18.2617, Calls: Historical Ling/Spain; Historical Ling/Austria
Mon Sep 10 01:01:05 UTC 2007
LINGUIST List: Vol-18-2617. Sun Sep 09 2007. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 18.2617, Calls: Historical Ling/Spain; Historical Ling/Austria
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 09-Sep-2007
From: Amalia Rodriguez Somolinos < arsomol at filol.ucm.es >
Subject: Diachro-IV Le français en diachronie
Date: 09-Sep-2007
From: Renata Szczepaniak < rszczepa at uni-mainz.de >
Subject: Linking Elements - Origin, Change, Functionalization
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Sun, 09 Sep 2007 20:58:06
From: Amalia Rodriguez Somolinos [arsomol at filol.ucm.es]
Subject: Diachro-IV Le français en diachronie
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Full Title: Diachro-IV Le français en diachronie
Short Title: Diachro-IV
Date: 22-Oct-2008 - 24-Oct-2008
Location: Madrid, Spain
Contact Person: Amalia Rodriguez Somolinos
Meeting Email: diachro4 at filol.ucm.es
Linguistic Field(s): Historical Linguistics
Subject Language(s): French (fra)
Call Deadline: 30-Oct-2007
Meeting Description:
Le colloque international Diachro-IV Le français en diachronie se tiendra du 22
au 24 octobre 2008 à la Faculté de Philologie de l'Université Complutense de
A la suite de Diachro-I, Diachro-II et Diachro-III en 2002, 2004 et 2006, la
4ème édition du colloque DIACHRO aura lieu à la Faculté de Philologie de
l'Université Complutense de Madrid du 22 au 24 octobre 2008.
Pour cette nouvelle rencontre, nous souhaitons privilégier les communications
portant sur les trois thèmes suivants:
- Le français préclassique et classique en diachronie.
- Enonciation et linguistique textuelle en diachronie.
- Les structures interrogatives.
Toute proposition concernant l'évolution du français sera cependant prise en
La langue du colloque sera préférentiellement le français.
Les propositions de communication (20 mn + 10 mn de discussion) devront nous
parvenir avant le 30 octobre 2007 par voie électronique sous la forme de deux
fichiers attachés comprenant:
- un titre et un résumé anonyme d'une page,
- le bulletin d'inscription ci-dessous précisant les coordonnées du ou des
auteur(s), ainsi que le titre de la communication.
Elles sont à adresser à:
diachro4 at filol.ucm.es
La réponse aux propositions sera envoyée le 30 janvier 2008.
Diachro-IV est organisé par l'Université Complutense de Madrid, le LATTICE
(CNRS/ENS Paris) et l'ATILF (CNRS/Université de Nancy).
Direction du colloque:
B. Combettes (ATILF/Université de Nancy)
S. Prévost (LATTICE/ENS Paris)
A. Rodríguez Somolinos (Université Complutense de Madrid)
Comité d'organisation:
A. Arroyo Ortega (UCM)
S. Gómez-Jordana Ferary (UCM)
P. Gomis Blanco (UCM)
A. Lavrentiev (ICAR/ ENS-LSH de Lyon)
M. J. Saló Galán (UCM)
Comité scientifique:
O. Bertrand (ATILF/Ecole Polytechnique)
M. Bruña Cuevas (Université de Séville)
B. Combettes (ATILF/Université de Nancy)
B. Fagard (Université Paris-7)
C. Guillot (ICAR/ENS-LSH de Lyon)
D. Lagorgette (Université de Savoie)
J. M. López Muñoz (Université de Cádiz)
C. Marchello-Nizia (ICAR/ENS-LSH de Lyon)
E. Opperman (Université Paris-3)
M. Perret (Université Paris-10)
S. Prévost (LATTICE/ENS Paris)
A. Rodriguez Somolinos (Université Complutense de Madrid)
Bulletin D'Inscription
Le français en diachronie
organisé par:
l'Université Complutense de Madrid, Faculté de Philologie
l'ATILF (CNRS/Université de Nancy)
Madrid, les 22, 23 et 24 octobre 2008
Titre de la communication proposée:
Adresse postale:
-------------------------Message 2 ----------------------------------
Date: Sun, 09 Sep 2007 20:58:15
From: Renata Szczepaniak [rszczepa at uni-mainz.de]
Subject: Linking Elements - Origin, Change, Functionalization
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Full Title: Linking Elements - Origin, Change, Functionalization
Short Title: Workshop at the 13 IMM
Date: 03-Feb-2008 - 06-Feb-2008
Location: Vienna, Austria
Contact Person: Renata Szczepaniak
Meeting Email: rszczepa at uni-mainz.de
Web Site: http://www.wu-wien.ac.at/inst/roman/imm13/
Linguistic Field(s): Historical Linguistics
Call Deadline: 17-Sep-2007
Meeting Description:
Workshop at the 13th International Morphology Meeting, February 2008,
Vienna, Austria
New lexical concepts can be expressed through the combination of two or more
existing free lexical morphemes. These can be combined in (more or less complex)
phrases as well as compounds, cf. New High German Geodätisches Institut
'institute of geodesy' (NP) vs. Wirtschaft-s-institut 'institute of economy'
(compound). Language history reveals that the borders between these two
mechanisms are not clear-cut. In contrast, they can be crossed diachronically:
Syntactic nominal phrases like Early New High German des teuffels list can turn
into morphological compound structures, cf. New High German Teufelslist 'cunning
of the devil', which gain productivity as a morphological mechanism.
This workshop addresses questions on the internal structures of compounds and
constructions in an intermediary state between syntax and morphology (cf. French
chemin-de-fer '''way-of-iron''' 'railway' or Icelandic vél-ar-hlóð 'machine
sound'). The focus is set on elements which originally serve to express
syntactic relations (cf. inflectional affixes, prepositions etc.) and develop as
'linking elements', cf. the linking -s in Teufel-s-list in the joint position
between the parts of compounds.
We would like to invite research presentations on the origin, change, and
functionalization of linking elements in different languages. Although all work
on linking elements is of high interest, we would especially want to stress the
importance of diachronic and contrastive studies. Some of the questions to be
addressed are listed in the following:
- What linguistic material develops as linking elements?
- Which morpho-syntactic categories have retained their meaning and which
have abandoned it (cf. e.g. former number- vs. case-affixes)?
- Can functionalization in morphology, semantics, or phonology be taken into
account? Which functions do linking elements develop? Is there a correlation
between productivity and functionalization?
- How are linking elements connected to language processing?
- What has led to the loss of productive linking elements, cf. the history
of English?
- Which factors condition productivity and changes in productivity for linking
elements? How many productive linking elements do languages keep, and are
unproductive elements substituted by productive ones?
- Is the productitity of linking elements connected with the producitivity
of compounding (cf. the high productivity of compounding and the use of linking
elements in languages like German and Danish vs. the low productivity of
compounding and little use of linking elements in English or Polish)?
- Is there a difference between origin and functionalization of linking elements
in right-headed vs. left-headed compounds?
- What influence does the token frequency of the first or second part of a
com-pound have on the appearance of linking elements?
- What is the grammatical status of linking elements?
- What differences can be accounted for between written and spoken language?
Abstract Submission:
Please send an anonymous abstract of max. 500 words (20-minute talks with
10-minute discussion) in both .pdf and .doc formats to rszczepa at uni-mainz.de.
Notification: October 24, 2007
Sebastian Kürschner, University of Groningen
Renata Szczepaniak, University of Mainz
Additionally, registration for the International Morphology Meeting is
necessary. The pre-registration period ends October 31st, 2007.
Conference URL: http://www.wu-wien.ac.at/inst/roman/imm13/
LINGUIST List: Vol-18-2617
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