18.1635, Calls: General Ling/Portugal; Anthropological Ling, Socioling/Australia
Tue May 29 22:51:18 UTC 2007
LINGUIST List: Vol-18-1635. Tue May 29 2007. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 18.1635, Calls: General Ling/Portugal; Anthropological Ling, Socioling/Australia
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Laura Welcher, Rosetta Project
<reviews at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 27-May-2007
From: Chrys Chrystello < drchryschrystello at gmail.com >
Subject: 6 ColoquioAanual da Lusofonia
Date: 26-May-2007
From: Keizo Nanri < keizo-nanri at cc.oita-u.ac.jp >
Subject: SYNLAC Workshop 2007: Language & Culture
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Tue, 29 May 2007 18:49:46
From: Chrys Chrystello < drchryschrystello at gmail.com >
Subject: 6 ColoquioAanual da Lusofonia
Full Title: 6 ColoquioAanual da Lusofonia
Date: 03-Oct-2007 - 05-Oct-2007
Location: Braganca, Portugal
Contact Person: Chrys Chrystello
Web Site: http://lusofonia2007.com.sapo.pt
Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics
Subject Language(s): Portuguese (por)
Call Deadline: 15-Jul-2007
Meeting Description
A Língua Portuguesa no século XXI: a variante brasileira rumo ao futuro
A variante brasileira rumo ao futuro.
1.1. De variante a língua própria. Riscos reais duma separação das variantes. A
agenda para as próximas décadas .
1.2. A situação da língua na CPLP e outros fora na perspectiva do Brasil.
1.3. O presente e o futuro da lusofonia: Europeia ou Sul-americana? Vantagens e
desvantagens. Análises comparativa e contrastiva.
1.4.- Literatura em língua portuguesa: devem traduzir-se as variantes?
1.5. - Para que serve um Acordo Ortográfico? ninguém o quer e ninguém o cumpre?
2. Homenagem a Miguel Torga no centenário do seu nascimento
3. Tradução: Estudos de Tradução
3.1. Tradutores ou Traidores?
3.2. Novas metodologias de ensino
3.3. Perspectivas
Chrys Chrystello
-------------------------Message 2 ----------------------------------
Date: Tue, 29 May 2007 18:49:50
From: Keizo Nanri < keizo-nanri at cc.oita-u.ac.jp >
Subject: SYNLAC Workshop 2007: Language & Culture
Full Title: SYNLAC Workshop 2007: Language & Culture
Date: 06-Dec-2007 - 07-Dec-2007
Location: Sydney, Australia
Contact Person: Seiko Yasumoto
Meeting Email: Seiko.Yasumoto at usyd.edu.au
Linguistic Field(s): Anthropological Linguistics; Discourse Analysis;
Sociolinguistics; Text/Corpus Linguistics
Call Deadline: 28-Sep-2007
Meeting Description:
The ultimate purpose of SYNLAC Workshop is to foster interaction between
linguistics and cultural studies. Through the workshop we encourage participants
in the workshop to expand their intellectual and academic horizons and create a
truly interdisciplinary atmosphere. We ask presenters to use non-technical
language and to get the audience actively involved. The length of presentations
in the workshop is in principle either 60 or 90 minutes; however, we will accept
shorter presentations.
SYNLAC Workshop 2007: Language & Culture
Workshop Theme: Media, Cultures and Social Networks
Date: 6th (Thursday) - 7th (Friday) December 2007
Venue: Camperdown Campus of The University of Sydney
Sponsored by The School of Languages and Cultures, The University of Sydney.
The Sydney Network for Language and Culture (SYNLAC) is pleased to invite you to
attend the 2007 Workshop either as a presenter or a participant. SYNLAC Workshop
2007 is calling for presentations that address the theme of Media, Cultures and
Social Networks:
The dynamics of political and economic groupings in the global scene are
constantly in a state of flux. Since the second half of the twentieth century,
nation-states have been merging into a progressively diminishing number of
political and economic blocs of different degrees of stability and harmony. The
second half of the twentieth century and by extension, the first half of the
twenty first century, will be seen as an era of transitions on a global scale.
Everyday a countless number of discourses and images of such reorganization is
disseminated and reinforced through mass media. It may well be argued that
without mass media such global reorganization would occur at a much slower pace
or not occur at all. In examining what may be obscured by media products and
processes, there is often a sense of the existence of interconnecting threads or
that of social networks. At the same time, these networks may themselves be
defined across a range of multi-modal products and processes such as newspapers,
magazines, journals, television, the internet and mobile telephony.
Internationally, media products and processes themselves appear intertwined in
ways not fully understood as possible drivers of the formation of economic and
political blocs. If we accept the possibility that media does indeed drive
global dynamics or form a substantial component of them, we believe it would be
necessary (1) to critically review media dynamics by taking into account the
values, interests and representations of entire social networks, and (2) to
investigate the range of discourses and images that are created and maintained
by these networks as well as their attendant purposes. In so doing, we believe
new insights into the interplay between language and culture in global politics
and economics will be gleaned.
We plan to produce a refereed publication based on the presentations featured in
the workshop.
If you wish to give a presentation, please send an abstract of 300 words to one
of the following board members:
Seiko Yasumoto <Seiko.Yasumoto at arts.usyd.edu.au>,
Keizo Nanri <keizo-nanri at cc.oita-u.ac.jp >, Makoto Sasaki
<makoto at dpc.aichi-gakuin.ac.jp>, Jose Meurer <jmeurer at cce.ufsc.br>.
Please indicate how much time you anticipate your presentation will last, your
audio-visual equipment needs and include your current contact details.
The closing date of abstract submission is 28th (Friday) September 2007.
There is a $15 charge for registration which includes both morning and afternoon
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