18.116, Calls: Discipline of Ling/General Ling/Samara AltLinguo E-Journal (Jrnl)
Fri Jan 12 20:44:34 UTC 2007
LINGUIST List: Vol-18-116. Fri Jan 12 2007. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 18.116, Calls: Discipline of Ling/General Ling/Samara AltLinguo E-Journal (Jrnl)
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Laura Welcher, Rosetta Project / Long Now Foundation
<reviews at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 12-Jan-2007
From: Andrey Kirillov < samaraaltlinguo at yandex.ru >
Subject: Samara AltLinguo E-Journal
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2007 15:41:10
From: Andrey Kirillov < samaraaltlinguo at yandex.ru >
Subject: Samara AltLinguo E-Journal
Full Title: Samara AltLinguo E-Journal
Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics;None
Subject Language(s): English (eng)
Call Deadline: 01-Mar-2007
Samara AltLinguo announces the second call for papers for the first issue
of its e-journal. The first issue is dedicated to modern trends and schools
in linguistics, as well as to directions modern linguistics is taking now.
We solicit articles, brief notes, and comments on the topics including (but
not strictly limited to) the following:
- Is there a future for linguistics?
- What are the ways modern linguistics is taking now?
- Is there anything new to study about language(s)?
- How does linguistics incorporate research and data from other sciences?
- What are the most popular and promising trends in modern linguistics?
- Are there any new schools of linguistics and what do they study?
Guidelines for submission:
1. Articles should be written in English (preferred language), or in Russian.
2. The length of an article is normally limited to 30 pages (A4 or Legal)
including a 200-word abstract and keywords given at the beginning.
3. Texts should be prepared in Microsoft Word format (.doc; margins: left-
2 cm, others- 1 cm) without page insertion. You can also submit your
article in .pdf format (especially if it includes special characters). Use
Times New Roman font, size 12 throughout; the title in capital letters
boldface. Do not use your word processor's hyphenation feature. Leave one
space between lines.
4. All references are given in square brackets [name, year of cited source:
page] after the citation. The full list of references is given in
alphabetical order after the main text of the publication (under the
'References' heading).
5. If you submit your article in .doc format, number paragraphs by placing
an appropriate number in brackets, e.g. [1], [2], etc. at the beginning of
each paragraph. Then use the tab key to indent paragraphs. This numbering
can be further used for the citation purposes, just like page numbers in
printed publications. If you submit your article in .pdf format and have
the pages numbered, do not put any numbers before paragraphs.
6. Only original manuscripts will be considered. We will not consider
manuscripts submitted simultaneously elsewhere, or already published.
7. Manuscripts can also be submitted in one of the other popular style
guides, such as APA or MLA.
1. Please submit your manuscripts electronically as attachments to Andrey
Kirillov (samaraaltlinguo at yandex.ru and andreyki at yahoo.co.uk
simultaneously). Acceptable file formats are MS Word (.doc) and Portable
Document Format (.pdf).
2. Please submit (as a separate attachment in .doc format) personal
details, including:
- author(s)' name(s);
- author(s)' affiliation(s);
- author(s)' position(s);
- author(s)' e-mail address for correspondence;
- the chosen style format (if other than our style guide described above)
of manuscript.
In case you don't get a confirmation of receipt of your manuscript within 3
days of submission, please resubmit it to both e-mails given above.
Notification of acceptance is given within 3 days of receipt of
manuscripts. Publication is scheduled (if enough interest and manuscripts
are raised) for March 2007.
LINGUIST List: Vol-18-116
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