18.270, Confs: Syntax,Typology/Hong Kong
Thu Jan 25 22:46:44 UTC 2007
LINGUIST List: Vol-18-270. Thu Jan 25 2007. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 18.270, Confs: Syntax,Typology/Hong Kong
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Laura Welcher, Rosetta Project / Long Now Foundation
<reviews at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 21-Dec-2006
From: Joan Huang < joanh28 at hotmail.com >
Subject: Nominalizers and Copulas in East Asian Languages
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2007 17:45:39
From: Joan Huang < joanh28 at hotmail.com >
Subject: Nominalizers and Copulas in East Asian Languages
Nominalizers and Copulas in East Asian Languages
Short Title: nom_cop_ea_languages
Date: 08-Jan-2007 - 12-Jan-2010
Location: Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Contact: Foong Ha Yap
Contact Email: foong_ha_yap at cuhk.edu.hk
Linguistic Field(s): Syntax; Typology
Meeting Description:
The workshop 'Nominalizers and Copulas in East Asian and Neighboring Languages' aims at bringing together researchers in the areas of grammaticalization, typology and syntax to focus on issues related to nominalization and predication phenomena.
Discussion will focus on the development of nominalizers and copulas, with special reference to their eventual emergence as stance markers (here used in the broad sense of particles and related constructions that express speaker mood, attitude and perspective). Attempts will also be made to better understand when, how and why nominalizers and copulas sometimes come to share the same morpheme. Attention will also be drawn to crosslinguistically robust developmental pathways that show lexical nouns/verbs and demonstratives evolving, not only into nominalizers and copulas, but also into topic markers and subordinators. At issue is the question of what implications this may have for our understanding of the link between nominalization, predication and discourse structure. Discussions will also focus on how these grammaticalization phenomena are currently being interpreted from a diachronic syntax perspective.
LINGUIST List: Vol-18-270
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