19.177, Calls: General Ling/Poland; General Ling/USA

Tue Jan 15 21:45:31 UTC 2008

LINGUIST List: Vol-19-177. Tue Jan 15 2008. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 19.177, Calls: General Ling/Poland; General Ling/USA

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Randall Eggert, U of Utah  
         <reviews at linguistlist.org> 

Homepage: http://linguistlist.org/

The LINGUIST List is funded by Eastern Michigan University, 
and donations from subscribers and publishers.

Editor for this issue: Ania Kubisz <ania at linguistlist.org>

As a matter of policy, LINGUIST discourages the use of abbreviations
or acronyms in conference announcements unless they are explained in
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Date: 14-Jan-2008
From: Agnieszka Pysz < agape at ifa.amu.edu.pl >
Subject: 39th Poznan Linguistic Meeting 

Date: 14-Jan-2008
From: Andrea Berez < aberez at umail.ucsb.edu >
Subject: Workshop on American Indigenous Languages


-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2008 16:43:10
From: Agnieszka Pysz [agape at ifa.amu.edu.pl]
Subject: 39th Poznan Linguistic Meeting
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Full Title: 39th Poznan Linguistic Meeting 
Short Title: PLM 2008 

Date: 11-Sep-2008 - 14-Sep-2008
Location: Gniezno, Poland 
Contact Person: Agnieszka Pysz
Meeting Email: plm at ifa.amu.edu.pl
Web Site: http://ifa.amu.edu.pl/plm/ 

Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics 

Call Deadline: 01-May-2008 

Meeting Description

We are happy to announce that the 39th Poznan Linguistic Meeting (PLM2008) will
take place on 11-14 September 2008 in Gniezno, Poland. The Meeting will be
organised by the School of English, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan. 


The leitmotif of the 39th PLM will be ''Language, brain and mind: Recent
linguistic, neurolinguistic and psycholinguistic perspectives''. Proposals of
papers related to this main theme, as well as to other fields of modern
linguistics, are invited.

Each paper will be given 30 minutes, including 10 minutes for discussion. There
will also be poster sessions. The language of the conference is English.

We also invite proposals for thematic workshop sessions. Slots will be reserved
for six such sessions, 6 to 9 speakers each. Please note that the organiser(s)
of a workshop session will be expected to submit a description of the session
(to be reviewed by our International Advisory Board), solicit submissions,
organise the reviewing process, and submit a complete set of abstracts by the
main submission deadline.

All regular submissions will be reviewed by our International Advisory Board.

Please visit our website for more detailed abstract submission guidelines.

Important Dates

Submission deadline for workshop session proposals*: 15 February 2008
Notification of acceptance for workshop session proposals: 29 February 2008
Main submission deadline for all abstracts (papers, posters and workshop
sessions): 1 May 2008
Notification of acceptance for papers and posters: 1 June 2008

*A proposal for a workshop session should include a clear statement of its
objectives/topic/message (about 250 words) as well as at least four names of
proposed speakers (with affiliations) and a sample bibliography.

The Venue

Collegium Europaeum Gnesnense, is located in the city of Gniezno. The main CEG
building has lecture halls, computer labs, and offices. The CEG campus also
contains a dining-hall and a dormitory with single and double rooms, each with a
private bathroom. The campus is located within walking distance (20 minutes)
from the city centre. Accommodation in a high-standard hotel in the city centre
is also available.

Gniezno is a city of about 70,000 inhabitants, located some 50 km east of
Poznan. It boasts a history of over a thousand years, having been the first
capital of Poland in the 10th and 11th centuries. The city centre contains the
magnificent 14th-century Gniezno Cathedral, while several tourist routes
traverse the surrounding scenic countryside.

Looking forward to seeing you in Gniezno!

PLM 2008 Organising Committee
Katarzyna Dziubalska-Kolaczyk
Jaroslaw Weckwerth
Agnieszka Pysz

Contact Details:
PLM2008 Organising Committee
School of English, Adam Mickiewicz University
Collegium Novum
al. Niepodleglosci 4
61-874 Poznan, Poland
tel: (+48 61) 829 3506
fax: (+48 61) 852 3103
email: plm at ifa.amu.edu.pl
www: http://ifa.amu.edu.pl/plm/

-------------------------Message 2 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2008 16:43:17
From: Andrea Berez [aberez at umail.ucsb.edu]
Subject: Workshop on American Indigenous Languages
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Full Title: Workshop on American Indigenous Languages 
Short Title: WAIL 

Date: 23-May-2008 - 24-May-2008
Location: Santa Barbara, California, USA 
Contact Person: Joye Kiester
Meeting Email: wail.ucsb at gmail.com
Web Site: http://orgs.sa.ucsb.edu/nailsg/index.html 

Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics 

Call Deadline: 08-Feb-2008 

Meeting Description

The Linguistics department at the University of California, Santa Barbara
announces its 11th annual Workshop on American Indigenous Languages (WAIL),
which provides a forum for the discussion of theoretical and descriptive studies
of the indigenous languages of the Americas. 

3rd Call for Papers 

New: Our keynote speaker this year is Keren Rice, U. of Toronto (topic TBA).

Anonymous abstracts are invited for talks on any topic in linguistics. Talks 
will be 20 minutes, followed by 10 minutes for discussion. Abstracts should be 
500 words or less (excluding examples and/or references) and can be submitted by
hard copy or email. Individuals may submit abstracts for one single-authored and
one co-authored paper. Please indicate your source(s) and type(s) of data in the
abstract (e.g. recordings, texts, conversational, elicited, narrative, etc.).
For co-authored papers, please indicate who plans to present the paper as well
as who will be in attendance. 

Special Panel on Language Policy: This year we are welcoming abstracts for a
Special Panel on all issues concerning language policy. Talks will be 20 minutes
each, followed by a group discussion/question-and-answer period. 

For email submissions: Include the abstract as an attachment. Please limit your
abstracts to the following formats: PDF, RTF, or Microsoft Word document. 

Include the following information in the body of the email message: (1) your 
name; (2) affiliation; (3) mailing address; (4) phone number; (5) email address;
(6) title of your paper; (7) whether your submission is for the general session
or the Special Panel. 

Send email submissions to: wail.ucsb at gmail.com 

For hard copy submissions: Please send four copies of your abstract, along with
a 3x5 card with the following information: (1) your name; (2) affiliation; (3) 
mailing address; (4) phone number; (5) email address; (6) title of your paper; 
(7) whether your submission is for the general session or the Special Panel. 

Send hard copy submissions to: Workshop on American 
Indigenous Languages 
Attn: Joye Kiester or Verónica Muñoz Ledo 
Department of Linguistics 
University of California, Santa Barbara 
Santa Barbara, CA 93106 

Deadline for Receipt of Abstracts 
February 8, 2008 
Notification of acceptance will be by email no later than February 29, 2008. 

General Information: Santa Barbara is situated on the Pacific Ocean near the 
Santa Yñez Mountains. The UCSB campus is located near the Santa Barbara airport.
Participants may also fly into LAX airport in Los Angeles, which is
approximately 90 miles southeast of the campus. Shuttle buses run between LAX
and Santa Barbara. Information about hotel accommodations will be posted on our
website (http://orgs.sa.ucsb.edu/nailsg/). 

For further information contact the conference coordinators, Joye Kiester and 
Verónica Muñoz Ledo, at wail.ucsb at gmail.com or (805) 893-3776, or check out our
website at http://orgs.sa.ucsb.edu/nailsg/


LINGUIST List: Vol-19-177	


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