18.1311, Confs: Linguistic Theories/Israel
Tue May 1 16:57:24 UTC 2007
LINGUIST List: Vol-18-1311. Tue May 01 2007. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 18.1311, Confs: Linguistic Theories/Israel
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
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<reviews at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 01-May-2007
From: Yehuda Falk < msyfalk at mscc.huji.ac.il >
Subject: Israel Association for Theoretical Linguistics 23
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Tue, 01 May 2007 12:55:54
From: Yehuda Falk < msyfalk at mscc.huji.ac.il >
Subject: Israel Association for Theoretical Linguistics 23
Israel Association for Theoretical Linguistics 23
Short Title: IATL 23
Date: 18-Jun-2007 - 19-Jun-2007
Location: Tel Aviv, Israel
Contact: Yehuda Falk
Contact Email: msyfalk at mscc.huji.ac.il
Meeting URL: http://atar.mscc.huji.ac.il/~english/IATL/IATL23.html
Linguistic Field(s): Linguistic Theories
Meeting Description:
IATL 23, the 23rd annual meeting of the Israel Association for Theoretical
Linguistics, will be held at Tel Aviv University, on June 18-19, 2007. The
conference consists of high quality, previously unpublished research in all
areas of theoretical linguistics (interpreted broadly to include
psycholinguistics and neurolinguistics). IATL
publishes on-line proceedings in which all accepted and alternate papers
The program for the conference is now available on the conference website.
For further updates and other information, please check the conference website:
Monday, June 18, 2007
10:00-10:20 Gathering and refreshments
10:20-10:30 Welcome and greetings
10:30-11:30 Invited Speaker: Stephen Anderson (Yale University)
English Reduced Auxiliaries Really are Simple Clitics
11:30-12:10 Galit Adam (The Open University of Israel) & Outi Bat-El (Tel
Aviv University)
The Trochaic Bias Is Universal: Evidence From Hebrew
12:10-12:25 Coffee break
12:25-13:05 Jean Lowenstamm (Université Paris 7)
Merger Parameters of ? with Category Defining Heads--Phonetic
Correlates in Yiddish
13:05-13:45 Michael Becker (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
The Role of Markedness in Hebrew Exceptional Plurals
13:45-15:10 Lunch
15:10-15:50 Vidal Valmala Elguea (University of the Basque Country)
The Syntax of Little Things
15:50-16:30 Nora Boneh & Ivy Sichel (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Towards the Deconstruction of Possession
16:30-16:45 Coffee break
16:45-17:25 Irena Botwinik-Rotem (Tel Aviv University)
Accounting for the Production/Comprehension Puzzle of (Hebrew)
17:25-18:05 Naama Friedmann & Aviah Gvion (Tel-Aviv University)
How is Working Memory Related to Sentence Comprehension:
Relative Clauses and Garden Paths
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
10:00-10:40 Tal Siloni (Tel Aviv University)
Lexical and Syntactic Reciprocals: Symmetry and Discontinuity
10:40-11:20 Edit Doron & Malka Rappaport Hovav (The Hebrew University of
On the Uniform Application of Valence Changing Operations
11:20-11:35 Coffee break
11:35-12:15 Aya Meltzer (Tel Aviv University)
Adjectival Present Participles: An Aspectual Constraint
12:15-12:55 Ion Tudor Giurgea (Université Paris 7) & Elena Soare (Université
Paris 8)
When are Adjectives Raisers? Tough to Get It
12:55-13:25 Business Meeting
13:25-14:50 Lunch
14:50-15:30 Aviad Eilam (University of Pennsylvania)
Expletive Negation in Modern Hebrew: Neither Expletive nor Negation
15:30-16:10 Olga Kagan (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Aspectual Properties of Verbs of Motion in Russian
16:10-16:25 Coffee break
16:25-17:05 Irena Botwinik-Rotem (Tel Aviv University) & Arhonto Terzi
(Technological Educational Institute of Patras)
Case Licensing and the Structure of Locative Phrases
17:05-18:05 Invited Speaker: Ad Neeleman (University College London)
Topic/Focus Movement as Comment/Background Marking.
Gabi Danon (Bar Ilan University)
Definiteness Spreading in the Hebrew Construct State: A Feature
Sharing Analysis
LINGUIST List: Vol-18-1311
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