18.774, Qs: Italian Prefix 'ri'; Nasal Perceptual Cues

Tue Mar 13 20:09:53 UTC 2007

LINGUIST List: Vol-18-774. Tue Mar 13 2007. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 18.774, Qs: Italian Prefix 'ri'; Nasal Perceptual Cues

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Date: 13-Mar-2007
From: Muriel Norde < m.norde at rug.nl >
Subject: Italian Prefix 'ri' 

Date: 10-Mar-2007
From: Zebulon Pischnotte < irowstroke at hotmail.com >
Subject: Nasal Perceptual Cues 

-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2007 15:07:29
From: Muriel Norde < m.norde at rug.nl >
Subject: Italian Prefix 'ri' 

In a paper from 2004, Haspelmath briefly mentions the development of the
Latin prefix ''re-'' into a flexible prefix ''ri-'' (as in ''ridevo fare''
'I must do it again') as an instance of antigrammaticalization.

Since I am working on a degrammaticalization monograph, I'd be grateful for
any comments on or references to this phenomenon, and will post a summary.

Thanks in advance!
Muriel Norde
University of Groningen, The Netherlands

Haspelmath, Martin. 2004. "On directionality in language change with
particular reference to grammaticalization". In Fischer, Olga, Muriel Norde
& Harry Perridon (eds) Up and down the cline - the nature of
grammaticalization, 17-44. Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 

Linguistic Field(s): Historical Linguistics

-------------------------Message 2 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2007 15:07:31
From: Zebulon Pischnotte < irowstroke at hotmail.com >
Subject: Nasal Perceptual Cues 


I am working with two dialects of Inupiaq.  In one, a velar or uvular
consonant becomes a velar or uvular nasal if it comes into contact with
another nasal; in the other, the velar or uvular consonant will become a
voiced fricative, but not assimilate for nasality.  In both dialects, other
places of articulation always assimilate for nasality if they come in
contact with a nasal.

Does anybody know of as study on perceptual confusability between the velar
[?] and the uvular [N], or any other studies that might be relevant to this? 

Linguistic Field(s): Phonology

LINGUIST List: Vol-18-774	


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