19.3697, Jobs: Dutch & Discourse Analysis: Post Doc, VU University Amsterdam

Wed Dec 3 17:53:14 UTC 2008

LINGUIST List: Vol-19-3697. Wed Dec 03 2008. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 19.3697, Jobs: Dutch & Discourse Analysis: Post Doc, VU University Amsterdam

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Date: 03-Dec-2008
From: Gerard Steen < gj.steen at let.vu.nl >
Subject: Dutch & Discourse Analysis: Post Doc, VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands


-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Wed, 03 Dec 2008 12:51:27
From: Gerard Steen [gj.steen at let.vu.nl]
Subject: Dutch & Discourse Analysis: Post Doc, VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands

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University or Organization: VU University Amsterdam 
Department: Language and Communication
Job Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands 
Web Address: http://www.vu.nl/en/about-vu-amsterdam/job-vacancies/index.asp

Job Rank: Post Doc  

Specialty Areas: Discourse Analysis 

Required Language(s): Dutch (nld)


One Ph.D. position, research on Language, Cognition, and Communication,
CAMeRA-Project 'Therapy in new media: a study of recipient design'

>From 1 January 2009
Vacancy number 1.2008.00367

The focus group Language, Cognition, Communication in the Faculty of Arts
of VU University is one of the central research groups of the faculty, with
some 30 researchers. The group does interdisciplinary research into
effective communication in several languages (Dutch, English, French,
German), particularly in institutional settings. Special attention is paid
to the use of various media, with the new, digital media exhibiting an
innovative effect on the research. Our research into language, cognition,
and communication is situated in the new interfaculty research institute
CAMeRA (Centre for Advanced Media Research Amsterdam). Founded in 2007,
CAMeRA is an ambitious collaborative project between the faculties of Arts
(Linguistics), Social Sciences (Communication Science), Exact Sciences
(Computer Science), and Psychology. In the framework of this innovation
process we have one vacancy for a Ph.D. student.

VU University Amsterdam has a vacancy for a Ph.D. student to carry out the
following project: 'Therapy in new media: a study of recipient design'. The
aim of this project is to try and gain further insight into how the assumed
effectiveness of communication is designed textually and linguistically. It
analyses recipient design in "pre-programmed" texts (such as websites and
automated emails) and interactional texts (such as telephone or email). The
study complements a project carried out by the Department of Clinical

The project is funded by the VU research institute CAMeRA (Center for
Advanced Media Research Amsterdam) and will be carried out in the
Department of Language and Communication (Faculty of Arts) in cooperation
with the Department of Clinical Psychology (Faculty of Psychology and

Analysing patterns in recipient design in various genres (pre-programmed
and interactional) that are drawn upon by participants in online therapy.

- M.A. or M.Phil. degree in Linguistics, Communication Science, or related
- (near) native Dutch language skills at start of project (the data to be
analyzed is Dutch);
- Background in conversation analysis and familiarity with other forms of
discourse analysis is preferred;
- Excellent writing skills in both Dutch and English;
- Ability to work in a multidisciplinary team.

The position is for 12 months at first and, following positive evaluation,
may be prolonged with a further 36 months. Preferred starting date is 1
February 2009 or soon after.

The gross salary will start at € 2.042, - per month in the first year, up
to a maximum of € 2.612, - in the fourth year. For benefits please see

More information can be obtained from Prof. dr. W. Spooren, tel. 020 59
86572 (see contact information below).

Applications can be sent by regular mail to Dr G.J.M. Nijsten at the
address provided below, or by e-mail to vacature at let.vu.nl. Applications
should include the vacancy number on letter and envelope, or in the header
of the email message.

Application Deadline: 15-Dec-2008 
Mailing Address for Applications:
	Dr. G.J.M. Nijsten 
	Faculty of Arts 
	VU University 
	De Boelelaan 1105 
	Amsterdam 1081 HV 
Email Address for Applications: vacature at let.vu.nl 
Contact Information:
	Prof Dr Wilbert Spooren 
	Email: w.spooren at let.vu.nl 
	Phone: 0031205985676 
	Fax: 0031205986500 

LINGUIST List: Vol-19-3697	


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