
10:30-10:45 MORNING BREAK, Rose
5.0 Saturday Parallel Sessions: 10:45 - 12:15
5a Language Attitudes II, Bluebonnet
Session Chair: Antonio Medina-Rivera, Cleveland State University
10:45 Michelle Ramos-Pellicia, George Mason University: ''Language attitudes and language use in an
Ohio community of Puerto Ricans''
11:15 Lei Zhang, University of Texas-Pan Am: ''Is there a positive attitude? Southern American
undergraduate students' attitudes toward international teaching assistants of English''
11:45 Donna L. Lillian, East Carolina: ''Racism, ethnicism, 'lingism': Anti-French and Anti-Spanish
discourse in Canada and the U.S.A.''
5b Spanish Language Use in Print Media, La Palma
Session Chair: Agustín Martínez-Samos, Texas A&M International
10:45 Lola O. Norris, Texas A&M International: '''Dear Editor' o Dime cómo escribes y te diré de dónde
eres': El cambio de códigos en las cartas al editor de un periódico fronterizo''
11:15 Travis D. Sorenson, Texas A&M University: ''El alza de periódicos de lengua española en Estados
Unidos como reflejo del aumento de la población hispana''
11:45 Marco Íñíquez Alba, Texas A&M University, Kingsville: '' El español impreso en Kingsville''
5c Phonetics and Phonology, Hibiscus
Session Chair: Devin Jenkins, University of Colorado at Denver
10:45 Lori Czerwionka, University of Texas: ''Intonation of hedged phrases: Transcending borders into
Spain and Mexico, focusing on intermediate boundaries and alignment''
11:15 David Eddington, Brigham Young University: ''Capitalistic versus Militaristic: Paradigm Uniformity
and Analogy''
11:45 Karen Roesch, University of Texas: ''Traversing linguistic borders: From the Alsace to Medina
County, Texas''
12:15-1:45 LUNCH, El Tesoro Club
6.0 Saturday Parallel Sessions: 1:30 - 3:00
6a Code-Switching, Bluebonnet
Session Chair: Lola O. Norris, Texas A&M International University
1:45 David Kobel, Oklahoma State University: ''Code-Switching on South Texas radio''
2:15 Daniel Olson, University of Texas: ''Multiple strategies of creating contrastive focus and the effect
on intonation''
2:45 Anthony K. Webster, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale: ''From Hóyéé to Hajinei: On the
implications of code-switching and orthography in Navajo poetry
6b Advertising Discourse, La Palma
Session Chair: Ed Heckler, University of Texas-Pan American
1:45 Robert J. Baumgardner, Texas A&M University-Commerce: ''A dip by any other name?The use of
English and Spanish in product naming in Mexico and the United States''
2:15 Julia Kuhn, Wirtschatftsuniversität Wien: ''Persuasive Strategies in the advertising discourse: The
instrumentalization of history in the names of Mexican and French enterprises. A comparative
2:45 Vincent Taohsun Chang, National Chengchi University: ''Visual meaning in multimodal discourse:
An experimental pragmatic approach''
6c 3a Invited Panel: Teacher/Professor perspectives of TexMex, i.e. Spanglish, on the border Hibiscus Session Chairs: Kati Pletsch de García and Patricia González, Texas A&M International University
Participants: Teachers and Professors from the borderlands
3:15-3:30 Afternoon Break, The Rose
3:30-4:30 Plenary Address, Louis V
Introduction of the Program Chair
by Patricia MacGregor-Mendoza, New Mexico State University,
LASSO Executive Director
Introduction of the Plenary Speaker
by Kati Pletsch de García, Texas A&M International,
LASSO 2006 Vice President and Program Chair
Plenary address by
Ana Celia Zentella, University of California, San Diego:
''Transfronterizo Talk: Remapping the linguistic and cultural borders in Tijuana-San Diego''
4:30-7:00 FREE TIME! Explore downtown Laredo or Nuevo Laredo
7:00-10:00 Conference Banquet
Room: To Be Announced in Final Program
Sunday, October 1
All Sunday sessions held at La Posada
7.0 Sunday Parallel Sessions: 9 -10:30 am
7a Language Acquisition, Bluebonnet
Session Chair: Patricia McGregor-Mendoza, New Mexico State University
9:00 Guadulupe Aguiar, Texas A&M International University: ''Adquisición académica vs. adquisición
de la lengua, ¿qué debe ser primero?''
9:30 Donna E. West, State University of New York at Cortland: ''A case for L2-like errors in L1 bilingual acquisition: Evidence for English to Spanish transfer''
10:00 Dustin De Felice, Northeastern Illinois University: ''Living an endangered language: Learning
Nahuatl and its vocabulary in modern-day Mexico''
7b Using Linguistic Tools for Literature and Culture, La Palma
Session Chair: Lynda Brown, Texas A&M International University
9:00 Conchita Hickey, Texas A&M International University: ''Chicano literature: Transcending
Academic Borders''
9:30 Joke Mondada, University of New Orleans: ''Rosario Ramos Salas' story 'Te perdiste': A discourse analysis''
10:00 Frances Gates Rhodes, Texas A&M International University
10:30-10:45 Morning Break, The Rose
8.0 Sunday Parallel Sessions: 10:45 -11:45
8a Spanish Sociolinguistics II, Bluebonnet
Session Chair: Guadalupe Aguiar, Martin High School and Texas A&M International University
10:45 Ana Ortigosa Pastor, CUNY: ''Colocaciones en el español de Nueva York: Convergencia
comunicativa y lingüística''
11:15 Laura Dubcovsky, University of California, Davis: ''La preparación de maestros más allá de las
8b Supporting Student Learning in the Classroom, La Palma,
Session Chair: Bernice Sánchez-Pérez, Texas A&M International University
10:45 Diana Linn, Texas A&M International University: ''Representational patterns of English Language
Learners receiving special education services in South Texas''
11:15 Nancy Sullivan, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, ''Supporting Student Learning through a
Course Management System''
11:45 - 12:45 LASSO Business Meeting and Brunch, El
Tesoro Club
All members invited to attend! Please join us!
The hotel courtesy van shuttle
will make trips to the Laredo International airport
Please arrange your pick-up at the reception desk
LINGUIST List: Vol-17-2609
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