18.2584, Jobs: Portuguese & Computational Linguistics: Post Doc, ILTEC
Thu Sep 6 14:14:08 UTC 2007
LINGUIST List: Vol-18-2584. Thu Sep 06 2007. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 18.2584, Jobs: Portuguese & Computational Linguistics: Post Doc, ILTEC
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Date: 04-Sep-2007
From: ILTEC < direc at iltec.pt >
Subject: Portuguese & Computational Linguistics: Post Doc, ILTEC, Lisbon, Portugal
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Thu, 06 Sep 2007 10:12:07
From: ILTEC [direc at iltec.pt]
Subject: Portuguese & Computational Linguistics: Post Doc, ILTEC, Lisbon, Portugal
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University or Organization: ILTEC
Web Address: http://www.iltec.pt
Job Rank: Post Doc
Specialty Areas: Computational Linguistics; Lexicography
Required Language(s): Portuguese (por)
The ILTEC institute is looking for a post-doc fellow for a period of five
years, to start before the end of 2007. The position is part of the Ciência
2007 program of the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT).
Task Description:
The purpose of the fellowship is to lead the Portal da Lingua Portuguesa
The candidate is expected to lead both the computational part of the
development of the website and its back-office, and the lexicographic part
of the further development of the lexicographic model behind the MorDebe
The ILTEC Institute:
ILTEC is a small research center in Lisbon, Portugal, founded in 1988. It
has an autonomous status, but strong ties to the two major universities in
Lisbon (Universidade de Lisboa and Universidade Nova de Lisboa).
Candidates should sent their application to the ILTEC institute, either by
e-mail or by surface mail. The candidature should contain an introductory
letter detailing the candidate's expectation with regard to working on this
project, and a complete CV.
Candidates should have a PhD in the area of linguistics or lexicography,
and have at least three years of research experience since the completion
of their PhD.
Contract Terms:
The position consists of a contract for a fixed period of 5 years, and
consists of a full research position with no teaching obligations. The
yearly salary for the position is just over €42.000, equal to that of an
assistant professor.
Project Description:
The candidate is expected to assume the responsibility for the Portal da
Língua Portuguesa (Portuguese Language Portal) project, which is part of
the Lexicography and Computational Application group of the institute. The
project consists of a lexical database called MorDebe, and a web-site
called Portal da Língua Portuguesa.
The MorDebe database is a lexical information system developed at ILTEC. At
its core it is a large-scale full-form lexicon, construed with strict
lexicographic criteria. It has a modular design, in which additional
modules can provide additional types of information for the basic lemma
list. The candidate is expected to supervise the maintenance of the
existing modules, and contribute to the further development of the system.
The Portal da Língua Portuguesa (http://www.portaldalinguaportuguesa.org)
is a web-site created to make the data in the MorDebe database available
for the general public in a user-friendly manner. As such, it provides an
online vocabulary, inflection dictionary, dictionary of gentiles, of
deverbal nouns, etc. However, the Portal does not only provide lexical data
from the MorDebe database, but also features various additional types of
information, some of which are still under development. Most of the
web-site is written in a combination of MySQL and PHP. The candidate is
expected to supervise the development of the web-site, as well as the
in-house created back office for the web-based maintenance of the MorDebe
The staff of the Portal project currently consists of two BA scholars
working full-time on the project for a period of three years. The candidate
is expected to supervise these scholars and supervise their work for the
project. The primary task of the first scholar is the maintenance of the
MorDebe lemma list, and the primary task of the second scholar is the
development of the phonetic transcription database.
Application Deadline: 30-Sep-2007
Mailing Address for Applications:
Rua Conde de Redondo 74-5
Lisboa 1150-109
Contact Information
Email: direc at iltec.pt
Phone: (+351) 213563082
LINGUIST List: Vol-18-2584
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