19.3791, Calls: Applied Ling,Socioling/Spain; General Ling,Syntax/Germany
Thu Dec 11 14:22:10 UTC 2008
LINGUIST List: Vol-19-3791. Thu Dec 11 2008. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 19.3791, Calls: Applied Ling,Socioling/Spain; General Ling,Syntax/Germany
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Randall Eggert, U of Utah
<reviews at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 09-Dec-2008
From: Carmen Perez-Llantada < llantada at unizar.es >
Subject: First International Seminar on Languages for Business
Date: 09-Dec-2008
From: Markus Steinbach < steinbac at uni-mainz.de >
Subject: Nonmanuals in Sign Languages
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2008 09:17:32
From: Carmen Perez-Llantada [llantada at unizar.es]
Subject: First International Seminar on Languages for Business
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Full Title: First International Seminar on Languages for Business
Short Title: SLB
Date: 05-Jun-2009 - 06-Jun-2009
Location: Avila, Spain
Contact Person: Carmen Perez-Llantada
Meeting Email: llantada at unizar.es
Web Site: http://ice.unizar.es/portfolio/?page_id=97
Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics; Sociolinguistics
Call Deadline: 15-Feb-2009
Meeting Description:
Florida International University (USA), the Center for International Business
Research (CIBER) at Florida International University (USA), and the European
Association of Languages for Specific Purposes (AELFE) hosted in Spain are
jointly organizing the 1st International Seminar on Languages for Business: A
Global Approach, and invite papers from a variety of fields, including applied
linguistics, discourse analysis, pragmatics, sociorhetoric, intercultural
rhetoric, genre studies, and language pedagogy.
Call for Papers
The seminar will take place on 5-6th June 2009, and will be hosted by the School
of Education and Tourism at the University of Salamanca in Ávila (Spain).
The seminar intends to be a meeting point for academics carrying out research on
languages for business from multidisciplinary fields. It aims at sharing
scholarly views and perceptions on the use of languages for business
communication with the purpose of enriching the integration of LSP with
professional practices and raising issues related to the discursive practices of
business professionals.
We welcome 15-minute papers on textual and discoursal analyses of languages for
business, pragmatic, intercultural and cross-cultural aspects on business
communication, socio-rhetorical and genre views of professional practices, as
well as pedagogical implications and applications of languages for business.
A 300-word proposal, together with information on the complete affiliation of
author(s), paper title, authors' telephone, fax and e-mail addresses, should be
submitted before 15th February 2009 to llantada at unizar.es. Proposals, which can
be presented either in English or in Spanish, will be evaluated by an
international scientific committee and authors will be informed of their
acceptance by 1st March 2009.
The Organizing Committee
Prof. Maida Watson (Florida International University, USA)
Associate Director Sonia Verdú (Center for International Business Research)
Prof. S. Sánchez-Reyes, Head of the School of Education and Tourism (University
of Salamanca at Ávila, Spain)
Prof. Carmen Pérez-Llantada, executive board member of AELFE (University of
Zaragoza, Spain)
-------------------------Message 2 ----------------------------------
Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2008 09:17:55
From: Markus Steinbach [steinbac at uni-mainz.de]
Subject: Nonmanuals in Sign Languages
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Full Title: Nonmanuals in Sign Languages
Short Title: NISL
Date: 04-Apr-2009 - 05-Apr-2009
Location: Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Contact Person: Annika Herrmann
Meeting Email: herrmann at lingua.uni-frankfurt.de
Web Site: http://www.germanistik.uni-mainz.de/linguistik/nisl/index.php
Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics; Syntax
Call Deadline: 01-Feb-2009
Meeting Description:
The conference wants to
- discuss recent research on nonmanual features in sign languages from a
theoretical and typological perspective
- bring together deaf and hearing linguists and junior researchers working in
the sign language research field
- establish a platform for exchange and cooperation with linguists and institutions
Call for Papers
Abstract about research on the following topics are encouraged:
- Forms and functions of nonmanuals in sign languages
- Prosody in sign languages: rhythm, prominence and intonation patterns
- Interaction between syntax and prosody
- Information structure in sign languages
- Interrelation of agreement and role shift with nonmanuals
- Marking of sentence types
- Marking of expressive meaning
- Acquisition and processing of nonmanuals
- Typological variation with respect to form and function of nonmanuals
In all Sign Languages, nonmanuals play an important role on all levels of
grammar. Sign Languages have lexical facial expressions, nonmanual morphological
marking, and various kinds of nonmanual markings on a syntactical level (i.e.
negation, topicalization, sentence types, and role shift). In addition,
semantic-pragmatic functions are often realized nonmanually.
Recent research has focused on two interesting aspects of nonmanuals, namely
multifunctionality and simultaneity. Firstly, a specific nonmanual feature can
express various grammatical functions. This multifunctionality seems to be an
inherent property of all kinds of nonmanuals. Secondly, simultaneous layering of
different articulatory channels exhibits a complex interplay between manuals and
nonmanuals on the one hand and between different kinds of nonmanuals on the other.
The workshop aims at addressing the questions of how these components of sign
language grammar can be formally and functionally distinguished, categorized,
and analyzed.
Invited Speakers:
Dany Adone (University of Koeln)
Onno Crasborn (Radboud University Nijmegen)
Roland Pfau (University of Amsterdam)
Christian Rathmann (University of Hamburg)
Please send a one-page abstract by email to
herrmann[at]lingua[dot]uni[minus]frankfurt[dot]de no later than 1. February 2009
(submission deadline).
The abstract should be anonymous and can be sent in .doc, .pdf or .tex format.
The email should contain the author(s)' name(s), affiliation(s), and postal
Notification of acceptance: 15. February 2009
Preliminary programme: 01. March 2009
Workshop: 04.-05. April 2009
Workshop website: www.germanistik.uni-mainz.de/linguistik/nisl
Annika Herrmann (University of Frankfurt)
Helen Leuninger (University of Frankfurt)
Markus Steinbach (University of Mainz)
LINGUIST List: Vol-19-3791
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