18.3081, Confs: General Linguistics/Germany
Mon Oct 22 00:10:52 UTC 2007
LINGUIST List: Vol-18-3081. Sun Oct 21 2007. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 18.3081, Confs: General Linguistics/Germany
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Date: 21-Oct-2007
From: Uli Sauerland < xprag at zas.gwz-berlin.de >
Subject: Experimental Pragmatics 2007
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Sun, 21 Oct 2007 20:03:59
From: Uli Sauerland [xprag at zas.gwz-berlin.de]
Subject: Experimental Pragmatics 2007
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Experimental Pragmatics 2007
Short Title: XPRAG 2007
Date: 13-Dec-2007 - 16-Dec-2007
Location: Berlin, Germany
Contact: Uli Sauerland
Contact Email: xprag at zas.gwz-berlin.de
Meeting URL: http://www.zas.gwz-berlin.de/xprag
Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics
Meeting Description:
Human communication has always been a focus not only of linguistics, but also
experimental psychology. While traditional linguistic research based on
speakers' judgments will always be the fastest and most reliable way to develop
a general theory of the adult speaker, formal experimental research makes two
important contributions to linguistic theory: (i) populations other than
competent adults can be investigated and (ii) differentiated measurements can be
taken of competent adults and others. Therefore, linguistic and formal
experimental research are not separable, also in the area of semantics and
pragmatics. But only in recent years, a critical mass of researchers with deep
theoretical knowledge and access to experimental methods has emerged such that
one can speak of a field of Experimental Pragmatics. The field has grown and
will continue to grow because of the development and refinement of experimental
methods and new techniques based on technological advances. This conference
serves to keep researchers in the field abreast of current research and to
provide an overview of the field to linguists and psychologists not actively
involved yet.
Preliminary Program (as of October 15th, 2007)
Up to Date Program available at:
Thursday, December 13
Location: ZAS, Schützenstr. 18, third floor,
17:00-18:00 pre-registration
18:00-19:30 Ted Gibson tba.
Friday, December 14
Location: Humboldt-Universität, Senatssaal
09:30-10:00 registration
10:00-11:00 Martin Hackl: tba.
11:00-11:30 coffee
11:30-12:30 Liina Pylkkänen: tba.
12:30-1:00 Philippe Schlenker: commentary on Hackl and Pylkkänen
2:30-3:30 Barbara Kaup: tba.
3:30-4:00 coffee
4:00-5:00 Andrea Gualmini: tba.
5:00-5:30 Ira Noveck: commentary on Kaup and Gualmini
Saturday, December 15
Location: Humboldt-Universität, Dorotheenstr.
10:00-10:30 Lewis Bott: Changes in Activation Levels with Scalar Implicatures
10:30-11:00 Arjen Zondervan: Effects of Question Under Discussion and Focus on
Scalar Implicatures
11:00-12:00 coffee and poster session 1
12:00-12:30 Emmanuel Chemla: Presuppositions vs. Scalar Implicatures:
Experimental Data in Quantified Sentences
12:30-1:00 Rachel Baker, Matt Berends, Alex Djalali, Ryan Doran, Meredith
Larson, Yaron McNabb, and Gregory Ward: Distinguishing the SAID from the
IMPLICATED Using a Novel Experimental Paradigm
2:30-3:30 Jos van Berkum: tba.
3:30-4:00 coffee
4:00-5:00 Reinhard Blutner: Some Experimental Aspects of Optimality-Theoretic
5:00-5:30 Richard Breheny: commentary on Berkum and Blutner
Sunday, December 16,
Location: Humboldt-Universität, Dorotheenstr.
10:00-10:30 Daphna Heller, Daniel Grodner & Michael K. Tanenhaus: Taking
Perspetive: Evidence for Real-Time Integration of Information about Common Ground
10:30-11:00 Julia Holzgrefe, Joanna Blaszczak & Heiner Drenhaus:
Context-Dependency or Default Processing: An ERP Study on Scalar Implicatures
11:00-12:00 coffee and poster session 2
12:00-12:30 John Drury & Karsten Steinhauer: Brain Potentials for Logical
Semantics: (In)definiteness & NPI-Licensing
12:30-1:00 Natalie M. Klein, Whitney Gegg-Harrison, Rachel S. Sussman, Greg N.
Carlson and Michael K. Tanenhaus: Referential Domains and the Real-Time
Processing of 'Weak Definite' Noun Phrases
2:30-3:30 Bart Geurts and Nausicaa Pouscoulos: tba.
3:30-4:00 coffee
4:00-5:00 Napoleon Katsos: tba.
5:00-5:30 Ted Gibson: commentary on Geurts & Pouscoulos and Katsos
Alternate Talks
1. Anne Bezuidenhout, Robin Morris & Cintia Widmann: The DE-Blocking Hypothesis:
The Role of Grammar in Scalar Reasoning
2. Arina Banga, Sanne Berends, Ingeborg Heutinck & Petra Hendriks: Individual
Variation in Drawing Scalar Implicatures
Poster Session 1
Petra Hendriks, Helen de Hoop, Irene Krämer, Erik-Jan Smits, Jennifer Spenader &
Henriëtte de Swart
A Large-Scale Investigation of Scalar Implicature
Edgar Onea
Grammatical and Contextual Alternatives
Daniel Grodner
Experimental Evidence for Rapid Interpretation of Pragmatic 'some'
Danijela Trenkic
Pragmatic Affordances and Linguistic Information in Second Language Reference
Francesca Foppolo
The Cost of Embedded Scalar Implicatures
Kristin Börjesson
Integrating the Graded Salience and Underspecification Hypothese
Anna Verbuk
The Role of the Lexical Component in the Acquisition of Scalar Implicatures
Poster Session 2
Anne Bezuidenhout, Robin Morris & Cintia Widmann
The DE-Blocking Hypothesis: The Role of Grammar in Scalar Reasoning
Vincenzo Moscati
Modality and Negation. A Subset Configuration in the Interpretation of
Multiple-Operators Sentences
Edmundo Kronmüller
Adaptation of the Comprehension System to the Demands of the Conversation: The
Case of Preemption
Bernhard Fisseni & Bernhard Schröder
Putting Focus Interpretation in Context
Benjamin George
Variable Presupposition Strength in Quantifiers
Arina Banga, Sanne Berends, Ingeborg Heutinck & Petra Hendriks
Individual Variation in Drawing Scalar Implicatures
Judith Degen
Some Theoretical Implications of Experimental Evidence on Scalar Implicature
Please preregister by sending an email to xprag at zas.gwz-berlin.de.
Registration fee: 30€ (15€ for students and other without income) payable on
site in cash.
LINGUIST List: Vol-18-3081
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