18.467, Calls: Computational Linguistics,Lang Acq/Ireland; Psycholinguistics/UK
Mon Feb 12 15:56:49 UTC 2007
LINGUIST List: Vol-18-467. Mon Feb 12 2007. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 18.467, Calls: Computational Linguistics,Lang Acq/Ireland; Psycholinguistics/UK
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Laura Welcher, Rosetta Project / Long Now Foundation
<reviews at linguistlist.org>
Homepage: http://linguistlist.org/
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Editor for this issue: Ania Kubisz <ania at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 10-Feb-2007
From: Dave Cochran < davec at cs.st-andrews.ac.uk >
Subject: Exemplar-Based Models of Language Acquisition and Use
Date: 09-Feb-2007
From: David Rapp < rapp at northwestern.edu >
Subject: Society for Text & Discourse
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2007 10:49:35
From: Dave Cochran < davec at cs.st-andrews.ac.uk >
Subject: Exemplar-Based Models of Language Acquisition and Use
Full Title: Exemplar-Based Models of Language Acquisition and Use
Date: 13-Aug-2007 - 17-Aug-2007
Location: Dublin, Ireland
Contact Person: Dave Cochran
Meeting Email: davec at cs.st-andrews.ac.uk
Web Site: http://www.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/~davec/workshop.htm
Linguistic Field(s): Computational Linguistics; Language Acquisition;
Psycholinguistics; Text/Corpus Linguistics
Call Deadline: 22-Mar-2007
Meeting Description:
This ESSLLI 2007 workshop aims at bringing together linguists working to expand
their exemplar-based models by computational modeling, and computational
linguists interested in extending exemplar-based models to aspects of language
Second Call for Papers
Revised Deadline for Submissions; 22nd March
Exemplar-Based Models of Language Acquisition and Use
13 - 17 August 2007
Organized as part of
The European Summer School on Logic, Language and Information
ESSLLI 2007 https://www.cs.tcd.ie/esslli2007/
6 - 17 August, 2007 in Dublin
Workshop Organizers:
Rens Bod rb at cs.st-andrews.ac.uk
Dave Cochran davec at cs.st-andrews.ac.uk
Workshop Purpose:
Exemplar-based models conceive of linguistic representations as being directly
shaped by speakers' memories of specific tokens of linguistic items. Such models
are being considered by a growing number of researchers in virtually all areas
of linguistics, from language acquisition and psycholinguistics to computational
linguistics and statistical natural language processing. The workshop is open to
all members of the Language, Logic and Information community, and is in
particular intended as a forum for advanced PhD students and more senior
researchers to share their research.
Workshop Topics:
- Unsupervised exemplar-based systems for parsing and other NLP tasks;
Statistical grammar induction; bootstrapping in exemplar-based models of
language, in computers and infants.
- The interaction between language and other cognitive modalities in
exemplar-based systems; exemplar based semantics and pragmatics.
- The nature of linguistic knowledge and representations in exemplar-based systems.
- Distributional learning; Pattern matching and language acquisition
- Statistical, item-based and corpus-based language acquisition
- Exemplars, recency and priming.
- Cognitive consequences of the problems of computational complexity in
exemplar-based algorithms and their solutions.
- Computational approaches to exemplar-based construction grammar; computational
approaches to usage-based linguistics.
- Comprehension and generation in exemplar-based systems.
- Learning as abstraction vs. learning as storage; or, proposals for integration.
- General theoretical/philosophical considerations regarding the relation of
computational models to experimental cognitive research
We are particularly eager to receive submissions of an interdisciplinary nature,
especially those bridging the gap between computational and experimental approaches.
Submission details:
Authors are invited to submit extended abstracts of 1000-2000 words. The
following formats are accepted: PDF, PS, and MS Word. Submissions must be
suitable for anonymous review; reviewing will be double-blind. Please do not
include name, contact details, affiliation, or any self-identifying references
(eg: ''We proved in Smith 2003...'', rather than ''Smith 2003 proved...'') in the
text of the submission; please include a cover sheet (as a separate attachment)
containing the title of your submission, your name, contact details and
affiliation. Please send your submission electronically to
davec at cs.st-andrews.ac.uk by the deadline listed below. The submissions will be
reviewed by the workshop's programme committee and additional reviewers. The
accepted papers will appear in the workshop proceedings published by ESSLLI. The
format for the final versions will be MS Word.
Workshop format:
The workshop is part of ESSLLI and is open to all ESSLLI participants. It will
consist of five 90-minute sessions held over five consecutive days in the second
week of ESSLLI. There will be 2 slots for paper presentation (30 minutes) and
discussion (15 minutes) per session. On the first day the workshop organizers
will give an extended lecture to familiarize the audience with the topic.
Invited Speaker:
Morten Christiansen
Department of Psychology, Cornell University
Workshop Programme Committee:
Rens Bod
Nick Chater
Alexander Clark
Dave Cochran
Walter Daelemans
-------------------------Message 2 ----------------------------------
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2007 10:49:43
From: David Rapp < rapp at northwestern.edu >
Subject: Society for Text & Discourse
Full Title: Society for Text & Discourse
Short Title: ST&D
Date: 08-Jul-2007 - 11-Jul-2007
Location: Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
Contact Person: Tony Sanford
Web Site: http://std2007.psy.gla.ac.uk/
Linguistic Field(s): Psycholinguistics
Subject Language(s): English (eng)
Call Deadline: 15-Feb-2007
Meeting Description
The Society for Text & Discourse will hold its Seventeenth Annual Meeting at the
University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK, Sunday through Wednesday, July 8-11, 2007.
The Society for Text & Discourse is an international society of researchers who
investigate all aspects of discourse processing and analysis. The purpose of the
society is to consolidate research in discourse processing, to enhance
communication among researchers in different disciplines, and to contribute to
the education and professional development of those in the field or entering the
field. Therefore, we invite scholars from various disciplines (e.g., psychology,
linguistics, neuroscience, artificial intelligence, education, sociology,
anthropology, communications, philosophy, and poetics) to attend and participate
in the annual meeting. We invite individual papers, posters, and suggestions for
symposia (see below for details).
Seventeenth Annual Meeting of the Society for Text & Discourse
Glasgow, Scotland, UK July 8-11, 2007
Call for Presenters
Invited Talks and Symposium
We are pleased to announce that at the present stage the following invited
speakers have already agreed to give plenary talks at the meeting:
Prof. Susan R. Goldman, Department of Psychology, University of Illinois at Chicago
Prof. Fernanda Ferreira, Psychology, School of Philosophy, Psychology and
Language Sciences, University of Edinburgh
The program will also include a symposium on The Neuroscience of Discourse.
Submission Information
Presentations at the Seventeenth Annual Meeting of the Society for Text and
Discourse can be in the form of posters or spoken papers. The deadline for
submitting proposals for both presentation formats is February 15, 2007. A
Review Committee will review the proposals, and authors will be notified
regarding acceptance by March 31, 2006.
Please submit proposals in English to std2007 at psy.gla.ac.uk. The proposal should
be attached to the email, and should be saved as either a MS Word or PDF
document using the first author's name as the filename (e.g. magliano.doc or
magliano.pdf). The subject line of the email must read ''Proposal Submission.''
If an author submits more than one proposal, each must be sent in a separate
e-mail message and the filenames should be numbered (e.g. goldman1.doc,
goldman2.doc) Note: If you wish to submit a symposium, please contact the
Program Committee at std2007 at psy.gla.ac.uk prior to preparing the submission.
The subject line of the email must read ''Symposium Proposal''.
Proposal Format
Proposals should include a cover page with the following:
1. The title of the presentation.
2. Names and institutional affiliations of all authors, including email
addresses of all authors.
3. Contact address for presenting author.
4. Presentation Preference (Poster, Paper or Either).
5. State if you are willing to review conference proposals.
6. State if you are willing to chair a paper session.
7. A statement indicating whether the paper is to be considered for either the
Outstanding Student Paper Award (OSPA) or the Jason Albrecht Outstanding Young
Scientist Award (JAOYSA). (See requirements below).
8. A 75-word abstract of the presentation for publication in the abstracts booklet.
In addition to the cover page, please include a 2-3 page summary of the
presentation with a title but no author information (max. 1000 words, including
bibliographic references). A sample submission is available on the conference
website (http://std2007.psy.gla.ac.uk/). Proposals that are late, or that exceed
the length specified will not be reviewed. If for some reason you cannot send
your submission by e-mail, printed submissions can be sent to:
Department of Psychology
University of Glasgow
58 Hillhead Street
Glasgow, G12 8QB
Scotland, UK
Confirmation of receipt of submissions will be sent within a week of receiving them.
The Outstanding Student Paper Award
The Outstanding Student Paper Award (OPSA) recognizes quality in work that is
predominantly that of a graduate student. Accordingly, the student must be first
author on the paper. The student's major advisor must send an email to
std2007 at psy.gla.ac.uk certifying that this work has been done primarily by the
student, and a paragraph-length recommendation of the paper for the award. The
subject line for the email must be ''OSPA Certification.''
The Jason Albrecht Outstanding Young Scientist Award
The Jason Albrecht Outstanding Young Scientist Award (JAOYSA) honors the memory
of Jason Albrecht, a promising young text and discourse researcher who passed
away in 1996. The award recognizes an outstanding paper based on a doctoral
dissertation. The doctoral candidate must be first author on the paper. The
student's dissertation advisor must send an email to std2007 at psy.gla.ac.uk
certifying that the work is based on the nominee's doctoral dissertation, and
recommending the student for the award. The subject line for the email must be
''JAOYSA Certification.''
Recipients of each award receive a certificate and a $150 award check. Proposals
eligible for the Jason Albrecht Outstanding Young Scientist Award and the
Outstanding Student Paper Award undergo two reviews: one by the regular program
committee and a second by the Awards Committee. Only proposals that are
submitted and accepted for presentation as spoken papers will be considered for
the awards.
Additional Information
For more information on the Society and the Annual Meeting, please see the ST&D
website at http://www.societyfortextanddiscourse.org/ and the conference website
at http://std2007.psy.gla.ac.uk/
LINGUIST List: Vol-18-467
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