18.2449, Calls: Linguistic Theories,Morphology,Psycholing,Semantics/Austria
Mon Aug 20 20:06:21 UTC 2007
LINGUIST List: Vol-18-2449. Mon Aug 20 2007. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 18.2449, Calls: Linguistic Theories,Morphology,Psycholing,Semantics/Austria
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 20-Aug-2007
From: Stela Manova < stela.manova at univie.ac.at >
Subject: 13th International Morphology Meeting: Affix Ordering
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2007 16:04:29
From: Stela Manova [stela.manova at univie.ac.at]
Subject: 13th International Morphology Meeting: Affix Ordering
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Full Title: 13th International Morphology Meeting: Affix Ordering
Short Title: IMM13 - Affix Ordering
Date: 03-Feb-2008 - 06-Feb-2008
Location: Vienna, Austria
Contact Person: Stela Manova
Meeting Email: stela.manova at univie.ac.at
Web Site: http://www.wu-wien.ac.at/inst/roman/imm13/
Linguistic Field(s): Linguistic Theories; Morphology; Psycholinguistics; Semantics
Call Deadline: 30-Sep-2007
Meeting Description:
Affix ordering in typologically different languages: approaches, problems and perspectives.
Workshop during the 13th International Morphology Meeting, February 3rd-6th (Sunday-Wednesday), 2008, Vienna, Austria
Website of IMM13: http://www.wu-wien.ac.at/inst/roman/imm13
Reference website for the workshop: http://homepage.univie.ac.at/stela.manova/workshop_imm13.htm
Sponsored by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
Invited Speaker: Mark Aronoff (Stony Brook University)
Modified issue: Original LL issue http://www.linguistlist.org/issues/18/18-2445.html
Location of event has been corrected.
Second Call for Papers
Questions concerning affix ordering and restrictions on affix combinations belong to the central ones in morphological theory (see e.g. Spencer 2006 for a useful survey). Proposals put forward thus far can be classified as:
1) typological (e.g. inflection follows derivation, cf. Greenberg 1963; with respect to the verb stem, the order of verb inflection morphemes is consistent across languages, cf. Bybee 1985);
2) phonological (reflecting the idea that morphology and phonology work in conjunction, i.e. the so-called stratal approach, based on the principle of Level Ordering; cf. Siegel 1974, Kiparsky 1982, Mohanan 1986, Giegerich 1999, among others);
3) syntactic (morphological operations in terms of affix ordering 'mirror' syntactic operations, cf. Baker 1985, and Grimshaw's 1986 criticism of Baker's proposal);
4) semantic (based on the notion of semantic scope, cf. Rice 2000; see also the 'relevance principle' in Bybee 1985);
5) psycholinguistic (based on the notion of parsability, i.e. what is more easily parsable follows what is less so, cf. Hay 2003); and
6) morphological (selectional restrictions encoded in the affix or/and in the base, including closing suffixes (i.e. suffixes that do not allow addition of further suffixes) are responsible for affix ordering, cf. Fabb 1988; Plag 1996; Szymanek 2000; Aronoff and Fuhrhop 2002).
As is often the case in linguistic theory, all the above approaches work properly to some extent, but no approach is perfect, which has made linguists integrate insights from different approaches (e.g. Hay & Plag 2004 who combine psycholinguistic and morphological arguments). However, an important problem remains. Some of the proposals have never been tested against data from (a) language(s) typologically different from that/those for which they have been originally formulated. For example, the recently suggested (probabilistic) criterion of parsability has been applied only to English derivational morphology. Thus although parsability has been claimed to be a universal restriction on affix ordering working particularly well in combination with selectional restrictions (Hay & Plag 2004), it remains unclear how this criterion and proposals in which it participates account for the fact that in languages with rich inflectional morphology, for example the Slavic ones, inflectional suffixes are, by rule, vowel initial, often cause stress changes and palatalizations (i.e. are difficult to parse) but follow derivational suffixes.
Thus this workshop aims to bring together morphologists working on affix ordering in languages representing different morphological types. Papers applying morphological, psycholinguistic and semantic approaches to languages with rich inflectional morphology, or comparing such languages with English, are particularly welcome, although the workshop is open to problem-solving papers based on any language and any approach.
Aronoff, Mark & Nanna Fuhrhop 2002. Restricting Suffix Combinations in German and English: Closing Suffixes and the Monosuffix Constraint. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 20, 451-490.
Baker, Mark 1985. The Mirror principle and Morphosyntactic Explanation. Linguistic Inquiry 16, 373-415.
Bybee, Joan L. 1985. Morphology. A Study of the Relation between Meaning and Form. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Fabb, Nigel 1988. English suffixation is constrained only by selectional restrictions. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 6, 527-539.
Giegerich, Heinz J. 1999. Lexical Strata in English. Morphological Causes, Phonological Effects. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Greenberg, Joseph H. 1963 (ed.). Universals of language. Cambridge, Ma: MIT Press.
Grimshaw, Jane 1986. A Morphosyntactic Explanation for the Mirror Principle. Linguistic Inquiry 17, 745-749.
Hay, Jennifer 2003. Causes and Consequences of Word Structure. New York and London: Routledge.
Hay, Jennifer & Ingo Plag 2004. What constrains possible suffix combinations? On the interaction of grammatical and processing restrictions in derivational morphology. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 22, 565-596.
Kiparsky, Paul 1982. Lexical morphology and phonology. In Linguistics in the Morning Calm: Selected Papers from SICOL-1981, Linguistic Society of Korea. Seoul: Hanshin, 3-91.
Mohanan, Karuvannur P. 1986. The Theory of Lexical Phonology. Dordrecht: Reidel.
Plag, Ingo 1996. Selectional restrictions in English suffixation revisited. A reply to Fabb (1988). Linguistics 34, 769-798.
Rice, Keren 2000. Morpheme Order and Semantic Scope. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Siegel, Dorothy 1974. Topics in English Morphology. Ph.D. Thesis. MIT.
Spencer, Andrew 2006. Morphological universals. In R. Mairal and J. Gil (eds.), Linguistic Universals. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 101-129.
Szymanek, Bogdan 2000. On morphotactics: Closing morphemes in English. In B. Rozwadowska (ed.), PASE Papers in Language Studies. Wroc?aw: Aksel, 311-320.
Abstract Submission
Abstracts (for 20-minute talks with a 10-minute discussion) must be at most one page long (margins: 2.5 cm or 1 inch; size of characters: at least 12 points; spacing: single). An optional second page is permitted for data, figures and references.
Please submit your abstract in both .pdf and .doc formats to stela.manova at univie.ac.at. The two files should be sent as attachments. Include the following information in the body of the e-mail message:
(1) title of paper
(2) author's name
(3) email address
(4) affiliation.
Due to numerous requests, the deadline for submission is extended to September 30th, 2007.
We hope to be able to announce acceptances by October 31st, 2007.
Stela Manova (University of Vienna) & Bogdan Szymanek (The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin)
LINGUIST List: Vol-18-2449
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