19.1156, $2636: Left to End Fund Drive!

Mon Apr 7 13:45:23 UTC 2008

LINGUIST List: Vol-19-1156. Mon Apr 07 2008. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 19.1156, $2636: Left to End Fund Drive!

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Randall Eggert, U of Utah  
         <reviews at linguistlist.org> 

Homepage: http://linguistlist.org/

The LINGUIST List is funded by Eastern Michigan University, 
and donations from subscribers and publishers.

Editor for this issue: Maria Moreno-Rollins <maria at linguistlist.org>

To post to LINGUIST, use our convenient web form at 

Date: 07-Apr-2008
From:  linguist < linguist at linguistlist.org >
Subject: How Your Support Helps Build New Linguists

Current Standing: Top 5 Schools in LL Grad School Challenge:
1. Stanford University   	               $2580
2. University of Arizona                       $1810
3. University of California, Santa Barbara     $1636
4. University of Washington 	               $1419
5. University of Toronto                       $1125

Yesterday's Grad School Biggest Donor: University of Utah

To see the full list, go to: http://linguistlist.org/fund-drive/2008/gradschools/allschools.html


-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Mon, 07 Apr 2008 09:43:41
From:  linguist [linguist at linguistlist.org]
Subject: How Your Support Helps Build New Linguists
E-mail this message to a friend:

Dear Linguists,

We are only $2636 away from finishing Fund Drive! I am sure that you are all 
tired of getting endless emails about how we need you to donate today so that 
LINGUIST can remain a free service to the linguistics community. I am sure you 
are tired of hearing how your support helps pay the studies of the grad students 
who work at LL and provide a great support for them to enter the linguistics 
community and develop into great linguists themselves.

Let me tell you a little about what some of the crew members have done as a 
result of getting your support:

-  Lydia Grebenyova has specialized in syntax and has worked on sluicing and 
interrogatives, particularly in the Slavic languages. She is now an Assistant 
Professor at Baylor University teaching syntax, grammar and introductory linguistics 

-  Ljuba Veselinova is currently focusing on the typology of negation in non-verbal 
and existential sentences. Right now she teaches sociolinguistics and also a newly 
designed class on language and geography together with her colleague Mikael Parkvall. 
She also runs the department's computer room.

-   Dina Kapetangianni is a Ph.D. candidate in Linguistics at the University of 
Michigan. She has received a number of fellowships and awards during her doctorate 
studies. Her research focuses on syntactic theory and language acquisition: her 
main goal is to integrate as part of her research both the theoretical/formal inquiry 
into adult grammar with the empirical investigation of child language acquisition 
and development.

-  Andrea Berez is a PhD student in the linguistics department at the University 
of California, Santa Barbara. She has done research in Alaska working on the 
Dena'ina Archiving, Training & Access project, which was an NSF-funded project 
to the LINGUIST List and the Alaska Native Language Center in Fairbanks. This 
coming summer she is planning to go to Alaska's Copper River valley to begin 
fieldwork on the Ahtna language, which will be the subject of her dissertation. 

-  Sarah Murray is a Ph.D student in Linguistics with a Certificate in Cognitive 
Science at Rutgers University. She has been doing research on Cheyenne, an 
endangered Algonquian language spoken in Montana and Oklahoma. This past year, 
she completed her second Qualifying Paper ("Reflexivity and Reciprocity: From 
English to Cheyenne"), a formal account of reflexives and reciprocal anaphors 
in English and the reflexive/reciprocal affix in Cheyenne.

-  Naomi Fox is a PhD student at the University of Utah. She has received the 
merit-based Wick Miller scholarship from the Department of Linguistics for two 
years (2005/2006), the Helmut Esau Award for best graduate student paper at the 
conference of the Linguistics Society of the Southwest (LASSO 2006), a fellowship 
to the Linguistic Society of America Summer Institute (2007), and a grant from 
the Jacobs Fund (2007) which allowed me to begin fieldwork on an endangered 
language of Mexico last fall. She has presented at several conferences, and she 
continues to actively participate in departmental and professional activities. 
She has been the chair of the Department of Linguistics graduate student 
organization (GSAC) since fall 2006 (co-chair in 2006/7); a member of the 
organizing or review committees for 4 conferences, including student and 
professional conferences; and a facilitator/organizer for various language-related 
activities for Native American communities including summer language institutes 
and workshops in language recording and digitization.

These former crew members and others have achieved many different awards and 
recognitions. Part of it has been due to your help and support through their 
studies while they were LINGUIST editors. If it had not been for your donations, 
these outstanding linguists may not have continued their dreams of studying 
linguistics. Your support makes young linguists at heart be able to live that 
dream. Please contribute today to help more student live their dream and become 
remarkable linguists who will contribute to the discipline in a great way!

We are only a bit over $2600 away from reaching our Fund Drive goal. We are 
almost there and ready to continue providing a good service to you and to 
continue supporting the grad students. Help us to finish Fund Drive now!

Donate now: http://linguistlist.org/donation/donate/donate1.cfm



This Year the LINGUIST List hopes to raise $60,000. This money will go to help keep 
the List running by supporting all of our Student Editors for the coming year.

See below for donation instructions, and don't forget to check out our Fund Drive 
2008 LINGUIST List Circus and join us on our many shows!


There are many ways to donate to LINGUIST!

You can donate right now using our secure credit card form at  

Alternatively you can also pledge right now and pay later. To do so, go to:

For all information on donating and pledging, including information on how to 
donate by check, money order, or wire transfer, please visit:

The LINGUIST List is under the umbrella of Eastern Michigan University and as such 
can receive donations through the EMU Foundation, which is a registered 501(c) 
Non Profit organization. Our Federal Tax number is 38-6005986. These donations 
can be offset against your federal and sometimes your state tax return (U.S. tax 
payers only). For more information visit the IRS Web-Site, or contact your 
financial advisor.

Many companies also offer a gift matching program, such that they will match any 
gift you make to a non-profit organization. Normally this entails your contacting 
your human resources department and sending us a form that the EMU Foundation fills 
in and returns to your employer. This is generally a simple administrative procedure 
that doubles the value of your gift to LINGUIST, without costing you an extra penny. 
Please take a moment to check if your company operates such a program.

Thank you very much for your support of LINGUIST!

We would like to thank all of the publishers and subscribers who
donated prizes for this year's Fund Drive games, puzzles, and

Publisher Prize Donors:

Cascadilla Press  
Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd
Edinburgh University Press
John Benjamins
Multilingual Matters
Cambridge University Press
MIT Press  
Oxford University Press 
Surrey Morphology Group  

Subscriber Prize Donors:

Stefan Dollinger
Suzette Haden Elgin 
Monica Macaulay 
Sandina Vasile

The LINGUIST List Hall of Fame

RING LEADERS ($1000 and over)

D Terence Langendoen 
Dt. Ges. fuer Sprachwiss. 

LION TAMERS ($100 to $1000)
A K 
Abbas Benmamoun 
Acrisio Pires 
Alfredo Torrejon 
American Dialect Society 
Amira Agameya 
Amy Weinberg and Norbert Hornstein 
Andrew Kehler 
Andy Rogers 
anita fetzer 
Anna Gavarró 
Anna Kibort 
Annabel Harrison 
Anthony Davis 
Antonella Sorace 
Antonis Botinis 
Arienne Dwyer 
Barbara H Partee 
Barbara Job 
Bernard Comrie 
Bernard Spolsky 
Betty S. Phillips 
Bill VanPatten 
Billy Clark 
Birgitta Englund Dimitrova 
Brook Lillehaugen 
Bruce Fraser 
Carol Klee 
Caroline R Wiltshire 
Carolyn Hartnett 
Catherine Rudin 
Catherine Walter 
Centre for languages & literature Forskarkollegiet för språkvetenskap 
Charles Scott 
Charles Williams 
Christina Villafaña Dalcher 
Cinzia Russi 
Claire Ramsey 
Colin Phillips 
Colleen Fitzgerald 
Columbia School Linguistic Society 
Cornelia Tschichold 
Cynthia Edmiston 
Dan I. Slobin 
Daniel Currie Hall 
Danny Moates 
David Bowie 
Del Barrett 
Diana Archangeli 
Diane Massam and Yves Roberge 
Douglas Dee 
Dr. MJ Harddman 
Earl M Herrick 
Edward Garrett 
Elena Tapia 
Elissa Asp 
Elizabeth Cowper 
Elizabeth Liddy 
Elizabeth Winkler 
Ellen Broselow and Dan Finer 
Emily Bender 
Emmon and Wynn Bach 
Eugenia Casielles 
Frances Trix 
Gail Stygall 
Gene Gragg 
Geoffrey Nathan 
Gerald McMenamin 
Gerardo A Lorenzino 
Gereon Mueller 
Gilbert Rappaport 
Haruko Sakaedani 
Heike Behrens 
Helen and Anthony Aristar 
Holly Nibert 
Hubert Cuyckens 
Ian Wilson 
Ingo Plag 
Insa Guelzow 
Ivano Caponigro 
J. W. Fuller 
james corcoran 
James Jenkins 
James Kari 
Jeaenette Gundel 
Jeff Good 
Jeff Mielke 
Jeffrey Heath 
Jennifer Cole 
Jie Zhang 
Jim Long 
Joana Rossello 
Joanne Scheibman 
Johanna Laakso 
John Beaven 
John Beavers 
John M Lawler 
John Matthews 
Jorge Porcel 
Jose-Luis Mendivil 
Josep M. Fontana and Louise McNally 
Joseph F Foster 
Julia Herschensohn 
Julie Auger 
Justin Kelly 
Ka Wai Yeung 
Karen Davis 
Karen Milligan 
Kate Kearns 
Katy Carlson 
Keith Goeringer 
Keith Walters 
Kenji Schwarz 
Keren Rice 
Kevin Gregg 
Kiyoko Takahashi 
Kornel Bangha 
Laura Callahan 
Laura Sabourin 
Laura Wagner 
Laurel Watkins 
Laurie Zaring 
Lenore Grenoble 
Liane Jeschull 
Linguistics Graduate Course Union LGCU 
Linguistics Program Carleton College 
Luisa Granato 
Magdalena Zoeppritz 
Margaret Speas 
Marianne Milligan 
Marie-Helene Cote 
Marika Lekakou 
Marisa Ferrara Boston 
Martha Ratliff 
Martin Ehala 
Martin Kappus and Maribel Romero 
Mary Bucholtz 
Meghan Sumner 
Michael Grabski 
Michael Hess 
Michael Quinion 
Michael Silverstein 
Michael Swan 
Miriam Meyerhoff 
Modern Languages, University of Southampton 
Monica Macaulay & Joe Salmons 
Nan Bernstein Ratner 
Nancy Sullivan 
Nassira Nicola 
Natasha Warner 
Nikolaus Ritt 
Nobutaka Takara 
Northeastern University Linguistics Program 
Oleksandr Dymo 
Oliver Stegen 
Ora Matushansky 
Pam and Allen Munro 
Panayiotis Pappas 
Patrick Juola 
Paul Chapin 
Paul S. Cohen 
Penny Eckert and Ivan A. Sag 
Pilar Valenzuela 
Pius ten Hacken 
Prashant Nagaraja 
Price Caldwell 
Randall Gess 
Richard Hudson 
Richard Wright 
Robert Englebretson 
Robert Rodman 
Rochelle Lieber 
Roger Shuy 
Roxana Newman 
Sally McConnell-Ginet 
Sandhya Sundaresan Thomas McFadden 
Sanford Steever 
Sebastian Drude 
Shanley Allen 
Shaon Obeidallah 
Sharon Cote 
Shauna Eggers 
Shudong Huang 
Simin Karimi 
Sophie Palvadeau 
Stanley Dubinsky 
Steven Moran 
Steven Pinker 
Stuart Davis 
Susan Hooyenga 
Susannah Levi 
Susanne Gahl 
Suying Hsiao 
T.A. Hall 
Tatiana Nikitina 
Thera Crane 
Theresa Biberauer 
Thomas Egan 
Thorsten Trippel 
tom Roeper 
Tomas Riad 
Tracey McHenry 
University of California, Santa Barbara 
Ute Römer 
Veronika Koller 
Victoria Muehleisen 
Wannie Carstens 
Wayles Browne 
Wolfgang J. Meyer 
Wynn Chao 
Yeled V'Yalda Research Institute NY 
Yoko Hasegawa 
Zenzi M. Griffin 

- Plus 35 anonymous donors

ACROBATS ($50 to $100)

Academic Journal Linguistica Occitana (http://www.revistadoc.org)
Adam Albright
Adam Buchwald
Alana Thorpe
Albin Jaques
Alejandrina Cristia
Alexander and Marina Rusakov
Alexandre Arkhipov
Alison Gabriele
allard jongman
Amanda Brown
Amara Prasithrathsint
Ana bartra kaufmann
Anastassia Loukina
Andrea Berez
Andrea Sims
Andreas Musolff
Andrei Antonenko
Andy Wedel and Adam Ussishkin
Anja Geumann
anja wanner
Anke Lüdeling
Ann Wehmeyer
Anna Fagan
Anna Fowles-Winkler
anna spagnolli
Anna Szabolcsi
Anne Breitbarth
annie zaenen
Ans van Kemenade
Antoinette Hawayek de Ezcurdia
Arsalan Kahnemuyipour
Ash Asudeh
Ashley Burnett
Aviad Eilam
Bambi Schieffelin
Barbara Hindley
Barbara Stiebels
Barbora Skarabela and Mits Ota
Bencie Woll
Benedikt Szmrecsanyi
Bettina Gruber
Boyd Davis
Britta Stolterfoht
Bruce Moren
Carl Polley
Carla Soares
carrie gillon
Carsten Sinner
Caterina Mauri
Catherine Fortin
CBS Center for Translation Research CRITT
Charles Chang
Charles Gribble
Charlotte Brammer
Chatchawadee Saralamba
Chauncey Chu
Chiara Gianollo
Christiane Marchello-Nizia
Christine Blauth-Henke
Christopher Becker
Claire Bowern
Claude Mauk
Claudia Kunschak
Claus Dieter Pusch
Craige Roberts
Cristina Piva
Cynthia Gordon
Dana Chahal
Dana Chisnell
David Gaatone
David J Herman
Deborah Anderson
Demetra Katis
Diane Brentari
Dianyu Li
Dimitrios Ntelitheos
Dipika Mukherjee
Dirk Bury
Dirk Noël
Donna Lardiere
Donna Lillian
Doug Ball
Dylan Herrick
Eduardo Urios-Aparisi
Edward McDonald
Elena Castroviejo
Elena Gavruseva
Elisabetta Jezek
Ellen Kaisse
Elsi Kaiser
Eric Haeberli
Erik Schoorlemmer
Eva-Maria Remberger
Eystein Dahl
Eytan Zweig
Fabiana MacMillan
Fay Wouk
Ferdinand von Mengden
Fiona McLaughlin
francisco Dubert
Frauke Zeller
Gina-Anne Levow
Grover Hudson
Guy Carden
Haiyong Liu
Hans Lindquist
harold torrence
Heidi Harley
Heidi Quinn
Helge Gundersen
Hope Dawson
Hortensia Curel
Howard Williams
Humphrey P van Polanen Petel
Ida Toivonen
Indranil Dutta
Inge Genee
Irene Checa-Garcia
Jacques Jayez
James L Fidelholtz
James Lavine
James Vanden Bosch
Janneke Huitink
Jean Mulder
Jennifer Cornish
Jeroen van Craenenbroeck
Jinny Choi
Joan Baart
Joaquim Barbosa
John Boyle
John W. Du Bois
John W. Du Bois
Joke Mondada
Joost Kremers
Jose Ignacio Hualde
Josefa Mardijono
Josep Quer
Judith Meinschaefer
Julia Huettner
Julia James
Jörg Jost
Kanae Nishi
Kanjana Thepboriruk
Katharina Schuhmann
Katherine Hoi Ying Chen
Kazuko Hiramatsu
Keigo Noda
Kenneth Rehg
Kenneth Trease
Kirt Undercoffer
Kumiko Murasugi
Laura Camargo
Laura J. Downing
Laura Robinson
Laurel Preston
Leslie Saxon
Linda Coleman
Linda R. Waugh
Line Mikkelsen
Linguistics, University of Washington
Lisa Brandt Heckman
Lisa Galvin
Lisa Levinson
Lisa Minnick
Lisa Russell-Pinson
Lise Menn
Ljiljana Progovac
Loraine Obler
Loretta O'Connor
Lotus Goldberg
Ludovica Serratrice
Luis Alonso-Ovalle
Luis Gonzalez
Luis Vicente
Luisa Brucale
Lynn Burley
Lynsey Wolter
Madeleine Adkins
maire noonan
Maite Taboada
Manuel Delicado-Cantero
Marc Deneire
Mareike Buss
Margaret Dunham
Margot Rozendaal
Maria-Henrietta Iliescu
Marianna Di Paolo
Mariko Kondo
Marjorie Goodwin
Mark Overstreet
Marlies Kluck
Marta Ortega-Llebaria
Martin Haspelmath
Martin Salzmann
Martin Walkow
Mary Dalrymple
Mary Erbaugh
Mary L. Clayton and R. Joe Campbell
Mary Paster
Masako Hirotani
Maya Ravindranath
Mercedes Durham
Michael Cahill
Michael Israel
Michael Lessard-Clouston
Michael Wagner
Mickey Swart
Mira Ariel
Montserrat Sanz
Morris Salkoff
Nancy Niedzielski
Neil Olsen
Nicholas Fleisher
Nicole Dehe
nils langer
P. Kwachka
Pascal Vaillant
Patrice Beddor
Patrick Honeybone
Peter Grund
Peter Oehl
Peter Richtsmeier
Philip LeSourd
Pilar Garces-Conejos Blitvich
Pollet Samvelian
Priti Thanki
Ray Reighart
Rebecca Scarborough
Regina Morin
Ricardo Bermúdez-Otero
Ricardo Gómez López
Ricardo Otheguy
Richard Whitt
Rick Nouwen
Rob Truswell
Robert Cirillo
Robert Williams
Roberta D'Alessandro
Roland Pfau
Roswitha Fischer
Sabri Koc
Sandra Kuebler
Sandra Pappert
Sara Rosen
Sarah Fish
Sarah Thomason
Scott Grimm
Shamila Naidoo
Sharon Unsworth
Sherri Condon
Shlomo Izre'el
Shu-ing Shyu
Sigal Uziel-karl
Silke Lambert
Singer Ruth
SJ Hannahs
Stefan Frisch
Stefan Th. Gries
Stefanie Wulff
Stephanie Hensel
Stuart Robinson
Susan Bridges
Susan D Fischer
Susan Foster-Cohen
Susan Meredith Burt
Susann Fischer
Suzanne Curtin
Taibi NOUR
Tania Ionin
Tatjana Scheffler
Terrence Potter
Therese Carr
Thierry Ponchon
Thomas Daniel Seely
Thomas Koller
Thor Sigurd Nilsen
Tomoko Yasutake
Trudi Patterson
Udo Klein
Uri Horesh
Urtzi Etxeberria
Ute Smit
Vern M. Lindblad
Vicki Carstens
Victoria Bergvall
vincent de rooij
viola miglio
Virginia LoCastro
Will Fitzgerald
Xabier Artiagoitia
Xose Luis Regueira
Yael Ziv
Yoonjung Kang
Youssef Haddad
Yukiko Sasaki Alam

- Plus 46 anonymous donors
DONORS (Up to $50)

Adam Cooper 
Adriana Hanulikova 
Adrienne Bruyn 
Agnes Sandor 
Akiyo Cantrell 
Alessio Frenda 
Alexander Brock 
Alexis Wellwood 
Amalia Andrade 
Amaya Mendikoetxea Pelayo 
Amy Campbell 
Amy Rose Deal 
Ana Müller 
Anastasia Riehl 
Andrea Revesz 
Andrea Stiasny Carruthers 
Ann Bunger 
Anne Reboul 
Anne Schwarz 
Anne Violin-Wigent 
Anne-Michelle Tessier 
Annette Harrison 
Anya Lunden 
Aoju Chen 
Arjen Zondervan 
Arto Anttila 
Ashley Fidler 
Asli Untak-Tarhan 
Azea Ali 
Barbara Lust 
Barbara McGillivray 
Barbara Vance 
Becky Butler Thompson 
ben wes 
Benedetta Bassetti 
Bernard Kripkee 
Boban Arsenijevic 
Brian Jose 
Bruno Estigarribia 
Bryan Donaldson 
C.L. Cannizzaro 
Camilla Wide 
Carlos Buesa Garcia 
Carmel O'Shannessy 
Catharina Peersman 
Catherine Anderson 
Cathryn Donohue 
Cecile De Cat 
Chad Howe 
Chad Nilep 
Chao-Yang Lee 
Christiane Ulbrich 
Christie Brien 
Christina Manouilidou 
Christopher Sams 
Clare Wright 
Cristina Sánchez Marco 
Dale Koike 
Damien Hall 
Daniel Redinger 
Daniel Siddiqi 
Daniel Tight 
Daniela Müller 
David J. Iannucci 
David Martin 
David Oshima 
Deborah Chen Pichler 
Denis Liakin 
Dina kapetangianni 
Dirk-Bart den Ouden 
Douglas Lightfoot 
E. Allyn Smith 
Edith Aldridge 
Edward Keenan 
Effi Georgala 
Efstathios Selimis 
Eileen Smith 
Elena Bashir 
Elizabeth Canon 
Elizabeth Coppock 
Elizabeth Gentry 
Elizabeth Stein 
Ellenor Shoemaker 
Eric Roth 
Erik Willis 
Erin O'Rourke 
Esther Ruigendijk 
Evgeny Shaulskiy 
Ewan Dunbar 
Fabienne Martin 
Florian Haas 
Francisco Ordonez 
Frederique PASSOT 
fredrik heinat 
Freek Van de Velde 
Fusheini Hudu 
Gerrit Kentner 
Goh Kawai 
Gunther De Vogelaer 
Hannah De Mulder 
Harriet E. Klein 
Heather Taylor 
Heidi Lorimor 
Heike Lehnert-LeHouillier 
Heike Zinsmeister 
Heiko Narrog 
Helen Hanson 
Helen Stickney 
Helle Lindsted 
Hijo Kang 
Hirono Mogi 
Holger Schmitt 
Hye-Sook Lee 
Iskra Iskrova 
Istvan Kecskes 
Jakob Leimgruber 
James White 
Jan Anderssen 
Jan Strunk 
Jane Sunderland 
Janet Fuller 
Janne von Koss Torkildsen 
Janneke ter Beek 
Jason Bishop 
Jason Siegel 
Jean-Marc Dewaele 
Jeannine Fontaine 
Jeff Scialabba 
Jennifer Garland 
Jennifer Glougie 
Jenny L Davis 
Jesse Mortelmans 
Jessica Barlow 
Jessica Coon 
joan Levinson 
Joanna Lowenstein 
Johanna Brugman 
John te Velde 
Jonathan Bobaljik 
Jonathan Brennan 
Jonathan Glenn 
Jonathan Gress 
Jonathan Howell 
Jonathan Washington 
Jose Camacho 
Josep Alba 
Judith Pine 
Judith Tonhauser 
Kara Becker 
Karen Jesney 
Karen Zagona 
Karl J. Reinhardt 
Kate Dobiecka 
Katharina Spalek 
Katherine Martinez 
Katja Filippova 
Katja Suckow 
Kay McCormick 
Kent Johnson 
Kerstin Fischer 
Kirsten Hummel 
Kristin Boerjesson 
Kristine Yu 
Kristyl Kepley 
Lara Reglero 
Lara Staum 
Larissa Lapshina 
Laurel Fais 
Lauren Hall-Lew 
Laurence Krute 
Laurie Poulson 
leah gedalyovich 
Liberty Lidz 
Lisa Matthewson 
Lise Dobrin 
Ljuba Veselinova 
Lorraine Levin 
Louise Röska-Hardy 
Lucia Grimaldi 
lyn frazier 
Lysne Torgerson 
Magnús Snædal 
Manami Hiryama 
Manuel Leonetti 
Marc Ettlinger 
Margaret Renwick 
Maria Cristina Cuervo 
Marian Sloboda 
Marianna Chodorowska Pilch 
Marie-Josee Goulet 
Marije C. Michel 
Marina Gorlach 
Marisol del-Teso-Craviotto 
Marjorie Zambrano-Paff 
Mark A. Mandel 
Mark de Vries 
Martin Montgomery 
Martin Warin 
Mary Ann Walter 
Mary O'Brien 
Mary Zampini 
Matt Goldrick 
Matthew Wolf 
Maurice Wong 
Max Wheeler 
Maya Yuting Yeh 
Mayrene Bentley 
Melissa Curtin 
Mercedes Tubino Blanco 
Meredith Doran 
Michael Grosvald 
Michael Maxwell 
Michael Newman 
Michael Pickering 
Michael Yoshitaka Erlewine 
Michelle Sheehan 
Miriam Locher 
Misha Becker 
Nancy Melucci 
Nerea Madariaga 
Nick Gaylord 
Nikola Predolac 
Nino Amiridze 
Nynke de Haas 
Olga Lovick 
Olya Gurevich 
Ozark Center for Language Studies 
Pamela Jordan 
Paolo Coluzzi 
Patience Epps 
Patricia A. Shaw 
Patrick Callier 
Peter Uhrig 
Phil Chappell 
Philip McCarthy 
Philipp Angermeyer 
Philippe Hambye 
Rachel Hayes-Harb 
Raffaella Zanuttini and Bob Frank 
rajka smiljanic 
Rebecca Sachs 
Rebecca Shields 
Remi Jolivet 
Renae O'Hanlon 
Rene Valdes 
Renée Lambert-Brétière 
ricardo etxepare 
Richard Janda 
Richard Waltereit 
Richard Winters 
Rizwan Ahmad 
Robert French 
Robert Hoffmeister 
Robert Munro 
Roberta Piazza 
Rodrigo Gutiérrez-Bravo 
Ron Moe 
Roser Saurí 
Russell Hugo 
Sachiko Shudo 
Sandra  A. Thompson 
Sandra Smith 
Sara Finley 
Sara Mack 
Sarah Harmon 
Scott Jackson 
Scott Kiesling 
Sebastian Sauppe 
Seizi Iwata 
Seongyeon Ko 
Sergio Baauw 
Shuichi Yatabe 
Solveig Granath 
Sonja Franeta 
Sonya Bird 
Stefan Dollinger 
Stefan Engelberg 
Stefan Karl Serwe 
Stephan Kepser 
Steve Hartman Keiser 
Suzanne Aalberse 
Svetlana Aksenova 
Sylvia Shaw 
Sébastien Marengo 
Tamás Biró 
Tanya Matthews 
Theres Grueter 
Tobias Barske 
Tometro Hopkins 
Ton van der Wouden 
Toshiyuki Ogihara 
Tracy Lennertz 
Trudy Smoke 
Tyler Peterson 
Ulrike Christofori 
Vesna Stojanovikv.v 
Victoria Vázquez Rozas 
Vladimir Plungian 
William Salmon 
Wiltrud Mihatsch 
Winifred Davies 
Yasmin Dalati 
Yo Sato 
Yosuke Sato 
Yuni Kim 
Yuri, Mio & Lina Backhaus 
Zeynep Deniz Oksuz 

- Plus 80 anonymous donors


Cambridge Scholars Publishing 
Cambridge University Press 
Cascadilla Press 
Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd 
Edinburgh University Press 
Elsevier Ltd 
Equinox Publishing Ltd 
European Language Resources Association - ELRA 
Georgetown University Press 
Hodder Education 
John Benjamins 
Lincom GmbH 
MIT Press 
Mouton de Gruyter 
Multilingual Matters 
Narr Francke Attempto Verlag GmbH + Co. KG 
Oxford University Press 
Peter Lang AG 
Routledge (Taylor and Francis) 

Association of Editors of the Journal of Portuguese Linguistics 
Graduate Linguistic Students' Association, Umass 
International Pragmatics Assoc. 
Langues et Linguistique 
Linguistic Association of Finland 
Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics / Landelijke - LOT 
SIL International 
St. Jerome Publishing Ltd 
Utrecht institute of Linguistics 



Aarhus School of Business, University of Aarhus 
American University of Armenia 
Basis Technology 
Bridgewater State College 
Brock University 
Carleton College 
Carriebeam Consulting 
Central Intelligence Agency 
City University of Hong Kong 
Concordia University 
Cornell University 
Datascope Recruitment 
Denison University 
Dongduk Women's University 
Educational Testing Service 
Finnova AG Bankware 
Gallaudet University 
Global Business Network LLC (GlobNet) 
Hanyang University 
Hapax Ltd. 
HCC, Inc 
Heriot-Watt University 
Higher Colleges of Technology 
Hokkaido University 
Högskolan Dalarna 
IBM Canada 
Indiana University 
Iowa State University 
Janya Inc. 
Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität 
Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-Universität Frankfurt 
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz 
Johns Hopkins University 
Justus Liebig Universität Gießen 
LADO International College 
Lexicon Branding 
Livemocha Inc. 
Macquarie University 
McNeil Technologies 
Memorial University 
MITRE Corporation 
Monash South Africa 
Morgan State University 
Nangwik Services 
National Taiwan Normal University 
NetBase Solutions, Inc. 
New York University 
Northern Arizona University 
Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems 
Northwestern University 
Nuance Communications 
Oxford University Press 
Pittsburg State University 
Qatar University 
Queens College/CUNY 
Radboud University Nijmegen 
Rhode Island 
Rice University 
Ruhr Universitaet Bochum 
Ruhr-Universität Bochum 
School of Oriental and African Studies 
Sensory, Inc. 
SkyGrid, Inc. 
SYSTRAN Software 
Teachers College, Columbia University 
Teragram Corporation 
Texas A&M University 
The Fizzback Group 
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 
The Ohio State University 
The University of Montana 
The University of Sydney 
The University of Tromsø/The Faculty of Humanities 
Tilburg University 
U of Maryland 
University College London 
University of Aizu 
University of Alabama at Birmingham 
University of Amsterdam 
University of Arizona 
University of Berne, Switzerland 
University of Bielefeld 
University of British Columbia 
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) 
University of Chicago 
University of Florida 
University of Freiburg 
University of Georgia 
University of Goettingen 
University of Groningen 
University of Illinois 
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 
University of Kansas 
University of Konstanz 
University of Macau 
University of Mainz 
University of Michigan 
University of Namur 
University of New Hampshire 
University of Newcastle 
University of Notre Dame 
University of Nottingham, Ningbo 
University of Nottingham, Ningbo China 
University of Oregon 
University of Oslo 
University of Pennsylvania 
University of Rochester 
University of Southampton 
University of Texas - Pan American 
University of Texas at Austin 
University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg 
University of Toronto Scarborough 
University of Tromso 
University of Tromsø 
University of Ulster 
University of Vienna 
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee 
University of York 
University Oldenburg 
Universität Mannheim 
Université catholique de Louvain 
Université du Québec en Outaouais 
Utrecht University; Faculty of Humanities 
Vantage Linguistics 
Yale University



Stanford University 
University of Arizona 
University of California, Santa Barbara 
University of Washington 
University of Toronto 
University of Michigan 
University of California, Berkeley 
University of Texas at Austin 
Wayne State University 
University of Massachusetts at Amherst 
Eastern Michigan University 
University of Wisconsin-Madison 
University of Maryland 
Indiana University 
Michigan State University 
Cornell University 
University of Pennsylvania 
University of Chicago 
University of Utah 
Georgetown University 
University of California, San Diego 
Boston University 
University of Florida 
University of Minnesota 
University of California, Los Angeles 
Carleton University 
University of Edinburgh 
University of Cambridge 
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 
Syracuse University 
Ohio State University 
University of British Columbia 
University of Kansas 
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 
Portland State University 
University of Vienna 
University of South Carolina 
Wellesley College 
Stony Brook University 
Rice University 
University of Pittsburgh 
University of Ottawa 
Bar-Ilan University 
University of Stuttgart 
Arizona State University 
University of Basel 
University at Buffalo 
Stockholm University 
University of Leipzig 
University of Manchester 
Universiteit van Amsterdam 
University of Leeds 
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona 
University of Hawaii at Manoa 
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela 
Universität Bielefeld 
University of Southampton 
Texas Tech University 
New York University 
Northwestern University 
University of Hamburg 
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens 
Utrecht Institute of Linguistics 
University of Colorado at Boulder 
Universität Frankfurt 
Indiana University of Pennsylvania 
Universiteit Leiden 
University of Calgary 
University of the Basque Country 
University of Surrey 
University of Connecticut 
University of Zaragoza 
American University in Cairo 
University of California, Santa Cruz 
National Tsing Hua University 
University of Heidelberg 
Technical University of Berlin 
City University of New York 
Georgia Institute of Technology 
University of Hong Kong 
University of Alaska Fairbanks 
Humboldt University, Berlin 
Queens College (CUNY) 
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen 
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 
Tel-Aviv University 
Ohio University 
Victoria University of Wellington 
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven 
National University of Shipbuilding 
University of Pavia 
University of Alberta 
RWTH Aachen University 
University of North Carolina at Charlotte 
University of Bristol 
University of Southern California 
Moscow State University 
Eastern Washington University 
Middlesex University 
Universitat de Barcelona 
University of Helsinki 
School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London 
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies 
Old Dominion University 
Western Kentucky University 
King's College London 
Western Michigan University 
Columbia University 
North Carolina State University 
Memorial University of Newfoundland 
University of Illinois at Chicago 
Chapman University 
Swansea University 
Kanda University of International Studies 
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto 
James Madison University 
Academia Sinica 
Zentrum für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Typologie, und Universalienforschung 
University of Göteborg 
Oregon Graduate Institute of Science& Technology 
Auburn University 
University of the Ryukyus    
California State University, Fresno 
San José State University 
Purdue University 
University of New England in Australia 
University of Tartu 
Chuo University 
Northeastern University 
University of Zurich 
University of Konstanz 
El Colegio de México 
University of York 
University of Victoria 
Newcastle University 
Centre for General Linguistics, Typology, and Universals Research 
University of Oslo 
Northwestern University 
University of Geneva 
University of Greenwich 
Durham University 
University of Lausanne 
Thammasat University 
Ruhr University Bochum 
University of Karlsruhe 
University of Texas at Arlington 
University of Freiburg 
Florida State University 
University of Sydney 
Princeton University 
East Carolina University 
Center for Advanced Study in Theoretical Linguistics,  U Tromsø 
Fluminense Federal University 
Copenhagen Business School 
University of Melbourne 
Biola University 
National Sun Yat-sen University 
Amsterdam Center for  Language and Communication, University of Amsterdam 
Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla 
University of Innsbruck 
George Mason University 
University of Nancy 2 
University of the Illes Balears 
Freie Universität Berlin 
Johns Hopkins University 
University of New Orleans 
University of Wuppertal 
Oxford University Phonetics Laboratory 
Calvin College 
University of Sussex 
Laval University 
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki 
University of California, Davis 
Eastern Mediterranean University 
University of Hawaii 
Universidad del Pais Vasco 
Ecole Normale Supérieure 
Pomona College 
Samford University 
University of Nottingham 
Oakland University 
Simon Fraser University 
Middle East Technical University 
Monash University 
Kobe City University Of Foreign Studies 
University of Mary Washington 
University of Missouri at Columbia 
McGill University 
University of Western Ontario 
University of KwaZulu-Natal 
Tianjin Foreign Studies University 
Vrije University Brussels 
University of Central Lancashire 
Università degli studi di Cagliari 
University College London 
Aichi University of Education 
University of Lyon 
University of Georgia 
Tufts University 
Harvard University 
Uppsala University 
University of Oklahoma 
University of South Florida 
University of Canterbury 
Waseda University 
California State University, Northridge 
Reed College 
University of Massachusetts at Boston 
University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne 
University of Newcastle upon Tyne 
Katholieke Universiteit Brussel 
New Bulgarian University 
University of Auckland 
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology 
University of Lethbridge 
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg 
University of Oxford 
University of Memphis 
University of Queensland 
University of Montreal 
Gallaudet University 
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics 
Pennsylvania State University 
Universität Bern 
Concordia University 
Hunter College 
Florida International University 
La Trobe University 
Carnegie Mellon University 
Université catholique de Louvain 
Florida Atlantic University 
State University of New York at Albany 
Eötvös Loránd University 
University of California, Irvine 
University of Ulster 
University of Southern Denmark 
Yale University 
Tohoku University 
Alaska Native Language Center 
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point 
University of Delaware 
University of Antwerp 
University of Dortmund 
York University 
University of Louisiana at Lafayette 
University of Paris 3, Sorbonne Nouvelle 
Charles University 
Washington University, St. Louis 
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid 
University of Toulouse 2 
University of Rochester, New York 
Universiti Brunei Darussalam 
Universitat Pompeu Fabra 
University of Strathclyde 
University of Huddersfield 
Louisiana State University 
State University of New York 
University of Colorado 
University of Essex 
University of Bologna 
Institute for German Language (Mannheim) 
Colorado State University 
University of Jyväskylä 
University of Northern Iowa 
Karlstad University 
National Taiwan University 
Université du Québec en Outaouais 
Research Centre for Linguistic Typology 
San Francisco State University 
University of Iceland 
University of North Texas 
Universidade de Lisboa 
University of Salford 
University of Nevada at Reno 
Northeastern State University 
University of Paris 4, Sorbonne 
Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg 
University of Paris 8 
Ghent University 
Ibaraki University 
Trinity College Dublin 
Radboud University Nijmegen 
Nihon University ???? 
Linguist List 
Brandeis University 
University of Wollongong 
German Institute for Japanese Studies 
University of Lecce 
Southern Illinois University Carbondale 
University of Reading 
Saint-Petersburg State University 
Hokkaido University


LINGUIST List: Vol-19-1156	


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