19.1250, Jobs: German, Standard & Corpus Linguistics: Post Doc, U Manchester

Sun Apr 13 02:56:29 UTC 2008

LINGUIST List: Vol-19-1250. Sat Apr 12 2008. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 19.1250, Jobs: German, Standard & Corpus Linguistics: Post Doc, U Manchester

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Date: 11-Apr-2008
From: Martin Durrell < martin.durrell at manchester.ac.uk >
Subject: German, Standard & Corpus Linguistics: Post Doc, University of Manchester, United Kingdom


-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Sat, 12 Apr 2008 22:54:52
From: Martin Durrell [martin.durrell at manchester.ac.uk]
Subject: German, Standard & Corpus Linguistics: Post Doc, University of Manchester, United Kingdom
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University or Organization: University of Manchester 
Department: School of Languages, Linguistics & Culture
Job Location: Manchester, United Kingdom 
Web Address: http://www.llc.manchester.ac.uk/subjects/german/

Job Rank: Post Doc  

Specialty Areas: Text/Corpus Linguistics 

Required Language(s): German, Standard (deu)


We are seeking to recruit two postdoc researchers to work on the project
GerManC Plus: A Representative Historical Corpus of German 1650-1800,
coordinated by Professor Martin Durrell and Dr Paul Bennett. The project is
funded by the Economic and Social Research Council and the Arts and
Humanities Research Council. Further details on the website:

The aim of the project is to compile a representative historical corpus of
written German for the years 1650-1800 which will be comparable with extant
English corpora for this period, and constitute a research tool for
comparative studies of the development of the two languages. It will build
on an earlier ESRC-funded project (GerManC) completed in spring 2007 which
was restricted to newspaper texts and and will ultimately be incorporated
into GerManC Plus. GerManC Plus will consist of a collection of sample
texts of 2000 words each from the main text types attested at this time,
selected with a view to achieving chronological and regional
representativeness. The finished corpus will consist of about 800,000 words
in total and will present a picture of the development of the language in
time and space which will be as representative as possible. The corpus will
be fully annotated in accordance with Text Encoding Initiative (TEI)

Building on the achievements of the pilot project, software programs will
be developed to assist the linguistic analysis of the corpus material. In
particular, we shall be aiming first to lemmatize the corpus fully, which
involves solving problems associated with spelling variation and
inflectional forms. It is also intended to adapt software in order to tag
the corpus for parts of speech, and where appropriate to classify words
according to grammatical category. Finally we shall be aiming to develop
programs capable of undertaking syntactic parsing of the corpus. An
associated PhD student will be working in particular on this latter aspect
of the project.

The project is being undertaken in close collaboration with a number of
colleagues and institutions in Britain and Germany, notably the Institut
für Deutsche Sprache in Mannheim and the Deutsch - Diachron - Digital
project for a comprehensive historical corpus of German.

The first postdoc (Reference: HUM/80301) will be responsible for selecting
and digitizing the historical German texts. S/he will have completed a PhD
in some aspect of German linguistics and have a high level of competence in
German, an ability to read older German texts and experience in collecting
and working with historical linguistic data. Some experience of working
with linguistic corpora would be an advantage.

The second postdoc (Reference HUM/80302) will be responsible for developing
analytical tools associated with the corpus. S/he will have completed a PhD
in some aspect of computational linguistics, have a good level of
competence in German and experience in working with linguistic corpora and
text analysis software. Some acquaintance with historical linguistic data,
particularly in respect of German, would be an advantage.

Application Deadline: 16-May-2008 
Web Address for Applications: http://www.manchester.ac.uk/vacancies 
Contact Information:
	Jonathan Starbrook 
	Email: jonathan.starbrook at manchester.ac.uk 

LINGUIST List: Vol-19-1250	


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