18.2218, Confs: Semantics,Syntax/France
Tue Jul 24 02:57:35 UTC 2007
LINGUIST List: Vol-18-2218. Mon Jul 23 2007. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 18.2218, Confs: Semantics,Syntax/France
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Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 23-Jul-2007
From: Patricia Cabredo Hofherr < info at cssp.cnrs.fr >
Subject: 7th Syntax and Semantics Conference
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2007 22:55:02
From: Patricia Cabredo Hofherr [info at cssp.cnrs.fr]
Subject: 7th Syntax and Semantics Conference
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7th Syntax and Semantics Conference
Short Title: CSSP 2007
Date: 04-Oct-2007 - 06-Oct-2007
Location: Paris, France
Contact: Patricia Cabredo Hofherr
Contact Email: info at cssp.cnrs.fr
Meeting URL: http://www.cssp.cnrs.fr/index_en.html
Linguistic Field(s): Semantics; Syntax
Meeting Description:
CSSP will incorporate combining empirical inquiry and formal explicitness. The
conference aims at favouring comparisons between different theoretical frameworks.
The Seventh Syntax and Semantics Conference
October 4-6, 2007
ENS, Amphi Jules Ferry, 29 rue d'Ulm, 75005 Paris
Invited speakers
Guglielmo Cinque (Venice)
Denis Creissels (Lyon 2)
Mary Dalrymple (Oxford)
Laurence R. Horn (Yale)
Chris Kennedy (Chicago)
Thematic session: The syntax and semantics of comparison
(also available at http://www.cssp.cnrs.fr/cssp2007/index_en.html)
Thursday October 4
9h-9h15 Opening and Welcome
9h15-10h15 Invited talk: G. Cinque (Venice)
10h15-10h45 Nora Boneh & Ivy Sichel (Jerusalem)
Deconstructing Possession
10h45-11h15 Coffee break
11h15-11h45 Lobke Aelbrecht (Brussels)
Dutch auxiliaries with a null VP proform complement
11h45-12h15 Franc Marusic & Rok Zaucer (Nova Gorica & Ottawa)
The Dual Source of the adjective-plus-indefinite-pronoun construction
12h15-12h45 Elena Soare & Gianina Iordachioaia (Paris 8 & Tübingen)
Two Kinds of Event Plurals: Evidence from Romanian Nominalizations
12h45-14h30 Lunch break
14h30-15h30 Invited talk: M. Darymple (Oxford)
15h30-16h00 Markus Egg (Groningen)
Semantic construction for restrictive and non-restrictive relative clause
16h00-16h30 Coffee break
16h30-17h Martin Schäfer (Leipzig)
Resolving scope mismatches in manner modification
17h-17h30 Jean-Pierre Koenig & Chief Liancheng (Buffalo)
Scalarity and state-changes in Mandarin, Hindi, Tamil, and Thai
17h30-18h Sergei Tatevosov (Moscow)
Subevental structure and non-culmination
18h30 Reception
Friday October 5
9h15-10h15 Invited talk: D. Creissels (Lyon 2)
10h15-10h45 Irena Botwinik-Rotem & Anna Asbury (Tel Aviv & Utrecht)
Deriving the differences between Hungarian Ps
10h45-11h15 Coffee break
11h15-11h45 Ezra Keshet (MIT)
Infinitival Complements and Tense
11h45-12h15 Olga Kagan (Jerusalem)
Imperfective Aspect and Verbs of Motion in Russian
12h15-12h45 Jinyoung Choi & Maribel Romero (Pennsylvania)
Rescuing existential Free Choice Items in episodic Sentences
12h45-14h30 Lunch break
14h30-15h Luis Alonso-Ovalle (Boston)
Innocent Exclusion in an Alternative Semantics
15h-15h30 Yasuyuki Fukutomi (Fukushima)
The Internal Structure of Japanese Wh-Phrases
15h30-16h Marta Abrusan (MIT)
Contradiction and grammaticality: the case of negative islands
16h00-16h30 Coffee break
16h30-17h Michaela Ippolito (Toronto)
The meaning of 'would' and 'would have' in conditionals
17h-17h30 Ana Arregui (Ottawa)
Past facts and the semantics of counterfactuals
17h30-18h Tatjana Scheffler (Pennsylvanie)
Relevance Conditionals - 'if' in Different Dimensions
Saturday October 6
9h15-10h15 Invited talk: L. Horn (Yale)
''I love me some him'': The landscape of non-argument datives
10h15-10h45 Nausicaa Pouscoulous & Barts Geurts (Nijmegen)
Experimental evidence against local implicatures
10h45-11h15 Coffee break
11h15-11h45 Scotts Fults (Maryland)
Representations of magnitude and Comparison
11h45-12h15 Carla Umbach (Osnabruck)
The role of German 'so' in equative comparison
12h15-12h45 Sveta Krasikova (Tübingen)
Comparison in Chinese
12h45-14h30 Lunch break
14h30-15h30 Invited talk: C. Kennedy (Chicago)
15h30-16h00 Robert van Rooij (Amsterdam)
Comparatives and standards of precision
16h00-16h30 Coffee break
16h30-17h Jacques Jayez & Lucia Tovena (Lyon & Paris 7)
Hidden comparison and the meaning of 'presque'
17h-17h30 Uli Sauerland (Berlin)
Pseudo-Sloppy Readings in Flat Binding
- Gabriela Matos & Ana Brito (Lisboa & Porto): Comparative clauses and cross
linguistic variation
- Carlo Geraci & Francesca Panzeri (Milano): Comparative Correlatives: the Case
of Italian Sign Language and more...
- Jean-Pierre Koenig et al. (Buffalo): The micro-geography of verb meanings
- Yusuke Kubota (Ohio): A Multi-Modal Combinatory Categorial Grammar analysis of
-te form complementation in Japanese
- Bridget Copley & Heidi Harley (Paris 8 & Arizona): Have-causatives are
futurates with an extra argument
- Elena Castrovielo Miro (Pompeu Fabra): When manner adverbs cannot be
interpreted as predicate modifiers
Contact: info at cssp.cnrs.fr
Website: http://www.cssp.cnrs.fr/cssp2007/
LINGUIST List: Vol-18-2218
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