18.1396, Confs: Computational Ling,Syntax/USA

Tue May 8 21:14:55 UTC 2007

LINGUIST List: Vol-18-1396. Tue May 08 2007. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 18.1396, Confs: Computational Ling,Syntax/USA

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Laura Welcher, Rosetta Project  
       <reviews at linguistlist.org> 

Homepage: http://linguistlist.org/

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Editor for this issue: Jeremy Taylor <jeremy at linguistlist.org>

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Date: 08-May-2007
From: Stefan Müller < Stefan.Mueller at cl.uni-bremen.de >
Subject: 14th International Conference on HPSG


-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Tue, 08 May 2007 17:13:10
From: Stefan Müller < Stefan.Mueller at cl.uni-bremen.de >
Subject:  14th International Conference on HPSG 

14th International Conference on HPSG 
Short Title: HPSG 2007 

Date: 20-Jul-2007 - 22-Jul-2007 
Location: Stanford, CA, USA 
Contact: Stefan Müller 
Contact Email: Stefan.Mueller at cl.uni-bremen.de 
Meeting URL: http://hpsg.stanford.edu/HPSG07/ 

Linguistic Field(s): Computational Linguistics; General Linguistics; Syntax 

Meeting Description: 

This conference addresses linguistic, foundational, or computational 
issues relating to the framework of Head-Driven Phrase Structure 

The conference is combined with a workshop on Constructions and 
Grammatical Theory. 


20 July 2007

16:00-16:15 	Ivan Sag (Stanford)
Opening Remarks
16:15-16:45 	Pollet Samvelian (Université de Paris 3)
A Lexical Account of Sorani (Suleymaniye) Kurdish Prepositions
16:45-17:15 	Berthold Crysmann (DFKI & Saarland University) and Philipp von
Böselager (University of Cologne)
Using an HPSG grammar for the generation of prosodic structures
17:15-17:45 	Lars Hellan (NTNU, Trondheim), Mary Esther Kropp Dakubu (University
of Ghana) and Dorothee Beermann (NTNU, Trondheim)
Verb Sequencing Constraints in Ga: the Serial Verb Construction and the Extended
Verb Complex
18:00-19:00 	Danièle Godard (U. Paris 7)
Invited Talk: TBA
21 July 2007

9:15-16:15	Workshop on Constructions and Grammatical Theory
16:30-17:00 	Petter Haugereid (NTNU, Trondheim)
Decomposed Phrasal Constructions
17:00-17:30 	Anne Bjerre (Syddansk Universitet) and Tavs Bjerre (Aarhus University)
Pseudocoordination in Danish
17:30-18:00 	Rui Chaves (Centro de Linguistica da Universidade de Lisboa) and
Denis Paperno (Moscow State University)
On the Russian Hybrid Coordination Construction
22 July 2007

9:30-10:30 	Christopher Manning (Stanford U)
Invited Talk: TBA
10:45-11:15 	Elisabeth Norcliffe (Stanford University)
Composition and Control in Spanish Causative and Perception Constructions
11:15-11:45 	Lori Coulter (University of Illinois Urbana Champaign)
A Semantic Interpretation of Modality in Counterfactual Conditionals
11:45-12:15 	Shuichi Yatabe (University of Tokyo)
Evidence for the linearization-based theory of semantic composition
13:45-14:15 	Gert Webelhuth (University of Göttingen)
Complex Topic-Comment Structures in HPSG
14:15-14:45 	Manfred Sailer (University of Göttingen)
NPI Licensing, Intervention and Discourse Representation Structures in HPSG
14:45-15:15 	Nurit Melnik (Oranim Academic College & Haifa University)
Extending partial pro-drop in Modern Hebrew: A comprehensive analysis
15:30-16:00 	Jong-Bok Kim (Kyung Hee University) and Jaehyung Yang (Kangnam
Syntax and Semantics of Korean Numeral Classifier Constructions
16:00-16:30 	Sanghoun Song and Jae-Woong Choe (Korea University, South Korea)
Type Hierarchies for Passive Forms in Korean
16:30-17:00 	Lulu Wang and Haitao Liu (Communication University of China)
A Description of Chinese NPs using HPSG
Reserve Papers

    - Jesse Tseng (CNRS): English prepositional passive constructions
    - Tobias Kaufmann and Beat Pfister (ETH Zurich) An HPSG Parser Supporting
Discontinuous Licenser Rules

LINGUIST List: Vol-18-1396	


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