18.2743, Confs: General Linguistics/Italy

Sat Sep 22 11:06:18 UTC 2007

LINGUIST List: Vol-18-2743. Sat Sep 22 2007. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 18.2743, Confs: General Linguistics/Italy

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            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
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         <reviews at linguistlist.org> 

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Date: 20-Sep-2007
From: Chiara Gianollo < gianollo at units.it >
Subject: Formal Models of Linguistic Diversity


-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Sat, 22 Sep 2007 07:05:08
From: Chiara Gianollo [gianollo at units.it]
Subject:  Formal Models of Linguistic Diversity
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Formal models of linguistic diversity 

Date: 12-Oct-2007 - 13-Oct-2007 
Location: Trieste, Italy 
Contact: Chiara Gianollo 
Contact Email: gianollo at units.it, linglab at units.it 
Meeting URL: http://www.univ.trieste.it/~linglab/?file=workshop.html 

Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics 

Meeting Description: 

The workshop, jointly held as the result of a cooperation project by the
Universities of Utrecht, Trieste and Verona, seeks to offer the opportunity for
scholars in different branches of linguistics to meet and discuss some of the
most recent developments and research trends concerning the study of linguistic
diversity in space and time, with the aim of fostering an innovative and
productive collaboration. 

The workshop is meant to address some of the key problems of theoretical
linguistics, crosscutting the synchronic and diachronic dimensions, such as the
nature of linguistic variation, the validity of parametric approaches and the
possible alternatives, the application of biological models to the study of
language evolution, language transmission and language classification, the role
of acquisitional mechanisms in language change, the computational modeling of
linguistic diversity, the interplay between different modules of linguistic
knowledge in creating the space of linguistic variation. 

Friday, October 12
9.30	Welcome address

10	Denis Delfitto, Gaetano Fiorin, Chiara Melloni (U. Verona & OTS Utrecht),
'Semantic Diversity and the Division of Labor between Broad Syntax and the
Conceptual System'

10.50	coffee break

11.20	Janet Dean Fodor, (The Graduate Center, CUNY),'Why is it so easy/difficult
to set syntactic parameters?'

12.10	Martin Everaert (OTS Utrecht),	'The cross-linguistic study of the language

13	break

14.30	Manuel Leonetti (U. Alcalá), 'Variation along the Definiteness Scale: the
case of Clitic Doubling'

15.20	Chiara Gianollo, Cristina Guardiano, Giuseppe Longobardi(U. Trieste & U.
Modena e Reggio Emilia), 'Towards a history and geography of human syntax'

16.10	coffee break

16.40	Ed Stabler (UCLA),'Distances between languages'

17.30	Eric Reuland (OTS Utrecht), 'Unity in diversity'

Saturday, October 13
9.30	Norbert Corver and Marjo van Koppen (OTS Utrecht), 'The noun phrase:
dimensions of (morpho)syntactic diversity in Dutch dialects'

10.20	Maria Polinsky (U. Harvard), 'Variation in clausal complementation: New
evidence from Adyghe'

11.10	coffee break

11.40	Anders Holmberg (U. Newcastle), 'Null subject parameters'

12.30	Marina Nespor (U. Ferrara), 'Exploiting prominence in language acquisition'

13.20	break 

15.00	Ian Roberts (U. Cambridge), 'Diachrony and Deficiency'

15.50	M. Rita Manzini (U. Firenze), '''To have'' and ''to be'': Lexical
parameters, macroparameters or both?'

16.40	coffee break

17.10	Henk van Riemsdijk (U. Tilburg), 'Parameterizing Laws of Nature: some
thoughts on identity avoidance'

LINGUIST List: Vol-18-2743	


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