18.2434, FYI: Society for the History of Linguistics in Pacific
Fri Aug 17 21:55:00 UTC 2007
LINGUIST List: Vol-18-2434. Fri Aug 17 2007. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 18.2434, FYI: Society for the History of Linguistics in Pacific
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Date: 17-Aug-2007
From: William McGregor < linwmg at hum.au.dk >
Subject: Society for the History of Linguistics in Pacific
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2007 17:53:46
From: William McGregor [linwmg at hum.au.dk]
Subject: Society for the History of Linguistics in Pacific
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We propose to establish a society for the study of the history of
linguistics in the Pacific region, with the above title, abbreviated SHLP.
The purpose of this society is to foster and advance the study of the
history of linguistic research in the world's most linguistically diverse
region, the Pacific (embracing the region falling within the scope of
Pacific Linguistics). SHLP is concerned with the history of all aspects of
linguistics - documentary, descriptive, theoretical, and applications - and
its relation to other disciplines. The aims of the society include:
* to awaken the interest and further the awareness of linguists in the
history of their discipline, with a particular focus on the Pacific region;
* to give the history of linguistics both within the subject and outside it
- in disciplines such as history, anthropology, archeology - a higher
profile in the Pacific region and internationally;
* to encourage the production of critical editions of important historical
documents and historically aware metadocumentary resources;
* to stimulate the investigation of indigenous and post-colonial traditions
in linguistics;
* to encourage awareness of the principles and practices of linguistic
* to serve as an interdisciplinary forum for dialogue within the
international community of historians of linguistics.
The main activities of the society will be:
* organization of biennial conferences, the first to be held in conjunction
with ALS2008;
* establishment of a newsletter and electronic forum for exchange of ideas
and information.
Membership of the society is open to those interested in Pacific region
history, especially linguists, historians, archaeologists, anthropologists,
educators, and speakers of languages of the region. Please send expressions
of interest to the planning committee (see below) at
organisers_shlp at yahoo.com.au.
The planning committee aims to establish an interim organization by the end
of 2007, and will communicate information directly to all those who have
expressed interest.
Thanking you in advance, the Planning Committee:
Hilary Carey (Newcastle, Hilary.Carey at newcastle.edu.au)
William B. McGregor (Aarhus, linwmg at hum.au.dk)
David Moore (Alice Springs, moored03 at bigpond.com.au)
Linguistic Field(s): Discipline of Linguistics
General Linguistics
History of Linguistics
Language Documentation
LINGUIST List: Vol-18-2434
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