18.1292, Calls: General Ling/Canada; Applied Ling,Comp Ling/Netherlands
Mon Apr 30 16:30:38 UTC 2007
LINGUIST List: Vol-18-1292. Mon Apr 30 2007. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 18.1292, Calls: General Ling/Canada; Applied Ling,Comp Ling/Netherlands
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Laura Welcher, Rosetta Project
<reviews at linguistlist.org>
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Editor for this issue: Ania Kubisz <ania at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 26-Apr-2007
From: Martina Wiltschko < wmartina at interchange.ubc.ca >
Subject: Workshop on Parts and Quantities
Date: 26-Apr-2007
From: Alexandros Ntoulas < antoulas at microsoft.com >
Subject: iNEWS 07 (Improving Non English Web Searching), SIGIR07
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2007 12:26:11
From: Martina Wiltschko < wmartina at interchange.ubc.ca >
Subject: Workshop on Parts and Quantities
Full Title: Workshop on Parts and Quantities
Date: 16-Nov-2007 - 16-Nov-2007
Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Contact Person: Martina Wiltschko
Meeting Email: wmartina at interchange.ubc.ca
Web Site: http://faculty.arts.ubc.ca/mbarrie/pq.html
Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics
Call Deadline: 01-Jul-2007
Meeting description:
Exploring cross-linguistic variation in the syntax and semantics of natural
language expressions that are used to refer to parts or quantities.
Nominal phrases are generally used to refer to individualities (individuals or
substance). In addition natural languages have various means to refer to smaller
parts or larger quantities of such individualities. These strategies include
(but are not restricted to) the following:
- expressions for plurality
- quantifiers (for count nouns (individuals) or mass nouns (substance))
- numerals
- classifiers and measurers
- expressions for inalienable possession (body-parts)
While most languages appear to have such expressions, it is not clear as to
whether or not such expressions are indeed dedicated to their function, or
whether they can acquire this function as a byproduct of a more general
function. In other words, we wish to explore whether there are any universal
generalizations that can be made in regards to the expression of parts and
quantities: how much of the formal properties of these expressions are
determined by universal grammar and how much is language-specific? As such we
particularly invite papers that look at such expressions from a cross-linguistic
point of view or from the point of view of languages that are generally less
Invited speakers:
Jila Ghomeshi (University of Manitoba)
Diane Massam (University of Toronto)
Eric Mathieu (University of Ottawa)
Ileana Paul (University of Western Ontario)
We invite abstracts for 20 minute talks (+10 minutes discussion) that address
these issues.
Abstract requirements:
1 page, (single spaced, Font not smaller than 11points; 1'' margins)
Electronic submissions are strongly preferred.
Please, submit a pdf version of your abstract to:
In the subject of your e-mail: abstract
In the body of your e-mail, please include
Name of author(s)
Title of talk
Mailing address
e-mail address
Workshop website: http://faculty.arts.ubc.ca/mbarrie/pq.html
Important deadlines:
Call for papers: April 27th 2007
Deadline for submission of abstracts: July 1st 2007
Notification of acceptance: August 1st 2007
Workshop: November 16th 2007
Organizing committee:
Martina Wiltschko
Mike Barrie
Jason Brown
Jenifer Glougie
Sonja Thoma
James Thompson
-------------------------Message 2 ----------------------------------
Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2007 12:26:21
From: Alexandros Ntoulas < antoulas at microsoft.com >
Subject: iNEWS 07 (Improving Non English Web Searching), SIGIR07
Full Title: iNEWS 07 (Improving Non English Web Searching), SIGIR07
Short Title: iNEWS 07
Date: 27-Jul-2007 - 27-Jul-2007
Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands
Contact Person: Alexandros Ntoulas
Meeting Email: antoulas at microsoft.com
Web Site: http://rea.teimes.gr/~lazarinf/ir7w/
Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics; Computational Linguistics; Text/Corpus
Call Deadline: 25-May-2007
Meeting Description:
Call for papers
'iNEWS 07' (Improving Non English Web Searching) - a SIGIR 2007 workshop
''iNEWS 07'' (Improving Non English Web Searching) - a SIGIR 2007 workshop
Full title: ''Improving Web retrieval for non-English queries''
Amsterdam - 27 July 2007
Important Dates
25 May 2007 - Paper submissions due
15 June 2007 - Notifications of acceptance
22 June 2007 - Camera-ready copy due
27 July 2007 - Workshop
Call for Papers
Workshop Theme:
Over 60% of the online population are non-English speakers and it is probable
the number of non-English speakers is growing faster than English speakers.
Recent studies showed that non-English queries and unclassifiable queries have
nearly tripled since 1997. Most search engines were originally engineered for
English. They do not take full account of inflectional semantics nor, for
example, diacritics or the use of capitals.
The main conclusion from the literature is that searching using non-English and
non-Latin based queries results in lower success and requires additional user
effort so as to achieve acceptable recall and precision. Further international
search engines (like Yahoo and Google) are relatively weaker with monolingual
non-English queries.
New tools and resources are needed to support researchers in non-English
retrieval. New methodologies need to be proposed which will help the
identification of problems in existing search engines. New teaching strategies
should be formed aiding users to become more efficient in formulating their queries.
Aims and Topics:
The main objectives of the workshop are to propose techniques and to evaluate
tools which improve the effectiveness of the existing search engines. The
specific aims of the workshop are:
- Evaluate search engines in non-English queries and measure the additional user
- Define methodologies for evaluating the effectiveness of search engines in
non-English queries.
- Study the user query patterns in non-English Web retrieval.
- Identify the factors that influence utilization of search engines in a
multicultural world.
- Propose extensions to the search engines to improve non-English Web retrieval.
- Propose teaching strategies for helping users improve their searching behaviour.
- Identify how standard IR techniques (Indexing, Query representation, Query
reformulation, etc) can be adapted in Web retrieval for non-English languages.
- Discuss the application of natural language processing techniques for
non-English Web IR.
Workshop areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Evaluation methodologies
- Analysis of query logs
- Localization of search engine interfaces
- Performance issues of local search engines
- User studies
- Image and video retrieval services
- Summarization
- Teaching
Invited Speaker: To be announced
Journal Publication:
Authors of best papers will be invited to submit extended versions of their
papers for a special issue of an international journal edited by the organizers
with the aid of the programme committee.
Location and Date:
The workshop will be held as part of SIGIR 2007 in Amsterdam, July 27, 2007.
Authors are invited to submit full papers or posters in PDF format using the ACM
template page.
The workshop accepts two types of submissions: Full papers (8 pages max) and
Posters (4 pages max).
Accepted papers will be included in the print proceedings which will be
distributed among the participants.
Extended abstracts of the posters will also be included in the proceedings.
Please send the PDF file by email to both Fotis Lazarinis (lazarinf AT
teimes.gr) and to Jesus Vilares (jvilares AT udc.es).
Workshop Organisers:
Workshop Chairs:
Fotis Lazarinis, Technological Educational Institute, Mesolongli, Greece
Jesus Vilares Ferro, University of A Coruna, Spain
John Tait, University of Sunderland, UK
Programme Committee (alphabetically):
1. Miguel Alonso (Univ. A Coruna, Spain)
2. Theodore Dalamagas (National Technical Univ. of Athens, Greece)
3. Chu-Ren Huang (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
4. Ghassan Kanaan (Yarmouk University, Jordan)
5. Noriko Kando (National Institute of Informatics, Japan)
6. Chen Kuang-hua (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)
7. David Losada (Univ. Santiago de Compostela, Spain)
8. Alexandros Ntoulas (Microsoft Search Labs, USA)
9. Doug Oard (Univ. of Maryland, USA)
10. Gabriel Pereira (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal)
11. Carol Peters (ISTI-CNR, Italy)
12. Owen Rambow (Columbia University, USA)
13. Mark Sanderson (Univ. of Sheffield, UK)
14. Jacques Savoy (Univ. of Neuchatel, Switzerland)
15. Nasredine Semmar (LIC2M/CEA-LIST, France)
16. Min Song (New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA)
17. Sofia Stamou (Univ. of Patras, Greece)
18. Richard Sutcliffe (Univ. Limerick, Ireland)
19. Manuel Vilares (Univ. Vigo, Spain)
LINGUIST List: Vol-18-1292
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