18.3, Support: Ling - All Areas: PhD Student, Leiden U Centre for Linguistics

Mon Jan 8 15:37:53 UTC 2007

LINGUIST List: Vol-18-3. Mon Jan 08 2007. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 18.3, Support: Ling - All Areas: PhD Student, Leiden U Centre for Linguistics

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Laura Welcher, Rosetta Project / Long Now Foundation  
         <reviews at linguistlist.org> 

Homepage: http://linguistlist.org/

The LINGUIST List is funded by Eastern Michigan University, Wayne
State University, and donations from subscribers and publishers.

Editor for this issue: Svetlana Aksenova <svetlana at linguistlist.org>

To post to LINGUIST, use our convenient web form at


Date: 01-Jan-2007
From: Jeroen van de Weijer < j.m.van.de.weijer at let.leidenuniv.nl >
Subject: Linguistics - All Areas: PhD Student, Leiden University Centre for Linguistics, Netherlands 

-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Mon, 08 Jan 2007 10:30:28
From: Jeroen van de Weijer < j.m.van.de.weijer at let.leidenuniv.nl >
Subject: Linguistics - All Areas: PhD Student, Leiden University Centre for Linguistics, Netherlands 

Institution/Organization: Leiden University Centre for Linguistics  
Level: PhD 
Duties: Research 
Specialty Areas: General Linguistics; Language Acquisition 
Required Language(s): Dutch (nld)


The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics (LUCL) offers 5 paid PhD positions


Appointment date: September 1, 2007

The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics (LUCL), which was established in
2005, is the research institute of linguistics at the Faculty of Arts, Leiden
University. LUCL coordinates the research of around 75 permanent faculty
members, over 50 PhD students and 20 postdocs. It runs the
internationally-oriented two-year Research Master's programme "Structure and
variation in the languages of the world" and organises numerous conferences,
workshops and other scientific events every year.

- Four general positions (Application number 6-272)
LUCL has positions for four paid PhD students (Dutch: promovendi) for research
in any field of linguistics in which members of the institute have expertise. To
apply, send a preliminary research proposal in English (max. 1,000 words), CV,
copies of diplomas and grade lists, names and full contact details of three
scholars who could be asked to write a recommendation letter for you, any
further documentation (BA, MA and/or M.Phil theses, relevant articles or term
papers), as well as a motivation for your choice for Leiden University and LUCL
(max. 200 words) to the address below. Both word limits will be strictly
enforced. The deadline for application is February 15, 2007. Shortlisted
candidates will be asked to send a more detailed proposal around April 1; final
decisions are expected around May 15.

- One PhD position (Application number 6-273)
As part of the Vidi-project "A psycholinguistic model for phonological
development", funded by NWO (Principal investigator: Dr. Claartje (Clara)
Levelt), one paid PhD position (Dutch: promovendus/a) is available. Knowledge of
Dutch is a prerequisite, in order to be able to work with Dutch child language
data. To apply, send a one-page letter of motivation, CV, grade lists, full
contact details for three scholars who could be asked to write a recommendation
letter for you, and any further documentation (BA, MA and/or M.Phil theses,
relevant articles or term papers). An earlier appointment date is negotiable.
The deadline for application is February 15, 2007 (See also direct web link for
this project).

Please state the relevant application number clearly on the cover letter.

All positions are embedded in the research and training programme of LUCL, which
is part of the National Dutch Graduate School of Linguistics (LOT). PhD students
are appointed for a maximum of four years in order to complete a PhD
dissertation. Before-tax salaries range from EUR 1956 (monthly) in the first
year to EUR 2502 in the fourth. Candidates must hold a graduate degree (MA, M.Sc
or M.Phil) in linguistics, a language programme, psychology or mathematics or
show proof that they will have acquired one no later than the appointment date.

For information about LUCL, consult LUCL's home page, http://www.lucl.nl.

Mailing Address for Applications:
	Attn: Faculteit der Letteren
	Personnel Department
	c/o Mrs M.J.P. Okker-de Jager
	P.O. Box 9515
	2300 RA  Leiden
	The Netherlands
Applications cannot be sent by email or fax. 
Applications are due by: 15-Feb-2007 

Contact Information: 
	Dr. Jeroen van de Weijer 
	e-mail: j.m.van.de.weijer at let.leidenuniv.nl
	tel.: (+31) 71 - 527 2205/2125

LINGUIST List: Vol-18-3	


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