18.665, Calls: Gen Ling/France; Pragmatics,Semantics/South Korea
Fri Mar 2 04:23:51 UTC 2007
LINGUIST List: Vol-18-665. Thu Mar 01 2007. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 18.665, Calls: Gen Ling/France; Pragmatics,Semantics/South Korea
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Laura Welcher, Rosetta Project
<reviews at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 01-Mar-2007
From: Muhsina Alleesaib < muhsinaa at hotmail.com >
Subject: Second Workshop on Creole Languages
Date: 01-Mar-2007
From: Chungmin Lee < clee at snu.ac.kr >
Subject: Workshop on Contrastiveness and/or Scalar Implicatures
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Thu, 01 Mar 2007 23:19:12
From: Muhsina Alleesaib < muhsinaa at hotmail.com >
Subject: Second Workshop on Creole Languages
Full Title: Second Workshop on Creole Languages
Short Title: JCLC
Date: 01-Jun-2007 - 01-Jun-2007
Location: Paris, France
Contact Person: Muhsina Alleesaib
Meeting Email: jclc_group at yahoo.fr
Web Site: http://www.freewebs.com/jclc2/
Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics
Language Family(ies): Creole
Call Deadline: 10-Apr-2007
Meeting Description
Call for papers for the 2nd Workshop on Creole Languages, organized by the
Jeunes Chercheurs sur les Langues Creoles (JCLC). The Workshop is sponsored by
the DILTEC (Didactique des Langues, des Textes et des Cultures, EA 2288) at the
Université de Paris III, Sorbonne Nouvelle.
The workshop will take place on June 1st, 2007 at the UFR Didactique et Langue
Française, 46 rue St Jacques, Paris 75005, France.
Invited speakers
- Susanne Michaelis (Max-Planck Institut für Evolutionäre Anthropologie,
Leipzig): 'Présentation de l'Atlas of Pidgin and Creole Language Structures (APiCS)'
- Tonjes Veenstra (Zentrum für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Typologie und
Universalienforschung, Berlin): 'Information structure in Creoles'
Guidelines for abstract submissions
Abstracts will be accepted in English and in French, in DOC, RTF or PDF format.
Submissions should not exceed two pages (including references); they should be
in Times New Roman, font size 12 and single-spaced. The accompanying message
should include the following information:
- Title
- 5 keywords
- Contact information
- Affiliation
Important dates
Apr 10, 2007 Deadline for abstracts submissions
May 1, 2007 Notification of acceptance
June 1, 2007 Workshop
-------------------------Message 2 ----------------------------------
Date: Thu, 01 Mar 2007 23:19:19
From: Chungmin Lee < clee at snu.ac.kr >
Subject: Workshop on Contrastiveness and/or Scalar Implicatures
Full Title: Workshop on Contrastiveness and/or Scalar Implicatures
Short Title: (CIS-SI)
Date: 21-Jul-2008 - 26-Jul-2008
Location: Seoul, Korea, Korea, South
Contact Person: Chungmin Lee
Meeting Email: clee at snu.ac.kr
Web Site: http://cil18.org
Linguistic Field(s): Pragmatics; Semantics
Call Deadline: 31-May-2007
Meeting Description
Held in conjunction with the 18th Int'l Congress of Linguists (CIL 18).
Organized by Chungmin Lee (Seoul Natl U) and Ferenc Kiefer (Hunagrian Academy of
Sciences) in a dynamic perspective on semantics and/or pragmatics.
It is fairly well established by now that meaning is regarded as representing
update potential rather than merely truth conditions, taking a dynamic
perspective on semantics and/or pragmatics. Topic - Focus information structure
becomes more complex because of discourse-connected, largely quantificational,
contrastiveness; sets of alternatives are involved in Contrastive Topic and
Contrastive Focus. Contrastiveness and the range of alternatives must be further
At the same time, sets of alternatives are required in the computation of scalar
implicatures. What would be the range of relevant or comparable alternatives?
Gricean, neo-Gricean, relevance-theoretic or other 'relevant'? Utterances with
Contrastive Topic generate scalar implicatures. How do other utterances generate
scalar implicatures? Is the exhaustivity operator exh good enough? What would be
an adequate representation - pragmatic, semantic or syntactic? How can a
game-theoretic approach serve as a new model? What other scales work except
Horn's entailment scales? We need a forum to discuss and resolve these
cutting-edge issues.
Invited Speakers
Larry Horn (Yale)
Robert van Rooy (Amsterdam)
Enric Vallduvi (Pompeu Fabra)
Important Dates
-Deadline for Abstract Submission: May 31, 2007
-Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: August 31, 2007
Submission of Abstracts
A two-page abstract including everything should be sent electronically to both
cil18 at cil18.org and clee at snu.ac.kr. An MS Word and/or .pdf file may be accepted.
LINGUIST List: Vol-18-665
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