19.2215, Confs: Cognitive Science/Germany
Fri Jul 11 18:14:27 UTC 2008
LINGUIST List: Vol-19-2215. Fri Jul 11 2008. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 19.2215, Confs: Cognitive Science/Germany
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Randall Eggert, U of Utah
<reviews at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 11-Jul-2008
From: Matthias Irmer < mirmer at uni-leipzig.de >
Subject: 3rd International Conference of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2008 14:08:22
From: Matthias Irmer [mirmer at uni-leipzig.de]
Subject: 3rd International Conference of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association
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3rd International Conference of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association
Short Title: GCLA-08/DGKL-08
Date: 25-Sep-2008 - 27-Sep-2008
Location: Leipzig, Germany
Contact: Doris Schoenefeld
Contact Email: doris.schoenefeld at ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Meeting URL: http://www.uni-leipzig.de/~gcla08
Linguistic Field(s): Cognitive Science
Meeting Description:
The third international conference of the German Cognitive Linguistics
Association (GCLA/DGKL) will take place in Leipzig, Germany, from
September, 25 to 27, 2008. It is organized by the Linguistics Department at
the Institute of English and American Studies at Leipzig University.
Third International Conference of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association
Leipzig, Germany, September 25 - 27, 2008
Conference Programme
The full programme including abstracts can be found on the conference web site:
Thursday, 25/09/2008
Opening & Plenary Talk:
Bernard Comrie ''Confessions of a Mentalist, with Particular Regard to Numeral
General Session A1: Metaphor & Metonymy
General Session B1: Concepts & Categories
General Session C1: L1 Acquisition
Theme Session: Prototypicality, Gradience and Fuzziness in Cognitive Linguistics
Theme Session: Motivation in Gesture
Birte Lönneker-Rodman & Behrang Mohit ''Translation of the Non-Literal: Evidence
from an Aligned Corpus''
Reka Benczes ''Repetitions Which Are Not Repetitions: The Non-Redundant Nature
of Tautological Compounds''
Gerlind Große ''Infants Appreciate Cooperativeness in Imperative Communication''
Nuria del Campo Martínez & Francisco José Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez ''Metaphor and
Metonymy in Oblique Subject Alternations''
Hans-Joerg Schmid ''Lexical Evidence for Linguistic Determinism: A Contrastive
Study of Compounds''
Rasmus Steinkrauss ''Was für Fragen? - The Impact of Functional Factors on L1
Christine Sing ''A New Perspective An An `Old Problem` - A Discourse-Based
Account of the Polysemy of the Adjective `New`''
Daniel Casasanto ''Do Mandarin and English Speakers Really Think About Time
Aivars Glaznieks ''Children's Verbal and Non-Verbal Means of Intensifying
Plenary Talk:
Gerard Steen ''Is Metaphor Always A Matter of Thought? A Case Study in
Converging Evidence.''
General Session A2: Metaphor & Metonymy
General Session B2: Lexical Semantics
General Session C2: L1 Acquisition
Theme Session: Prototypicality, Gradience and Fuzziness in Cognitive Linguistics
Theme Session: Motivation in Gesture
Dagmara Dowbor ''The Case of `Over` Revisited: Results From a Corpus-Linguistic
Analysis and Further Proposals''
Anna Vogel ''A Cognitive Approach to Opposites: The Case of Swedish Levande
`Alive` and Död `Dead`''
Dorothé Salomo & Eileen Graf, Elena Lieven, Michael Tomasello ''Young Children's
Sensitivity to Joint Attention and Joint Context In the Use of Referring
Patrick Farrell ''The Conceptual Semantics of the English Preposition `With`''
Reijirou Shibasaki ''Conceptual Change and Informational Change: Toward a Deeper
Understanding of Semantic Change''
Silvana Poltrock & Barbara Höhle, Uli Sauerland ''Implicit Measuring of
Children`s Comprehension of Sentences Containing a Complement Taking Mental Verb
- Evidence from Eye-tracking -''
Tatiana Reznikova & Anastassia Bonch-Osmolovskaia, Ekaterina Rakhilina
''Metaphors and Conceptualizations of PAIN''
Magdalena Derwojedowa & Magdalena Zawislawska, Jadwiga Linde-Usiekniewicz ''A
FrameNet for Polish''
Silke Brandt & Evan Kidd, Elena Lieven, Michael Tomasello ''The Discourse Basis
of Relativization: German and English-Speaking Children`s Performance on Object
Relatives Across Different Methods''
Mareike Buss & Jörg Jost ''Organizing Meaning Through Multimodal Metaphors: A
Case Study in Financial Advertising''
Julia Wrede ''Zum Verhältnis von Kognition und Kultur in der lexikalischen
Semantik - eine korpuslinguistische Untersuchung''
Insa Gülzow & Thomas Roeper ''Verb Semantics versus Grammaticality: German
Children's Comprehension of Reciprocity and Reflexivity Markers in Symmetrical
and Non-Symmetrical Events''
Tina Krennmayr ''Identifying Linguistic Metaphor in News Texts''
Christiane Hümmer ''Korpusdaten und kognitive Kategorien - eine Untersuchung
anhand von quasi-synonymen Mehrworteinheiten''
Gitte Kristiansen ''Linguistic Stereotyping and Lectal Acquisition: An Empirical
Official Reception (Städtisches Kaufhaus)
Friday, 26/09/2008
Plenary Talk:
Stefan Th. Gries ''Quantification and Converging Evidence in Cognitive
Linguistics: What I'd Like To See More Of, And What I'd Like To See Less Of''
General Session A3: Metaphor & Metonymy
General Session B3: Construction Grammar
General Session C3: Typology
Theme Session: Empirical Evidence
Theme Session: A Comprehensive Cognitive Approach to Lexicology
Christian Langerfeld ''Metaphern im deutschen und norwegischen
Wirtschaftsdiskurs: Ein korpus-linguistischer Ansatz''
Anatol Stefanowitsch ''Levels of Schematicity in Grammatical Constructions:
Corpus-Based Evidence and Theoretical Implications''
Johan Pedersen ''The Construction of Macro Events - A Typological Perspective''
Stephan Vierkant ''Metaphor in German Live Radio Football Commentary''
Volker Harm ''Fusion, Blends, and Recategorization: On the Relationship between
Verbs and Constructions''
General Session A4: Meaning & Frequency
General Session B4: Construction Grammar
General Session C4: L2 Acquisition
Theme Session: Empirical Evidence
Theme Session: A Comprehensive Cognitive Approach to Lexicology
Arne Zeschel ''Item-Based Effects In Metaphorical Language Use''
Barbara Schlücker ''Naming Strategies Between Syntax and Lexicon''
Åsta Haukås ''Input Frequency and the Acquisition of the German Unreal Conditional''
Sandra Handl ''The Entrenchment of Metonymic Mappings: Frequency and Conceptual
Beate Hampe ''Watching Syntactic Networks Grow''
Nina Reshöft ''He Fell In His Own Running: Motion Verbs in the Interlanguage of
Romance Learners of English''
Juliana Goschler & Anatol Stefanowitsch ''Frequency and Centrality in Lexical
Kerstin Fischer ''Deriving Relations between Grammatical Constructions from
Child-Directed Speech''
Eleonora Alexandra Vraciu ''Final Stages of L2 Acquisition by Catalan and French
Learners of English: The Case of the Progressive''
Plenary Talk:
Holger Diessel ''The Linear Structuring of Complex Sentences: Converging
Evidence from Linguistic Typology and Corpus linguistics''
General Session A5: Embodiment
General Session B5: Aspect & Constructions
Theme Session: Empirical Evidence
Theme Session: A Comprehensive Cognitive Approach to Lexicology
Poppy Siahaan ''The Embodied Model Of Mind. Does It Apply to German and
Indonesian? ''
Stefan Fuhs ''The Aspectual Character of the English Durative Adverbial
Construction [for TIMEINTERVAL] - A Corpus-Based Investigation''
Alexander Ziem & Sven Staffeldt ''Der Körper in der Sprache: zur Semantik von
Somatismen aus Sicht des embodiment-Theorems''
Silke Höche ''I Am About to Die or I Am Going to Die - Does It Matter? A
Comparison Between Two Constructions Indicating Future Time''
Yoshiharu Takeuchi & Hiroyuki Miyashita ''Negation als koerperlich fundierte
Kognition - Aus einer Betrachtung der mit sprachlichen Aeusserungen
kookurrierenden Gestik''
Francisco Cortés Rodríguez ''On Lexical-Constructional Subsumption Processes:
The Case of the Inchoative Construction''
General meeting of the GCLA
Conference Dinner (Panorama Tower Leipzig)
Saturday, 27/09/2008
Plenary Talk:
Seana Coulson T.B.A.
Poster Session (with coffee break)
Hsia Ai-Wen ''Third Tone Sandhi in Mandarin Chinese: Ambiguous Tone Processing
in Sentence Context Among Non-native Speakers''
Somsukla Banerjee, Achla Raina, Harish Karnick ''Modelling Concept Space''
Reka Benczes & Susanne Borgwaldt ''Constraints and Variation in Word Formation:
A Cross-Linguistic Study on Novel Compounding''
Ana Teresa Contier & Marcio Lobo Netto ''Proposition: A Common Element in the
Narrative and Paradigmatic Thinking?''
Natalia Furaschowa ''Kognitive Mechanismen der Entstehung von sekundären
Bedeutungen (am Beispiel der Handlungsverben im Deutschen)''
Sanjukta Ghosh ''An Image-Schematic Study of the Polysemy of the Hindi Verb
Cao Haiyan ''Mental Space Theory, Space Builder, English Teaching, Exercise Form''
Wang Huili & Liu Wenyu ''Neural Bases of Asymmetric Language Switching in
Chinese Second-Language Learners: An ERP Study''
Sixta Quaßdorf ''Shakespeare, Mousetraps and Indirect Directions: Quotations and
Allusions as a Linguistic Phenomenon''
Helge Skirl ''Emergence in Metaphor Interpretation''
Daniela Wawra ''Empathizing and Systemizing Brains: The Cognitive Basis of
Gender-Typical Language Use''
General Session A6: Discourse
General Session B6: Specific Constructions
General Session C6: Language Processing
Theme Session: Constructing Meaning in the Field of Taste
Theme Session: Re-Constructing Meaning
Sylvie Hancil ''Emergence of Sentence-Final `but`: Evidence from Northern English''
Elma Kerz ''Register-Specific Partially Lexically Filled Constructions: A Case
Study of the Use of Research Verbs in Academic Texts''
Vitor Zimmerer & Patricia E. Cowell, Rosemary A. Varley ''Using Artificial
Grammar Learning to Find Recursive Syntax Processing in Humans''
Anita Fetzer ''Theme Zones in Context: Forms and Functions''
Thomas Egan ''Perception and Conception: The `See X to be Y` Construction from a
Cognitive Perspective''
Denisa Bordag & Thomas Pechmann ''Encoding of Grammatical Gender and
Declensional Class: Evidence from the Picture - Word Interference Paradigm''
General Session A7: Discourse
General Session B7: Specific Constructions
General Session C7: Sociolinguistics
Theme Session: Constructing Meaning in the Field of Taste
Theme Session: Re-Constructing Meaning
Elisabeth Zima & Kurt Feyaerts ''Negotiating Meaning in Social Interaction: The
Case of Creative Interruptive Comments in Parliamentary Debates''
Arne Zeschel & Anatol Stefanowitsch ''Elliptical Measure Noun Constructions: A
Cognitive Approach''
Daniel Wiechmann & Conor Snoek ''Lexicon Expansion in Tok Pisin: A Quantitative
Corpus Linguistic Perspective''
Geert Brône & Elisabeth Zima ''A Cognitive Linguistic Model of Joint Actions -
The Case of Resonance Activation in Spontaneous Multi-Agent Discourse''
Ad Backus & Maria Mos ''Islands of (im)productivity in Corpus Data and
Acceptability Judgments: Contrasting Two Potentiality Constructions in Dutch''
Dirk Geeraerts & Veronika Szelid ''Usage-Based Dialectology''
Olaf Jäkel ''Planet Pluto: A Conceptual Contest in Scientific Expert Discourse''
Maurice Vliegen ''Kommunikationsverben im Deutschen: Subjektivität und
Redewiedergabe ''
Andreas Langlotz ''Cognitive Linguistics and Cognitive Microethnography''
Plenary Talk:
Günter Radden ''Generic Reference: An Instance of the INSTANCE FOR TYPE Metonymy''
Closing Session
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