18.10, Jobs: Syntax: Researcher, Nordic CoE in Microcomparative Syntax
Mon Jan 8 18:16:29 UTC 2007
LINGUIST List: Vol-18-10. Mon Jan 08 2007. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 18.10, Jobs: Syntax: Researcher, Nordic CoE in Microcomparative Syntax
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Date: 05-Jan-2007
From: Øystein Vangsnes < oystein.vangsnes at hum.uit.no >
Subject: Scandinavian Dialect Syntax: Researcher, Nordic CoE in Microcomparative Syntax, Norway
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Mon, 08 Jan 2007 13:13:26
From: Øystein Vangsnes < oystein.vangsnes at hum.uit.no >
Subject: Scandinavian Dialect Syntax: Researcher, Nordic CoE in Microcomparative Syntax, Norway
University or Organization: Nordic CoE in Microcomparative Syntax
Department: CASTL et al.
Web Address: http://norms.uit.no/
Job Rank: Researcher
Specialty Areas: Syntax; Scandinavian Dialect Syntax
Researcher positions in Microcomparative Scandinavian Syntax
Connected to the project NORMS:
Nordic Microcomparative Syntax
This is an ABBREVIATED version of the official announcement which can be
found at http://norms.uit.no/. Please consult the official announcement for
all details!
Deadline for applications: 31.01.07
NORMS and the University of Tromsø invite applications for several research
positions in Scandinavian microcomparative syntax.
The NORMS network consists of linguistic research groups at the following
seven institutions (contact e-mail addresses in parentheses):
- University of Helsinki (Jan-Ola.Ostman at helsinki.fi)
- University of Tromsø (oystein.vangsnes at hum.uit.no)
- Lund University (christer.platzack at nordlund.lu.se)
- University of Oslo (jannebj at iln.uio.no)
- Norwegian University of Science and Technology (tor.aafarli at hf.ntnu.no)
- University of Aarhus (sten.vikner at hum.au.dk)
- University of Iceland (hoski at hi.is)
NORMS is managed in Tromsø by Professor Peter Svenonius. NORMS is jointly
funded by NOS-HS and by the seven partner institutions.
Contingent on funding and administrative approval, 4-6 positions are
expected to be awarded for six months to one and a half years each, with an
anticipated starting date in mid-2007. The positions will be distributed
around the NORMS network; since Tromsø and Lund have recently been awarded
NORMS researcher positions, applications for positions at the other member
institutions will be prioritized. Applicants should indicate clearly in
their applications which of the above seven institutions they wish to be
based at. The positions will have salaries and benefits similar to that of
a post-doctoral researcher at the relevant institution.
The duties of the research fellow are research and research-related activities.
A doctorate is a requirement for employment.
A condition of the grant is that positions will be awarded to researchers
only outside the countries in which they are based.
The successful applicant will submit a research proposal, which will be the
basis for employment. The proposal must reflect the research objectives of
NORMS. The proposal is to be included as part of the job contract for the
fixed-term position. The proposal should therefore include a progress plan.
The successful applicant will document scientific competence within an area
of theoretical linguistics relevant to the NORMS research project; for
details see the website http://norms.uit.no/
The application should include:
- a letter of application (up to 3 pages) with a description of the
applicant's background, research experience and the relevance of previous
work to NORMS' research project
- A research proposal (5-7 pages), which must be relevant to NORMS'
research profile as described on NORMS' web page: http://norms.uit.no/
- the candidate's 3 most significant works to date (normally including the
PhD thesis)
- a complete list of publications including information about where the
works have been published
- official copies of diplomas and transcripts (copies issued by a
university are sufficient)
- 2 letters of recommendation (optional)
Works and material which are to be part of the evaluation must be submitted
in five - 5 - collated sets by 31 January, 2007. Letters of recommendation
should be sent separately.
Address for Applications:
The Faculty of Humanities
The University of Tromsø
Tromsø NO-9037
Application Deadline: 31-Jan-2007
Contact Information:
Peter Svenonius
Email: peter.svenonius at hum.uit.no
LINGUIST List: Vol-18-10
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