18.2393, Calls: Applied Ling/Qatar
Sun Aug 12 17:04:45 UTC 2007
LINGUIST List: Vol-18-2393. Sun Aug 12 2007. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 18.2393, Calls: Applied Ling/Qatar
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Randall Eggert, U of Utah
<reviews at linguistlist.org>
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Editor for this issue: Ania Kubisz <ania at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 11-Aug-2007
From: Kourosh Lachini < klachini at gmail.com >
Subject: Qatar TESOL International Conference 2008
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Sun, 12 Aug 2007 12:59:10
From: Kourosh Lachini [klachini at gmail.com]
Subject: Qatar TESOL International Conference 2008
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Full Title: Qatar TESOL International Conference 2008
Short Title: QTESOL 2008
Date: 11-Apr-2008 - 12-Apr-2008
Location: Doha, Qatar
Contact Person: Dr. Kourosh Lachini
Meeting Email: qtesol08 at gmail.com
Web Site: http://www.qatartesol.org
Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics
Call Deadline: 15-Nov-2007
Meeting Description
Towards Excellence in the Classroom is the Qatar TESOL 2008 conference theme.
Proposals which apply the theme to the context of the classroom in the Gulf will
be favorably viewed. All levels [primary, secondary, and tertiary] of ESL
methods, practices, and techniques will be considered for presentation. This
year's conference is emphasizing practical ways to deal with everyday procedures
that are used to teach. Theoretical papers will also be welcomed and should
attempt to integrate the theoretical with the practical.
Other factors in the selection process include: clarity, appropriateness for the
intended audience (i.e., primary school educators, program administrators,
materials writers, etc.), quality of research and activities, and indications
that the presentation will be well prepared, carefully thought out and that will
encourage discussion. The need to maintain the balance of the program will also
be a consideration.
The abstract should follow a clear three-step order:
(1) background/introduction,
(2) problem addressed or technique employed,
(3) purpose of the presentation.
Make sure there is no doubt in the mind of the reviewer what the presentation
will show, investigate or discuss.
Factors that weaken:
The abstract is over-generalized and no details or examples are given,
The title is obscure, inappropriate or unrelated to the content,
Elaborate equipment is needed,
The abstract is carelessly written,
Insufficient time would be available to present all the material in the abstract
Abstract (250 words)
Use 3rd person (The presenter demonstrates... and he/she explores...), Explain
what you will do. (Do not just dedicate the summary to telling the committee why
your topic is important. Be sure to show how you are applying it to the
classroom and/or the context.),
Spell out acronym(s) or abbreviation(s),
Explain the method of presentation,
Include supporting details and examples,
Include citation of relevant sources according to APA guidelines, i.e. last name
and year in parenthesis in the body of the summary (Schmidt, 2001),
Summary (50 words)
Your summary should tell the participants what you will do in the presentation.
In other words, it helps the conference goers decide whether to attend your
presentation or another one.
The summary will be published in the Conference Program. Use 3rd person singular.
Biodata (50 words)
Tell us something about yourself, your educational and professional background,
where you've taught, etc. The biodata will be included in the Conference
Program. Use 3rd person singular.
Presenters are requested to provide sufficient handouts for room capacity and be
prepared with extra copies.
More than one proposal can be submitted by an individual. However, since Qatar
TESOL is trying to encourage participation by as many members and ESL teachers,
only the best presentation will be accepted.
Deadline is 15 November 2007
Send all 2 documents (completed Speaker Proposal Form and Speaker Information
Form) in MS Word file type in a single folder by email attachment to
QTESOL08 at gmail.com. Please do not copy & paste the 2 documents in the body of
the email. For the name of the attached folder and the subject line of your
email, type your full name without including your middle name (i.e. ''Susan
Please avoid cross-postings.
Format of presentation
A paper (45 minutes) is can be ''theoretical,'' but practical application in the
classroom should be included. Usually, notes or a PowerPoint presentation
accompany a paper presentation. It is important to note that a paper
presentation is explained to the audience; it is not read verbatim to the
A poster (45 minutes) is an exhibit of techniques, activities or methods that
permits informal discussion with attendees. It is presented on a display board
that includes a title, the name of the presenter, the institutional affiliation
of the presenter, and a brief display of graphics, text, photos, illustrations,
summaries, charts, realia, etc. Presenters are available for discussion during a
time designated in the schedule for one-on-one discussion. No AV equipment or
electrical access is available to poster presenters.
A workshop (90 minutes) is a presentation where participants are involved
actively in applying the technique or theory during the session. In other words,
it is a ''hands-on'' session where the presenter demonstrates a practical skill
or teaching method and the audience actually does it in the session. The
participants take an active part in the workshop. Very little lecturing takes
place during a workshop. The summary and abstract should include a statement of
what participants will earn during the workshop and an outline of the practical
aspects of the presentation.
A colloquium (90 minutes) is a panel that permits the presentation of short,
formal talks by three (3) to five (5) participants. Time is allowed for
discussion with the audience of issues, ideas and techniques raised or presented
during the short, formal talks.
A commercial presentation (45 minutes) is an opportunity for publishers to
present recently released textbooks, spotlight an author, or discuss commercial
materials such as CDs or software programs. It is indicated as a commercial
presentation in the Conference Program.
LINGUIST List: Vol-18-2393
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