18.279, Confs: Computational Ling,Italian Lang/Italy

Fri Jan 26 15:07:34 UTC 2007

LINGUIST List: Vol-18-279. Fri Jan 26 2007. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 18.279, Confs: Computational Ling,Italian Lang/Italy

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Laura Welcher, Rosetta Project / Long Now Foundation  
         <reviews at linguistlist.org> 

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Date: 17-Jan-2007
From: Manuela Speranza < manspera at itc.it >
Subject: Evaluation of NLP Tools for Italian 

-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2007 10:05:29
From: Manuela Speranza < manspera at itc.it >
Subject:  Evaluation of NLP Tools for Italian 

Evaluation of NLP Tools for Italian 
Short Title: EVALITA 2007 

Date: 10-Sep-2007 - 10-Sep-2007 
Location: Rome, Italy 
Contact: Manuela Speranza 
Contact Email: manspera at itc.it 
Meeting URL: http://evalita.itc.it 

Linguistic Field(s): Computational Linguistics 

Subject Language(s): Italian (ita)

Meeting Description: 

EVALITA 2007 - Evaluation of NLP Tools for Italian 

We are pleased to announce EVALITA 2007, a new initiative devoted 
to the evaluation of Natural Language Processing tools for Italian. 
The general objective of EVALITA is to promote the development of 
language technologies for the Italian language, providing a shared 
framework where different systems and approaches can be evaluated 
in a consistent manner.

We invite participation, both from academic institutions and 
industrial organizations, in five tasks, all for Italian:

- Part of Speech Tagging
- Parsing
- Word Sense Disambiguation
- Temporal Expression Recognition and Normalization
- Named Entity Recognition

As with other international evaluation campaigns, guidelines 
describing the different tasks will be distributed to participants. 
Participants will also be provided with training data and will have 
the chance to test their systems with the evaluation metrics and 
procedures to be used in the formal evaluation.
The results of the evaluation will be disseminated at the final 
workshop, which will be organized in conjunction with AI*IA 2007 
and will take place on September 10th at Villa Mondragone, a XVI 
century ''Villa Tuscolana'' located between Frascati and Monte Porzio 
Catone, only 20 km from Rome.

To indicate your intention to participate in one or more of the
EVALITA 2007 tasks, please contact Manuela Speranza (manspera at itc.it).
More detailed information will be provided soon on the EVALITA 2007 
website at http:\\evalita.itc.it

Timeline (preliminary, check for updates at http://evalita.itc.it)

15th  Feb 2007: on-line registration
1st March 2007: development data and detailed guidelines 
                 available to participants
20th  May 2007: test data available
1st  June 2007: system results due to organizers
15th June 2007: assessment returned to participants
10th Sept 2007: final workshop, Rome

Bernardo Magnini (ITC-irst) and Amedeo Cappelli (ISTI-CNR and CELCT)

Task Organization:
- PoS Tagging: Fabio Tamburini (Uni. Bologna)
- Parsing: Cristina Bosco, Alessandro Mazzei, Vincenzo Lombardo 
   (Uni. Torino) and Fabio Massimo Zanzotto (Uni. Roma ''Tor Vergata'')
- Word Sense Disambiguation: Nicoletta Calzolari and Francesca 
   Bertagna (CNR-ILC, Pisa)
- Temporal Expressions: Valentina Bartalesi Lenzi and Rachele 
   Sprugnoli (CELCT, Trento)
- Named Entity Recognition: Manuela Speranza (ITC-irst, Trento)

Local Organization:
Maria Teresa Pazienza and Fabio Massimo Zanzotto (Uni. Roma ''Tor Vergata'')

Contact: Manuela Speranza - manspera at itc.it

LINGUIST List: Vol-18-279	


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