18.3523, Confs: Historical Linguistics, French/UK
Mon Nov 26 18:24:14 UTC 2007
LINGUIST List: Vol-18-3523. Mon Nov 26 2007. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 18.3523, Confs: Historical Linguistics, French/UK
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Date: 24-Nov-2007
From: Richard Ingham < richard.ingham at bcu.ac.uk >
Subject: Language Across Time
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2007 13:22:54
From: Richard Ingham [richard.ingham at bcu.ac.uk]
Subject: Language Across Time
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Language Across Time
Date: 19-Jan-2008 - 19-Jan-2008
Location: Birmingham, UK, United Kingdom
Contact: Richard Ingham
Contact Email: richard.ingham at bcu.ac.uk
Meeting URL:
Linguistic Field(s): Historical Linguistics
Subject Language(s): French (fra)
Meeting Description:
A symposium on Anglo-Norman in the context of medieval French language use
Edgbaston Campus, Birmingham City University, Saturday, 19th January 2008
9.00 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Welcome: David Roberts, Head of the School of English, BCU
1. Anthony Lodge (St Andrews) 'The sources of standardisation in medieval
French: written or spoken?'
2. David Trotter (Aberystwyth) 'Witnesses to spoken Anglo-French? Evidential
problems and documentary transmission'
3. Paul Brand (Oxford) 'The language of the English legal profession: the
emergence of a distinctive legal lexicon in insular French'
4. M. Ormrod & G. Dodd (York, Nottingham) 'The Language and Form of
Fourteenth-Century Petitions to the English Crown: Historical Approaches to the
Use of Anglo-Norman'
5. Anne Curry (Southampton), on behalf of the AHRC project, The Soldier in Later
Medieval England: 'Languages in the military profession in the later middle ages'
6. Stéphanie Brazeau et Serge Lusignan (Montréal) 'Étude diachronique d'un
exemple de la graphie picarde : les chirographes de l'échevinage de Douai
7. Isabelle Turcan (Lyon/Nancy) 'Les particularités linguistiques des comptes
du domaine franco-provençal à la lumière des manuscrits historiques de
Châtillon-sur-Chalaronne: Variation linguistique, indices de l'oralité traquée
via les variations graphiques'
8. Sophie Prévost (Paris) 'Evolution de la position du sujet pronominal dans
quelques textes du 14ème siècle : un cas de grammaticalisation?'
Alternant: Richard Ingham (Birmingham City University)
For further information, contact richard.ingham at bcu.ac.uk
This workshop has been made possible by the generous support of the British
Academy, research network grant BA sec. H 4.
LINGUIST List: Vol-18-3523
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