19.309, Calls: Anthropological,General Ling/USA; Anthropological Ling/Denmark

Sun Jan 27 00:56:22 UTC 2008

LINGUIST List: Vol-19-309. Sat Jan 26 2008. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 19.309, Calls: Anthropological,General Ling/USA; Anthropological Ling/Denmark

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Randall Eggert, U of Utah  
         <reviews at linguistlist.org> 

Homepage: http://linguistlist.org/

The LINGUIST List is funded by Eastern Michigan University, 
and donations from subscribers and publishers.

Editor for this issue: Ania Kubisz <ania at linguistlist.org>

As a matter of policy, LINGUIST discourages the use of abbreviations
or acronyms in conference announcements unless they are explained in
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Date: 25-Jan-2008
From: Heidi Orcutt-Gachiri < horcutt at email.arizona.edu >
Subject: Arizona Linguistics and Anthropology Symposium 

Date: 25-Jan-2008
From: Anne Fabricius < fabri at ruc.dk >
Subject: CALPIU Network Open Conference


-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Sat, 26 Jan 2008 19:54:30
From: Heidi Orcutt-Gachiri [horcutt at email.arizona.edu]
Subject: Arizona Linguistics and Anthropology Symposium
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Full Title: Arizona Linguistics and Anthropology Symposium 

Date: 09-May-2008 - 11-May-2008
Location: Tucson, Arizona, USA 
Contact Person: Heidi Orcutt-Gachiri
Meeting Email: azanli2008 at gmail.com
Web Site: http://linguistics.arizona.edu/azanli/ 

Linguistic Field(s): Anthropological Linguistics; General Linguistics 

Call Deadline: 01-Feb-2008 

Meeting Description

The Joint Program in Linguistics and Anthropology at the University of Arizona
is pleased to announce a symposium focusing on the intersections of the two fields. 

We invite the submission of abstracts for papers addressing these interests,
which include but are not limited to linguistic variation and change, formal
analysis, linguistic documentation and revitalization, interactional,
conversation, and discourse analysis, sociolinguistics, language contact, and
linguistic anthropology. Work submitted in any of these areas may focus on data
from any of the core subfields of linguistic analysis: syntax, phonology,
phonetics, semantics, pragmatics, and discourse. 

Invited Speakers

Jane Hill
Susan Philips
Keith Walters
Claire Bowern
Chris Potts
Rusty Barrett

The conference will be held May 9-11, 2008, at the University of Arizona in
Tucson, Arizona. 

Deadline for abstract submission: February 1, 2008. 

Abstracts must not exceed two pages in length, minimum 1-inch margins, minimum
12-point font. Send as a PDF to azanli2008 at gmail.com. 

Presentations will be 20 minutes long, with 10 minutes for questions. 

Conference URL: http://linguistics.arizona.edu/azanli/

-------------------------Message 2 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Sat, 26 Jan 2008 19:54:35
From: Anne Fabricius [fabri at ruc.dk]
Subject: CALPIU Network Open Conference
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Full Title: CALPIU Network Open Conference 
Short Title: CALPIU 

Date: 15-Dec-2008 - 17-Dec-2008
Location: Roskilde, Denmark 
Contact Person: Hartmut Haberland
Meeting Email: hartmut at ruc.dk
Web Site: http://www.calpiu.dk 

Linguistic Field(s): Anthropological Linguistics; Applied Linguistics;

Call Deadline: 01-May-2008 

Meeting Description

The conference is the first open conference arranged by the CALPIU network for
the study of cultural and linguistic practices in international universities.
The network focuses on the function of language in social and cultural practice
at the international university, especially the significance of language
proficiency and language choice within a context marked by the development of
power relations and hierarchies of influence. It also considers the significance
of these power relations and hierarchies of influence vis-à-vis the
organisation, didactics, learning processes and academic content of educational
programmes in the humanities and social and natural sciences. 

Call for Papers

The purpose of the upcoming conference is to discuss various aspects of the
consequences of transnational student mobility. Student mobility makes
adaptation and learning both necessary and possible; and involves cultural as
well as linguistic accommodation and learning processes. We are not only
witnessing the huge increase of the use of English as a lingua franca by
academic teachers and students, but an equally huge increase in learning and use
of other languages, as well as the development of active and passive
multilingualism and language alternation in interaction. 

There will be three keynote speakers at the conference, the two first of which
are Masako K. Hiraga, Graduate School of Intercultural Communication of Rikkyo
University, Tokyo, and Jennifer Jenkins, Department of Modern Languages at the
University of Southampton. The third speaker has not confirmed participation yet.

Papers will be organized in panels of three types:
- Featured panels (prearranged by the organizers, participation on invitation)
- Proposed Panels (proposed and arranged by participants)
- Organized panels (put together from individual paper proposals)

Each panel will consist of one or more 'slots' of 80 minutes each. A panel has a
chairperson and (optional) discussant.

We invite contributions on the following topics
- English as a lingua franca in international university programs
- Other lingue franche in international university programs
- 'Bilingual' and 'monolingual' media in learning and teaching
- The cultural role of the transnational students' mother tongue (or language of
primary literalisation) in learning in a foreign language context
- Teaching in another language
- Learning in another language
- Teacher roles and authenticity
- Language hierarchies in the international university
- Relevant study skills in an international context
- Academic literacy and ''Widening Participation'' in Higher Education
- Interactional aspects and group dynamics
- Communication, interaction and identity construction among different groups of
students and teachers (nationality, ethnicity, class, gender, race, age,
discipline etc.)

Please send proposals for papers and panels by May 1, 2008. Contact address is
until further notice: hartmut at ruc.dk.

Deadline for final registration is September 1, 2008. Details about venue,
accommodation, refunds in case of cancellation etc. will be published in the
next circular on CALPIU's web site, calpiu.dk

The CALPIU Network was initiated by a group of researchers within
sociolinguistics, conversation analysis, discourse, and communication analysis
at Roskilde University, Denmark. It now links more than 40 senior and junior
researchers from 21 universities and research centres in Denmark, other Nordic
countries (Finland, Norway and Sweden), and beyond (Australia, Japan, India,
China, UK, and Spain).

The aim of the CALPIU network is to prepare an international Centre for Cultural
and Linguistic Practices in the International University, and thereby to
coordinate Danish, Nordic and international research into a new theoretical
understanding of internationalization processes currently underway in
universities and other institutions of higher education. The Network is funded
by the Danish Research Council for Culture and Communication.


LINGUIST List: Vol-19-309	


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