19.1444, Jobs: Syntax, Semantics, Phonology: Rank Open, U of Nova Gorica

Tue Apr 29 16:35:10 UTC 2008

LINGUIST List: Vol-19-1444. Tue Apr 29 2008. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 19.1444, Jobs: Syntax, Semantics, Phonology: Rank Open, U of Nova Gorica

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            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
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         <reviews at linguistlist.org> 

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Date: 29-Apr-2008
From: Lanko Marusic < franc.marusic at p-ng.si >
Subject: Syntax, Semantics, Phonology: Rank Open, University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia


-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2008 12:33:43
From: Lanko Marusic [franc.marusic at p-ng.si]
Subject: Syntax, Semantics, Phonology: Rank Open, University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia
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University or Organization: University of Nova Gorica 
Department: School of Humanities
Job Location: Nova Gorica, Slovenia 
Web Address: http://www.ung.si/en/about-university/schools/4000/

Job Rank: Rank Open  

Specialty Areas: Syntax, Semantics, or Phonology


The University of Nova Gorica invites applications for two full-time
teaching/research positions in any field of formal linguistics, though
specialists in syntax, semantics or phonology will be given priority. The
appointment is open to any rank (assistant, associate, or full professor),
for 5 years, starting October 1, 2008. After the initial 5 years, tenure
will be considered. 

The University of Nova Gorica aims to be a research university, with
research and teaching being given equal emphasis; therefore, candidates
with strong research potential will be given priority. The teaching load is
up to six hours of lectures per week over the two semesters of the academic
year (classes are taught in English). Other duties involve research,
administrative work and student supervision.

Applicants must hold a PhD by July 2008. 

Applications should include the candidate's CV, a statement of teaching
interests and a statement of research interests, teaching evaluations (if
available), two representative samples of published or unpublished work,
and the names and e-mail addresses of three referees. Applicants should
also arrange for their letters of reference to be sent directly to the
address given below.

Hard-copy materials should be sent to the address given below; however,
both the application and the reference letters may also be sent by e-mail.

For further information, please contact Franc (Lanko) Maru?i? at the e-mail
address given below. Some information on Linguistics at University of Nova
Gorica can also be found at 

Application evaluations will start on June 1, 2008. Later applications will
be accepted until the positions are filled.

Application Deadline: 01-Jun-2008 (Open until filled)
Mailing Address for Applications: 
	Tea Stibilj Nemec 
	University of Nova Gorica 
	Vipavska 13 
	POB 301 
	Nova Gorica SI-5000 
Email Address for Applications: tea.stibilj.nemec at p-ng.si 
Contact Information:
	Lanko Marusic 
	Email: franc.marusic at p-ng.si 
	Phone: ++386 5 3315 207 
	Fax: ++386 5 3315 385 

LINGUIST List: Vol-19-1444	


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