19.463, Calls: Syntax/Poland; General Ling/Bulgaria
Fri Feb 8 20:32:33 UTC 2008
LINGUIST List: Vol-19-463. Fri Feb 08 2008. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 19.463, Calls: Syntax/Poland; General Ling/Bulgaria
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Randall Eggert, U of Utah
<reviews at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 08-Feb-2008
From: Piotr Bañski < pkbanski at uw.edu.pl >
Subject: Modified: Generative Linguistics in Poland
Date: 07-Feb-2008
From: Maria Georgieva < mageorg at nlcv.net >
Subject: Bulgarian Society for British Studies
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Fri, 08 Feb 2008 15:30:41
From: Piotr Bañski [pkbanski at uw.edu.pl]
Subject: Modified: Generative Linguistics in Poland
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Full Title: Modified: Generative Linguistics in Poland
Short Title: GLiP-6
Date: 05-Apr-2008 - 06-Apr-2008
Location: University of Warsaw, Poland
Contact Person: Piotr Banski
Meeting Email: glip at uw.edu.pl
Web Site: http://generative-linguistics.pl/
Linguistic Field(s): Morphology; Phonology; Semantics; Syntax
Call Deadline: 17-Feb-2008
Meeting Description:
Please Note: this is a modified issue, the original message found at http://linguistlist.org/issues/18/18-3559.html#1
Generative Linguistics in Poland started in 1999 as an attempt to create a
'Polish generative circle' and a platform for contacts between Polish linguists
and linguists from other countries working in the generative setting. After five
successful meetings there came a break, however, and now we are coming back for the 6th meeting in April '08.
2nd Call for Papers
Invited Speakers:
- Ricardo Bermúdez-Otero, University of Manchester
- Gilbert Rappaport, University of Texas at Austin
- Jacek Witkos, University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznan
The 6th meeting of Generative Linguistics in Poland will be held on the first weekend of April 2008. Unlike most of the previous meetings, this one will have both a (morpho)syntactico-semantic and a
(morpho)phonological track. In other words, we invite abstracts on any
aspect of any generative approach, addressing issues both confined to a single domain and targeting interfaces/mappings between domains.
Talks will be organized around major topics, depending on the content of the submissions, with interface topics located at the end of Day One and the beginning of Day Two.
The format of the conference is 20 min for presentation + 10 min question time. The language of the presentations is English.
We are planning to publish a volume of conference proceedings (see our
web pages for information on the proceedings of the previous meetings).
Organizing Committee:
- Piotr Banski, University of Warsaw
- Beata Lukaszewicz, University of Warsaw
- Monika Opalinska, University of Warsaw
Accommodation at the university hotel will be provided. We can also provide assistance in finding other kinds of hotel accommodation.
Conference Fee: 200 PLN, payable on site
- Deadline for receipt of abstracts: 17 February 2008
- Notification of acceptance: 2 March 2008
- Meeting: 5-6 April 2008
Should be anonymous (i.e., they should contain no personal data or
explicit self-references) and consist of ca. 700-1000 words, together
with examples and references.
Because abstract forwarding to referees will be done by e-mail
exclusively, the following are the possible formats of attachments, in
descending order of preference:
PDF > plain text > OpenOffice Writer, Word for Windows
Only one submission per person and one joint submission will be considered. Abstracts should be written in English.
We will accept e-mail submissions exclusively.
Important: In the plain text part of your email, please supply the following information:
- name, title,
- title of the paper,
- affiliation,
- email address,
- snail mail address
Please Note: only e-mail submissions will be considered
Send your abstracts to:
GLiP-6 Organizing Committee glip at uw.edu.pl
For more information see:
-------------------------Message 2 ----------------------------------
Date: Fri, 08 Feb 2008 15:30:48
From: Maria Georgieva [mageorg at nlcv.net]
Subject: Bulgarian Society for British Studies
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Full Title: Bulgarian Society for British Studies
Short Title: BSBS
Date: 07-Nov-2008 - 09-Nov-2008
Location: Sofia, Bulgaria
Contact Person: Maria Georgieva
Meeting Email: bsbsconference at yahoo.com
Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics
Call Deadline: 30-Jun-2008
Meeting Description:
13th annual conference of the Bulgarian Society for British Studies (BSBS)
Topic: Discourses of Globalization
Time: November 7 - 9th, 2008.
Venue: Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Sofia
Call for Papers
The Bulgarian Society for British Studies (BSBS) is kindly inviting you to
its 13th annual international conference
Topic: Discourses of Globalization
Globalization is currently transforming the fundamental parameters of the
post-modern world, challenging directly the primacy of the nation-state and
national identity in their present form. Powerful forces of integration in
all spheres of life are reconstituting the world into a single social
space, creating possibilities of global identifications and shared
identities - such as 'customers for the same goods or services',
'addressees of the same messages', or 'users of the same lingua franca' -
amongst people far removed from one another in time and space.
The processes of integration are counterbalanced by equally powerful trends
of weakening and dislocating national cultures. Many scholars argue that
late modern societies no longer represent unified, well-bounded wholes,
with a well-defined centre, developing according to a single organizing
principle. They are fractured and de-centred, crosscut by different
internal antagonisms and re-composed around new political or socio-cultural
pivots conducive to the emergence of new discourses and the forging of a
plurality of identities.
The aim of the conference is to shed light on the impact of global
processes on communication. The topic can be approached from different
perspectives: meaning construction through new discourses, characteristics
of discursive practices; ways of identification and conceptualization of
human action; language policies; language manipulation; Global English and
foreign language teaching/ learning; dynamics of globalization discourses
in terms of universalization/ particularization, homogenization/
differentiation, integration/ fragmentation, etc.
We invite submissions from scholars working in the field of:
Literature and Culture Studies
General Linguistics
Discourse Analysis, Pragmatics, Sociolinguistics
Applied Linguistics, Translation Theory, Language Teaching/ Learning
Communication Studies, Intercultural Communication
History, Sociology of Language
Important Dates:
Submission deadline: June 30, 2008
Notification of acceptance: July 30, 2008
Conference dates: November 7th - 9th, 2008
Abstracts should be in a WORD or PDF file of maximum 500 words.
Submissions can be made at: bsbsconference at yahoo.com
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Maria Georgieva
LINGUIST List: Vol-19-463
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