18.1648, Confs: Applied Ling,Phonetics,Phonology/Belgium
Wed May 30 14:42:33 UTC 2007
LINGUIST List: Vol-18-1648. Wed May 30 2007. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 18.1648, Confs: Applied Ling,Phonetics,Phonology/Belgium
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Laura Welcher, Rosetta Project
<reviews at linguistlist.org>
Homepage: http://linguistlist.org/
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and donations from subscribers and publishers.
Editor for this issue: Jeremy Taylor <jeremy at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 29-May-2007
From: Patrick Wambacq < Patrick.Wambacq at esat.kuleuven.be >
Subject: Interspeech 2007
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Wed, 30 May 2007 10:41:02
From: Patrick Wambacq < Patrick.Wambacq at esat.kuleuven.be >
Subject: Interspeech 2007
Interspeech 2007
Date: 27-Aug-2007 - 31-Aug-2007
Location: Antwerp, Belgium
Contact: Dirk Van Compernolle
Contact Email: info at interspeech2007.org
Meeting URL: http://www.interspeech2007.org
Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics; Phonetics; Phonology
Meeting Description:
Interspeech 2007 is the eighth conference in the annual series of Interspeech
events and also the tenth biennial Eurospeech conference. The conference is
jointly organized by scientists from the Netherlands and Belgium, and will be
held in Antwerp, Belgium, August 27-31, 2007, under the sponsorship of the
International Speech Communication Association (ISCA).
The Interspeech meetings are considered to be the top international conferences
in spoken language processing, with more than 1000 attendees
from universities, industry, and government agencies. The conference offers
the prospect of meeting the future leaders of our field, exchanging ideas,
and exploring opportunities for collaboration, employment, and sales through
keynote talks, tutorials, technical sessions, exhibits, and poster sessions.
In recent years the Interspeech meetings have taken place in a number of
exciting venues including most recently Pittsburgh, Lisbon, Jeju Island
(Korea), Geneva, Denver, Aalborg (Denmark), and Beijing.
Call for Participation
August 27-31, 2007
Antwerp, Belgium
On-line Registration, Housing and Practical Information is now available at
ISCA, together with the Interspeech 2007 organizing committee,
would like to invite you to participate in the upcoming conference.
Interspeech 2007 is organized by the Belgian and Dutch speech communities.
It is the 10th biennial Eurospeech conference and the 8th in the annual
series of Interspeech events organized by the International Speech
Communication Association (ISCA), after Beijing, Aalborg, Denver, Geneva,
Jeju, Lisbon and Pittsburgh.
The conference will be held August 27-31 in Antwerp, Belgium.
The main conference (August 28-31) will take place in the Flanders Congress
and Concert Centre(FCCC) and the adjacent Astrid Park Plaza Hotel.
The FCCC is one of the historic conference centres of Europe; it connects to
the Antwerp zoo and is located right in the city centre.
Antwerp is a lively midsize town with a well preserved medieval center,
keeping conference centre and most hotels and social event venues within
comfortable walking distance. Antwerp was the home town of the famous
painter Rubens and is today well known as an international centre of
diamonds. It also hosts one of the largest harbors in the world.
The Technical Program will include in parallel 3 oral, 3 poster and
1 special session, totaling 745 papers, selected from 1268 submitted
full papers. For the first time in INTERSPEECH history, a standard of
3 reviews per paper was used to evaluate the submissions.
Keynote Speakers:
- Tuesday 28th: ISCA Medalist: Victor Zue (MIT)
''On Organic Interfaces''
- Wednesday 29th: Sophie Scott (Univ. College London)
''How the Brain Decodes Speech - Some Perspectives from Functional Imaging''
- Thursday 30th: Alex Waibel (CMU and Univ. of Karlsruhe)
''Computer-Supported Human-Human Multilingual Communication''
- Friday 31th: TBA
Tutorials for Interspeech 2007 are organized by internationally recognized
experts in their fields and will be held on Monday, August 27 on premises
of the city centre campus of the University of Antwerp.
Morning tutorials:
- Voice Quality in Vocal Communication
presenter: Christophe d'Alessandro
- The Modulation Spectrum and Its Application to Speech Science and Technology
presenters: Les Atlas, Steven Greenberg and Hynek Hermansky
- Spoken Language Processing by Mind and Machine
presenters: Roger K. Moore and Anne Cutler
- Processing Morphologically-Rich Languages
presenters: Katrin Kirchhoff and Ruhi Sarikaya
Afternoon tutorials:
- Voice Transformation,
presenter: Yannis Stylianou
- A Mathematical Theory of Speech Signals - Beyond the Linear Model
presenters: Gernot Kubin and Erhard Rank
- Talking to Computers: from Speech Sounds to Human Computer Interaction
presenters: Giuseppe Riccardi and Sebastian Varges
- Machine Learning for Text and Speech Processing,
presenters: Antal van den Bosch and Walter Daelemans
The online registration for the conference is now open.
Authors of accepted papers should make sure that at least one of its authors
has registered by the early registration deadline of June 22, 2007.
Papers without any author registration will be removed from the final program.
A large number of rooms has been reserved in several hotels of which most
are within a 5-10' walking distance from the conference centre.
An online hotel reservation form is available on the conference website.
Antwerp is easily reached from the international airports of Brussels
and Amsterdam.
Further Information:
For up to date information on the technical and social program and for
practical arrangements please visit the conference website
If you can't find an essential piece of information there,
please send an email to
info at interspeech2007.org
We hope to welcome you in Antwerp in August !
Dirk Van Compernolle, General Chair
Lou Boves, General Chair
Jean-Pierre Martens, Technical Program Chair
Helmer Strik, Technical Program Chair
LINGUIST List: Vol-18-1648
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