19.1192, TOC: Toronto Working Papers in Linguistics 28/1 (2008)
Wed Apr 9 01:43:49 UTC 2008
LINGUIST List: Vol-19-1192. Tue Apr 08 2008. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 19.1192, TOC: Toronto Working Papers in Linguistics 28/1 (2008)
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Date: 08-Apr-2008
From: Bridget Jankowski < http://www.chass.utoronto.ca/~twpl/contact.htm >
Subject: Toronto Working Papers in Linguistics Vol 28, No 1 (2008)
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-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Tue, 08 Apr 2008 21:42:16
From: Bridget Jankowski [http://www.chass.utoronto.ca/~twpl/contact.htm]
Subject: Toronto Working Papers in Linguistics Vol 28, No 1 (2008)
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Publisher: Linguistics Graduate Course Union, University of Toronto
Journal Title: Toronto Working Papers in Linguistics
Volume Number: 28
Issue Number: 1
Issue Date: 2008
Subtitle: Proceedings of the International Conference on East Asian Linguistics
Main Text:
1. Revisiting Yantai tone sandhi
Tsung-ying Chen, National Chung Cheng University
2. Obligatory XP-raising in Chinese
Lawrence Y.L. Cheung, University of California, Los Angeles
3. A two-accent model of Japanese word prosody
San Duanmu, University of Michigan
4. The phonetic boundary between monophthongs and diphthongs in Suzhou Chinese
Ling Feng, City University of Hong Kong
5. The VP spell-out domains and scope rigidity
Seungwan Ha, Boston University
6. An experimental investigation into the placement of the verb in Japanese and
Chung-hye Han, Simon Fraser University
7. Alleged small clauses in Japanese
Michiya Kawai, Huron University College and University of Western Ontario
8. A note on contrasts, mergers, and acquisitions in Kyungsang accent
Michael Kenstowicz, Massachusetts Institute Technology
Hyesun Cho, Massachusetts Institute Technology
Jieun Kim, University of California, Los Angeles
9. Why [h] and aspirated consonants are different in Korean
Lan Kim and John Alderete, Simon Fraser University
10. Revisiting the Relevancy Condition on internally headed relatives in Korean
Min-Joo Kim, Texas Tech University
11. Phonology and phonetics of loanword adaptation: Russian place names in
Japanese and Korean
Alexei Kochetov, University of Toronto
12. A mismatch between position and interpretation: focus association with Japanese
Sachie Kotani, University of Delaware
13. Negation, focus, and negative concord in Japanese
Masakazu Kuno, Sophia University
14. Two 'now's in Korean
EunHee Lee and Jeongmi Choi, University at Buffalo, The State University of New
15. Phonetic variability of /h/ in Korean: aspiration or tensification
Sunghwa Lee, University of Victoria
16. A new look at Japanese and Korean scrambling
Martha McGinnis, University of Calgary
17. Loan word syntax: a case in the light verb construction
Takashi Nakajima, Toyama Prefectural University
18. Plural marking in classifier languages: a case study of the so-called plural
marking -tul in Korean
So-Young Park, University of Southern California
19. N'-ellipsis and the structure of noun phrases in Chinese and Japanese
Mamoru Saito, Nanzan University
T.-H. Jonah Lin, National Tsing Hua University
Keiko Murasugi, Nanzan University
20. Sluicing and the base-generation positions of wh-phrases in Mandarin
Li-jen Shih, Michigan State University
21. Japanese wh-doublets and metalinguistic variables
Yasutada Sudo, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
22. Plurality in Chinese with a restricted class of noun-classifier words
Marie-Thérèse Vinet and Xiaoyan Liu, Université de Sherbrooke
23. Prosody and the syntax of shika -NPIs in Tokyo Japanese and its implications
for the theory of grammar
Hideaki Yamashita, Yokohama National University
24. "Voicing"-tone interaction in Xiangxiang Chinese
Ting Zeng, City University of Hong Kong
25. Chinese -men and associative plurals
Xiaofei Zhang, Michigan State University
Linguistic Field(s): Phonology
General Linguistics
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