19.225, Calls: General Ling,Ling & Literature/Canada; Lang Acquisition/Portugal

Fri Jan 18 23:20:20 UTC 2008

LINGUIST List: Vol-19-225. Fri Jan 18 2008. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 19.225, Calls: General Ling,Ling & Literature/Canada; Lang Acquisition/Portugal

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Randall Eggert, U of Utah  
         <reviews at linguistlist.org> 

Homepage: http://linguistlist.org/

The LINGUIST List is funded by Eastern Michigan University, 
and donations from subscribers and publishers.

Editor for this issue: Ania Kubisz <ania at linguistlist.org>

As a matter of policy, LINGUIST discourages the use of abbreviations
or acronyms in conference announcements unless they are explained in
the text.

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Date: 16-Jan-2008
From: Mike Field < mike.field at utoronto.ca >
Subject: University of Toronto Levy-Wasteney Graduate Symposium 

Date: 16-Jan-2008
From: Ana Lúcia Santos < als at fl.ul.pt >
Subject: Encontro sobre Português como Língua Não Materna


-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2008 18:17:57
From: Mike Field [mike.field at utoronto.ca]
Subject: University of Toronto Levy-Wasteney Graduate Symposium
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Full Title: University of Toronto Levy-Wasteney Graduate Symposium 

Date: 14-Mar-2008 - 15-Mar-2008
Location: University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada 
Contact Person: Mike Field
Meeting Email: lwsymposium at utoronto.ca
Web Site: http://spanport.utoronto.ca/lwsymposium 

Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics; Ling & Literature 

Subject Language(s): English (eng)
                     French (fra)
                     Portuguese (por)
                     Spanish (spa)

Call Deadline: 01-Feb-2008 

Meeting Description

The Spanish and Portuguese Graduate Students' Association of the University
of Toronto is pleased to announce its 28th Annual Levy-Wasteney Graduate

Call for Papers

Levy-Wasteney 28th Annual Graduate Symposium
University of Toronto
March 14 and 15, 2008
(Trans)migrations: A Multi-Disciplinary Perspective

Dear friends and colleagues,

The Spanish and Portuguese Graduate Students' Association of the University
of Toronto is pleased to announce its 28th Annual Levy-Wasteney Graduate
Symposium. This year's symposium is entitled ''(Trans)migrations: A
Multi-Disciplinary Perspective'' and will take place at the University of
Toronto on March 14 and 15, 2008. This year, we are excited to include the
following distinguished guest speaker:

Keynote Speaker: Dr. José Ignacio Hualde
Department of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese and Department of Linguistics
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

We welcome proposals for 20-minute presentations (with an additional 10
minutes allotted for questions) on the theme of ''(Trans)migrations.'' In
order to integrate different disciplines, we encourage proposals from any
of the following fields: literature, linguistics, philosophy, history,
politics, cultural studies, cinema, and visual arts. Presentations should
focus on, but are not limited to, the Spanish and Portuguese speaking
world. Suggested, but not
exclusive, topics include: transmigration; immigration; displacements;
refugees and diaspora; testimony; cultural memory and history; historicity
and fiction; the changing ''Canon;'' hybridity, muticulturality and
heterogeneity; discourses of travel, dislocation and border-crossings;
politics of race and gender; linguistic
diversity; Babel/universal language; historical linguistics; bilingualism;
multilingualism; language transfer; code switching; loanword
morphophonology; computational linguistics; creoles and pidgin languages;
language contact, variation and change; and emerging technologies and new

Abstracts in Spanish, Portuguese, English or French must not exceed 500
words and should be accompanied by a short CV of the author.

Deadline for submissions is Friday, February 1st, 2008 (12:00ET)

Please note our new email address:

Email: lwsymposium at utoronto.ca (plain text, Microsoft Word, RTF or PDF

Mail: Spanish and Portuguese Graduate Students' Association
c/o Levy-Wasteney Symposium 2008
University of Toronto
Victoria College, Room 208
91 Charles Street West
Toronto, ON M5S 1K7

Website: http://www.spanport.utoronto.ca/lwsymposium


Symposium Committee
Spanish and Portuguese Graduate Students' Association
Department of Spanish and Portuguese
University of Toronto
lwsymposium at utoronto.ca

-------------------------Message 2 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2008 18:18:04
From: Ana Lúcia Santos [als at fl.ul.pt]
Subject: Encontro sobre Português como Língua Não Materna
E-mail this message to a friend:

Full Title: Encontro sobre Português como Língua Não Materna 

Date: 11-Apr-2008 - 12-Apr-2008
Location: Lisbon, Portugal 
Contact Person: João Costa
Meeting Email: jcosta at fcsh.unl.pt
Web Site: http://www.apl.org.pt/f_index.htm 

Linguistic Field(s): Language Acquisition 

Subject Language(s): Portuguese (por)

Call Deadline: 10-Feb-2008 

Meeting Description

This meeting aims at discussing recent results of research on all contexts of
Portuguese as L2 and at creating a forum where these results can be related to
problems of language policy and education policy. 

Call for Papers

We expect to receive abstracts reporting work on any area related to the
acquisition and learning of Portuguese as L2 (Portuguese acquired by minorities
living in Portugal, Portuguese learned in other countries, Portuguese spoken as
second language in African countries, Portuguese spoken by second generation
Portuguese emigrants), as well as work that relates research in linguistics to
language policy and / or research in educational linguistics.

Abstracts should be anonymous, should not exceed one page (A4), Times New Roman
12pt and may be written in Portuguese, Spanish, French or English. One extra
page should be included with the abstract title, the author's name, e-mail and
affiliation. The abstracts must be sent to: mail at apl.org.pt


LINGUIST List: Vol-19-225	


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