18.744, Confs: Cognitive Science,Psycholinguistics/Finland
Fri Mar 9 18:44:44 UTC 2007
LINGUIST List: Vol-18-744. Fri Mar 09 2007. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 18.744, Confs: Cognitive Science,Psycholinguistics/Finland
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Laura Welcher, Rosetta Project
<reviews at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 09-Mar-2007
From: Juhani Järvikivi < juhani.jarvikivi at utu.fi >
Subject: Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Fri, 09 Mar 2007 13:43:04
From: Juhani Järvikivi < juhani.jarvikivi at utu.fi >
Subject: Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing
Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing
Short Title: AMLaP 2007
Date: 24-Aug-2007 - 27-Aug-2007
Location: Turku, Finland
Contact: Juhani Järvikivi
Contact Email: amlap2007 at utu.fi
Meeting URL: http://amlap.utu.fi
Linguistic Field(s): Cognitive Science; Psycholinguistics
Meeting Description:
First Announcement of the 13th Annual Conference on the Architectures
and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP 2007), August 24-27, 2007 to be
held in Turku, Finland. More information about the conference is available at
First Announcement of the 13th Annual Conference on the Architectures
and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP), August 24-27, 2007
This is the first time AMLaP will be held in the Nordic Countries. More
information about the conference is available at http://amlap.utu.fi/
AMLaP is an annual international conference, which has established
itself as the premier European venue for interdisciplinary research on
how people process language. The conference aims to bring together
psychological, linguistic, computational, and theoretical perspectives
on the cognitive architectures and mechanisms which underlie any aspect
of human language processing - from lexical processing, parsing and
interpretation through to discourse level mechanisms. Contributions to
AMLaP 2007, which explicitly relate empirical findings to computational
mechanisms are especially encouraged. Topics relevant to the conference
include (but are not limited to): language production, parsing and
interpretation, word recognition, speech perception, lexical processing
and representation, morphology, reading, discourse processing, language
acquisition, cross-linguistic studies, corpus-based studies, learning
mechanisms, models of acquisition, connectionist models, statistical
mechanisms, computational models and computer simulations.
Important dates:
Abstract (400 words) submission open: April 1, 2007
Abstract deadline: May 4, 2007
Notification of acceptance: June 11, 2007
Early registration deadline: June 20, 2007
Conference: August 24-27, 2007
Keynote speakers of AMLaP 2007:
Nick Chater
University College London, UK
Fernanda Ferreira
University of Edinburgh, UK
Marcus Taft
University of New South Wales, Australia
SAS - Scandinavian Airlines is the Official Airline of AMLaP 2007. SAS
offers delegates and accompanying persons special flexible and favorable
conference fares to Finland (see the conference website for further
The organizing committee (Jukka Hyönä, Raymond Bertram, Juhani
Järvikivi, Johanna Kaakinen, Pirita Pyykkönen & Seppo Vainio)
LINGUIST List: Vol-18-744
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