18.3137, TOC: Studies in Language 31/4 (2007)

Fri Oct 26 02:18:45 UTC 2007

LINGUIST List: Vol-18-3137. Thu Oct 25 2007. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 18.3137, TOC: Studies in Language 31/4 (2007)

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Randall Eggert, U of Utah  
         <reviews at linguistlist.org> 

Homepage: http://linguistlist.org/

The LINGUIST List is funded by Eastern Michigan University, 
and donations from subscribers and publishers.

Editor for this issue: Fatemeh Abdollahi <fatemeh at linguistlist.org>


Date: 25-Oct-2007
From: Paul Peranteau < paul at benjamins.com >
Subject: Studies in Language Vol 31, No 4 (2007)


-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2007 22:17:15
From: Paul Peranteau [paul at benjamins.com]
Subject: Studies in Language Vol 31, No 4 (2007)
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Publisher:	John Benjamins
Journal Title:  Studies in Language 
Volume Number:  31 
Issue Number:  4 
Issue Date:  2007 

Main Text:  

Studies in Language 31:4 

2007. iv; 195 pp.

Table of contents


Constructing grammatical meaning: Isomorphism and polysemy in Czech reflexivization 
Mirjam Fried 721-764  

NSM analyses of the semantics of physical qualities: sweet, hot, hard, heavy,
rough, sharp in cross?linguistic perspective 
Cliff Goddard and Anna Wierzbicka 765-800  

The reference-tracking system of Tlapanec: Between obviation and switch-reference 
Søren Wichmann 801-827  

Investigating the mechanisms of pattern replication in language convergence 
Yaron Matras and Jeanette Sakel 829-865  


Thomas Hanke. 2005. Bildungsweisen von Numeralia. Eine typologische Untersuchung 
Reviewed by Anna Grashchenkova and Pavel Grashchenkov 867-873  

Andreas Dufter. 2003. Typen sprachrhythmischer Konturbildung 
Reviewed by Klaus J. Kohler 873-884  

Roberta Facchinetti, Manfred Krug and Frank Palmer (eds). 2003. Modality in
contemporary English 
Reviewed by Martin J. Endley 884-891  

Maarten Mous. 2003. The Making of a mixed Language: The case of Ma'a/Mbugu
[Creole Language Library 26] 
Reviewed by Kees Versteegh 891-900  

Lutz Gunkel. 2003. Infinitheit, Passiv und Kausativkonstruktionen im Deutschen 
Reviewed by Miguel Ayerbe Linares 900-911  

Kristin Melum Eide. 2005. Norwegian modals [Studies in Generative Grammar 74] 
Reviewed by Werner Abraham 911-914 

Linguistic Field(s): Syntax

LINGUIST List: Vol-18-3137	


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