18.1574, Confs: Semantics,Syntax/Ireland
Wed May 23 20:17:02 UTC 2007
LINGUIST List: Vol-18-1574. Wed May 23 2007. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 18.1574, Confs: Semantics,Syntax/Ireland
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Laura Welcher, Rosetta Project
<reviews at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 23-May-2007
From: Jakub Dotlacil < jakub.dotlacil at let.uu.nl >
Subject: Quantifier Modification
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Wed, 23 May 2007 16:16:01
From: Jakub Dotlacil < jakub.dotlacil at let.uu.nl >
Subject: Quantifier Modification
Quantifier Modification
Date: 13-Aug-2007 - 17-Aug-2007
Location: Dublin, Ireland
Contact: Rick Nouwen
Contact Email: rick.nouwen at let.uu.nl
Meeting URL: http://www.let.uu.nl/~Rick.Nouwen/qm/
Linguistic Field(s): Semantics; Syntax
Meeting Description:
The general aim of the workshop 'Quantifiers and Modification' is to bring
together researchers of different fields (syntax, semantics, logic) and
thereby deepen our understanding of the role of modification in the diverse
landscape of natural language expressions of quantity.
Quantifier Modification
is organised as part of
the European Summer School on
Logic, Language and Information
ESSLLI 2007 http://www.cs.tcd.ie/esslli2007/
6 - 17 August, 2007 in Dublin
Workshop Organisers
Rick Nouwen (rick.nouwen at let.uu.nl)
Jakub Dotlacil (jakub.dotlacil at let.uu.nl)
Workshop programme
Monday 13-08
Rick Nouwen and Jakub Dotlacil --- Introduction to the workshop topic
Mana Kobuchi-Philip --- Modifier Quantification
Tuesday 14-08
Marcello Ferreira --- Comparative quantifiers and cumulativity
Stephanie Solt --- Few more and many fewer: complex quantifiers based
on many and few
Wednesday 15-08
Alda Mari --- Strenghtening GEN: semantic conditions for a posteriori
analytic genericity
Fabienne Martin --- More on specific modifiers
Thursday 16-08
Øystein Nilsen --- At least: free choice and lowest utility
Jacques Jayez and Lucia Tovena --- Discourse inference and the
meaning of almost
Friday 17-08
Bart Geurts --- Processing scalar quantifiers
Jorie Koster-Moeller, Jason Varvoutis, and Martin Hackl --- Verifying
statements containing modified numeral quantifiers
Alternate Speaker
Robert Cirillo --- The phrase 'all three': modified quantifier or
indivisible compound?
Local Arrangements:
All workshop participants including the presenters are required to
register for ESSLLI. The registration fee for authors presenting a paper
correspond to the student/workshop speaker registration fee.
Further Information:
About the workshop:
LINGUIST List: Vol-18-1574
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