19.365, Calls: General Ling/Taiwan; Cog Sci,Computational Ling/Morocco

Thu Jan 31 18:34:11 UTC 2008

LINGUIST List: Vol-19-365. Thu Jan 31 2008. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 19.365, Calls: General Ling/Taiwan; Cog Sci,Computational Ling/Morocco

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Randall Eggert, U of Utah  
         <reviews at linguistlist.org> 

Homepage: http://linguistlist.org/

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and donations from subscribers and publishers.

Editor for this issue: F. Okki Kurniawan <okki at linguistlist.org>

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Date: 30-Jan-2008
From: Grace Huang < conf at sinica.edu.tw >
Subject: A Dialogue Between Historical and Theoretical Linguistics 

Date: 30-Jan-2008
From: Thora Tenbrink < tenbrink at uni-bremen.de >
Subject: Methodologies for Processing Spatial Language


-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2008 13:29:54
From: Grace Huang [conf at sinica.edu.tw]
Subject: A Dialogue Between Historical and Theoretical Linguistics
E-mail this message to a friend:

Full Title: A Dialogue Between Historical and Theoretical Linguistics 

Date: 14-Jul-2008 - 16-Jul-2008
Location: Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan 
Contact Person: Grace Huang
Meeting Email: conf at sinica.edu.tw
Web Site: http://www.ling.sinica.edu.tw/ 

Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics 

Call Deadline: 31-Mar-2008 

Meeting Description:

This conference will consist in establishing a dialogue between historical and theoretical linguistics. Papers will deal with topics on any aspect regarding the formal linguistic analysis of any language. 

Call for Papers

Abstracts are invited for 30 minutes talks (20 minutes presentations and 10 minutes question-and-answer period) on any aspect pertaining to the formal linguistic analysis of any language. Applicants are limited to only one singly-authored and one jointly-authored abstract.
Abstracts should be anonymous and should not exceed one A4 page with a 2.5cm margin on each side and in at least 12 pt. Times New Roman font. Full paper is not required. A second page should contain the following information: 
1. paper title; 
2. name(s) of author(s); 
3. affiliation(s) of author(s); 
4. e-mail address to which notification of acceptance or rejection should be sent.

All material is to be submitted in pdf. Non-standard fonts should be avoided wherever possible, and if necessary should be embedded in the pdf. document.  Please indicate the subfield (historical linguistics, theoretical linguistics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, etc.) to which you consider your abstract belongs at the bottom of the first page.

Abstracts are to be submitted via e-mail, beginning February 1, 2008, at conf at sinica.edu.tw with the e-mail title ''name of the author: A Dialogue Between Historical Linguistics and Theoretical Linguistics'' (e.g., 'John Smith: A Dialogue Between Historical Linguistics and Theoretical Linguistic'). The deadline for abstract(s) submission is March 31, 2008. Authors will be notified of the results of their abstract review by April 30, 2008. Note that only abstracts e-mailed before the final deadline and only those following the guidelines specified above will be considered for review.

-------------------------Message 2 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2008 13:29:59
From: Thora Tenbrink [tenbrink at uni-bremen.de]
Subject: Methodologies for Processing Spatial Language
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Full Title: Methodologies for Processing Spatial Language 

Date: 31-May-2008 - 31-May-2008
Location: Marrakech, Morocco 
Contact Person: Thora Tenbrink
Meeting Email: tenbrink at uni-bremen.de
Web Site: http://www.lrec-conf.org/lrec2008/IMG/ws/Spatial.pdf 

Linguistic Field(s): Cognitive Science; Computational Linguistics 

Call Deadline: 15-Feb-2008 

Meeting Description:

The goal of the workshop is to provide a forum for researchers to share ongoing research on spatial language processing, with the aim of moving towards a set of community standards. 

Second Call for Papers

Methodologies and Resources for Processing Spatial Language
(Workshop at LREC 2008)

This workshop will be held at the sixth international conference on Language
Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2008 (http://www.lrec-conf.org/lrec2008/), in Marrakech, Morocco on 31 May, 2008. (The main conference will be held 28-30 May 2008).

The time is ripe for the development and standardization of computational
resources for processing spatial language: the ubiquitous use of digital
geographic resources (e.g., Mapquest and Google Earth) has resulted in a surge of practical interest in location-based services; spoken-language interfaces for navigation systems are becoming widespread; the publishing of
geographically-relevant information in Google Earth's Keyhole Markup Language (KML) and other formats is now common; several commercial products for geo-coding text in different languages are now available and have a growing user base. Many of the technologies and resources used are, however, proprietary and task-specific.

There is a need for versatile and comprehensive methodologies for mapping
natural language expressions that describe locations, orientations and paths to the geospatial entities they refer to and for encoding the spatial relationships among the entities described. This workshop aims to address this need and to focus research on the development of standardized resources to support the understanding and generation of spatial language on a large scale. These resources include spatial annotation schemes and systems for spatial reasoning as well as spatial ontologies, and might be applied to applications in information retrieval, visualization, data mining, etc. In addition, research into spatial processing may be informed by results from psycholinguistics, particularly the acquisition and processing of spatial language, as well as theoretical perspectives such as those offered by cognitive linguistics, artificial intelligence, and usage-based approaches.

We invite submissions of papers and demonstrations related to the development of or evaluation of resources, tools, and frameworks for understanding and generating spatial expressions in natural language. 

Topics of Interest include:
- resources for linguistic analysis of spatial descriptions
- gazetteers and databases for geospatial annotation and natural language
- mining of resources like wikipedia to build resources for processing spatial
- spatial ontologies for natural language
- annotating topological, distance, and orientation relations
- tools to support spatial annotation
- tools for interpreting and generating spatial descriptions
- disambiguation of spatial descriptions
- generating textual descriptions of spatial locations, entities, and paths from
geospatial data
- cognitive and artificial intelligence perspectives on spatial language
- linking natural language with other areas of spatial reasoning.

Assuming there are sufficient high quality papers, the prospect of an edited
volume or journal special issue will be discussed at the workshop.

Invited speaker: 
John Bateman (Bremen)

Related Links:
- SpatialML http://sourceforge.net/projects/spatialml
- CIKM workshop series http://www.geo.unizh.ch/~rsp/gir07/
- GeoCLEF evaluation http://ir.shef.ac.uk/geoclef/

Submissions deadline: 15 February 2008
Notification to authors: 15 March 2008
Final copies due: 2 April 2008
Workshop: 31 May 2008

Submission Format:
Technical papers should be no more than 8 pages in length and should follow the style for submissions to the main LREC conference.

Note: In case the LREC conference style files aren't available, please use the ACL'2008 style files, at: http://www.ling.ohio-state.edu/acl08/stylefiles.html

Reviewing will be non-blind, so authors can include their names on the paper.

We also invite submissions of short papers (3 pages in length) describing
demonstrations (in the same LREC style). Demo papers must include a concise abstract that describes what the demo is intended to convey, and should also include screen shots. As the computing facilities in the workshop room are limited, demonstrations are possible only if no additional facilities are needed. Please contact tenbrink-at-uni-bremen.de for details.

All submissions, in pdf format only, should be sent to tenbrink-at-uni-bremen.de .

- Graham Katz (Georgetown)
- Inderjeet Mani (MITRE)
- Thora Tenbrink (Bremen)

Program Committee:
- Nicholas Asher (IRIT/CNRS)
- Janet Hitzeman (MITRE)
- Alexander Klippel (Penn State)
- Andras Kornai (MetaCarta)
- Jochen Leidner (Edinburgh)
- Amit Mukerjee (IIT Kanpur)
- James Pustejovsky (Brandeis)
- Ehud Reiter (Aberdeen)
- Frank Schilder (Thomson)
- Nicola Stokes (Melbourne)
- Andrea Tyler (Georgetown)
- Peter Viechnicki (Board on Geographic Names)
- Laure Vieu (IRIT/CNRS)
- Stephan Winter (Melbourne)

LINGUIST List: Vol-19-365	


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