18.2931, Calls: General,Historical Ling/Japan
Mon Oct 8 16:01:28 UTC 2007
LINGUIST List: Vol-18-2931. Mon Oct 08 2007. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 18.2931, Calls: General,Historical Ling/Japan
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Randall Eggert, U of Utah
<reviews at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 06-Oct-2007
From: John Charles Smith < johncharles.smith at stcatz.ox.ac.uk >
Subject: The History and Structure of the Romance Languages
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Mon, 08 Oct 2007 11:58:12
From: John Charles Smith [johncharles.smith at stcatz.ox.ac.uk]
Subject: The History and Structure of the Romance Languages
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Full Title: The History and Structure of the Romance Languages
Short Title: OKLS4
Date: 31-Mar-2008 - 03-Apr-2008
Location: Kobe, Japan
Contact Person: John Charles Smith
Meeting Email: johncharles.smith at stcatz.ox.ac.uk
Web Site: http://www.kobeinst.com
Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics; Historical Linguistics; Morphology;
Language Family(ies): Romance
Call Deadline: 15-Jan-2008
Meeting Description
The Fourth Oxford-Kobe Linguistics Seminar, on 'The History and Structure of the
Romance Languages', is being organized at the St. Catherine's College
(University of Oxford) Kobe Institute, in Kobe, Japan, by John Charles Smith
(University of Oxford), Masayoshi Shibatani (Rice University & Kobe University),
and Martin Maiden (University of Oxford), between 31 March and 3 April 2008.
Although the papers at the Seminar will be by invitation only, a period will be
set aside for poster presentations. This session is intended primarily as an
opportunity for younger scholars, including graduate students, to present their
work. We welcome proposals for poster presentations, abstracts of which (not
exceeding 250 words) should be emailed (preferably as both .pdf and .rtf
attachments; .doc format should be avoided) to both of the following by 15
January 2008:
John Charles Smith: johncharles.smith at stcatz.ox.ac.uk
Martin Maiden: martin.maiden at mod-langs.ox.ac.uk
The working language of the Seminar will be English.
The following scholars have agreed to give plenary papers at the Seminar:
Jacques Durand, Université de Toulouse 2 - Le Mirail
Takeshi Fujita, Hokkaido University
Noritaka Fukushima, Kobe City University of Foreign Studies
Hiroshi Hayashi, Kobe University
Adam Ledgeway, University of Cambridge (Downing College)
Michele Loporcaro, Universität Zürich
Martin Maiden, University of Oxford (Trinity College)
Sandra Paoli, University of Oxford (Balliol College)
Ian Roberts, University of Cambridge (Downing College)
Antonio Ruiz Tinoco, Sophia University, Tokyo
Shigeru Sakahara, University of Tokyo
Gillian Sankoff, University of Pennsylvania
Montserrat Sanz, Kobe City University of Foreign Studies
Rosanna Sornicola, Università degli studi ''Federico II'', Naples
John Charles Smith, University of Oxford (St Catherine's College)
Hiroto Ueda, University of Tokyo
Nigel Vincent, University of Manchester
A detailed programme, including titles and abstracts of papers, will be
available later in the year.
Any queries about the academic organization and content of the Seminar should be
emailed to John Charles Smith at the address given above.
To register for the Seminar, and/or to obtain more information about the Kobe
Institute and the practical arrangements for the Seminar, please contact the
Chief Bursar of the Institute, Dr Koji Kobashi, as follows:
k-kobashi at kobeinst.com
postal address:
St. Catherine's College (University of Oxford) Kobe Institute,
53-1 Maruyama, Gomo-Aza, Nada-ku,
Kobe 657-0801
telephone: +81-78-881-2277
fax: +81-78-881-2552
A downloadable registration form will be available shortly.
The deadline for registration will be 3 March 2008.
LINGUIST List: Vol-18-2931
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